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Everything posted by agent1607307371

  1. Sounds to me like she wants the marriage (security and companionship, splitting of costs and responsibilities), just not the husband. I think you will be happier when you find someone who wants you to be a full partner to them.
  2. For a while. After a day of being completely shaven I can't feel anything. And a very short trim is often very itchy. I just let mine do what it wants (I love my pubic hair) and keep the edges neat.
  3. She's a person not an animal to train. Fact is if you try to control her because you think it's right, you shouldn't be in the relationship with her. If she doesn't accept the same things as you or behave as you want her to behave then she is not the person you want. As for the lip rings, you have a right to your opinion but it's her body and she can only take your feelings into account and then do what she see's fit. Also, if you trusted her, you wouldn't put any stock in what these other people are saying. Rumours have a life of their own and hardly ever are the truth. They have a way of becoming distorted.
  4. When you lived with your parents you were a child. Now you're living with your wife you are an adult and as such, have to suck it up. When you want to play grown up you can't just do it half-way. Don't forget that now she is paying for you to stay at home all day her bills are now for two people, can she really afford the cost in the long run? She is probably looking to the future and freaking out that you're going to become a chronic couch potato. The longer you don't have a job, the harder it gets to get one. You get used to staying home, the gap looks bigger on your cv and puts employers off. You have to get a job that is appropriate for your skill level, and if that means manual labour for a while, it is what it is.
  5. I have a crappy job. I hate it, but just getting up in the morning and earning my own money makes me feel good. Plus having a current job on a CV or application looks much better to prospective employers than N/A in the space.
  6. I feel that if a man is mature enough to be in a committed relationship, it's with someone who is his equal and not another mother. I don't believe in traditional domestic roles, I believe that housework be split 50/50. Two people live in it, two people take care of it.
  7. That is not an indicator of homosexuality. Low sex drive, problems with his pipes, or just not being attracted to their partner come to mind much earlier on. Maybe she just likes men who are not as "macho" as society dictates they should be. If I were a particularly feminine girl, I could see how that might be an attractant. More importantly, if these men may be gay, why are they dating a girl? Besides, who cares what others think? They're not the ones in the relationship.
  8. What are the qualities the men possess that make others question their heterosexuality?
  9. A wedding is a high pressure time no matter the size, I think asking to move the rafting to so close to the wedding is highly selfish and not giving any thought to how it will affect others. If she wants to raft so badly, she can go at the time that was already decided on or arrange a trip for after the wedding.
  10. Sex while a woman is on her period is fine, in fact it can be very pleasurable because of the extra lubrication menses provide. Just make sure that she's not in discomfort from it first and use contraception. Oral is also fine, either unprotected if neither of you have any std's/are squeamish about blood or you can use dental damns (or clingfilm at a push, again only is there are no std's.) for a barrier. And yeah, put down dark towels or sheets for the mess.
  11. Why have you never met any of them? Thats a big red flag to me and the first thing I'd change.
  12. Honestly, I would end it anyway. Do you really wanting to be having sex with someone you had to coerce into it?
  13. Her behaviour is acceptable. It's her sex drive and her body and if she just doesn't want sex (doesn't want help if there is a problem), there isn't a lot you can do about it. Some people just aren't that into it. It's unfortunate as it can be a black spot on otherwise wonderful relationships, I suggest you think about how important a part of a relationship sex is to you.
  14. I'm 5' 2" and my ex was 14 inches over that, and we had no problems. Tab A and Slot B still fit. Only advice I'd give is to stretch your hamstrings if he's big with it, men with wider hips that you can be bit uncomfortable after a while.
  15. It depends on how positive the investment is really. My (natural) parents were overly invested in me as a child and all they managed to do was mess me up. It can be positive, but at the same time can easily go the other way (though not be design).
  16. Because flirting is a form of social interaction, and when somebody tells you that they find you attractive, why not flirt a little. It's not a promise that they want to take it further.
  17. First off, taking time out sounds like a very good plan. Don't think of it as a failurre, think of it as a strategic retreat, ginving yourself time to regroup and sort your strategy out. As for your aunt, feel sorry for her. It sounds like she must not have a lot going for her if she thinks gossiping about family members is acceptable behaviour.
  18. Does she have a history of abuse as a child or abusive relationships? Because that was my first thought when you said she had to be drunk to have sex with you. There is something in her that warped her experience of sexual behaviour.
  19. One of the best ways to change the way somebody communicates with you is to change the way you communicate with them. Your end of the conversation was quite negative and I would feel attacked if someone spoke to me like that so I can see why he shut it down. Try to express your feelings without bringing his accomplishments and dreams down. Though it's painful to feel like you just sit inside all day while he is on the up and up, at some point I'm sure it will be the other way around. Try to see it as something good for you and your baby as well as him. (And I'm sure that he won't be doing 20hr days even if he does get the job. It's excessive and will exhaust him to the point where he wouldn't be physically able to manage it anyway.) That said, if I moved to a town where my so was very popular and I had no one, I'd be down too. Is there any way you can get out and about and meeting people? Maybe baby/toddler groups where there will be other new mothers to talk to and get to know.
  20. Digital cameras and point and shoots both have their plus and negatives. I'd say stick with the equipment you already own and are familiar with. And a class sounds like a good place to learn more about your interest. Books, articles and experience all bring knowledge but having someone who can help you is invaluable and can save you a lot of time and tears.
  21. Don't bother with toys until you learn how to use your hands.
  22. That's good, because if it had been less than that, my advice would have been to get away from him asap! If his behaviour has come on over a short period of time and he is not the man you married, it's most likely that some event has occurred to bring it out in him. Has he been under any unusual stresses lately? How long has his dad been sick? Anything could have triggered it, and I think he needs to be told that it has to change/he needs to speak with someone about it. His behaviour towards you is in no way acceptable though, cruel and unnecesaary, and it really needs to stop.
  23. link removed has a lot of information and forums that will be helpful for you.
  24. I think that sometimes we like to catch up with people we knew, see what's going on in their lives. And if they didn't part on bad terms I could understand it. But it would make me worried if it was being hidden. It's not ironic that she mails him at set times, I don't know why she does it, but it's not 10 e-mails a day. And if he told you he'd stop, why are you removing his opportunity to show his trustworthiness. That said, I do not agree with deleting mail addressed to your bf at all. It shows insecurity and a lack of trust.
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