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Everything posted by agent1607307371

  1. Maybe myspace is different in America, but here it's just a website. Maybe she added you because you sent her an add, that's what many people do. Asking her why she wasn't behaving like a friend is quite passive aggressive, depending on how you said it. But this girl never expressed any interest in you, never lead you on and in fact was quite upfront with the fact that she didn't have those feelings. You have to just let it go, stop questioning why she did or didn't do something, not look so deep into things. Keep yourself occupied and try move onto other girls.
  2. Did she have any bad qualities? Snored, picked her nose, always late, spoke about people behind their backs, a mole? Whenever you see her concentrate on those bad things. Emphasise them and ask yourself why you were with someone who was not so great. Really concentrate on it.
  3. If she is making you uncomfortable, don't sacrifice yourself to try to feel like you're doing the correct thing. You don't have to stay in a friendship that contravenes your moral beliefs. You can wish her well and wish her goodbye. It's not your job to take care of her ok. Don't take it all on yourself, you'll just end up stressed out and feeling bad. That said, if she is dwelling on the abortion, maybe you could recommend that she goes to see a therapist for a few sessions to deal with it. Really, that's all you can do.
  4. The penis is a hilarious thing, being attracted to men does not mean you feel love for their genitalia. I think it's more of a familiarity thing (that and women just being better looking than men physically - sorry men ). That said, if you're not comfortable being sexually active with your bf, don't be. Honestly, stay at a level that is comfortable for you. You're still young and even thought it might seem like everyone else is doing it, they're not. Don't listen to your friends. Only you can decide how you'd like to be identified, some people never truly settle on one label, don't feel pressure to do so yourself.
  5. Abortion is one of the hardest decisions you can make, but if you can't look at her and see your friend then it is probably better for her that you don't stay in her life.
  6. I hate to say it, but she really doesn't owe you one. She's going through a rough time and trying to do what's right for her. It might not be what you want, but it is what is. You can e-mail her to ask about it, but rather just leave it alone and eventually she might be in a place to be friendly with you again.
  7. He was being rude. You were not. I wouldn't have replied to him even if he was a match for me because of the attitude he has.
  8. Honestly, if his porn habit is problem for you in a way that may exacerbate your eating disorders then you need to either not live with him or not be with him. I get the feeling that it isn't his watching the porn that is the main problem but that he knows your issues and exposes you to it. Until he makes an effort not to expose you to it, you need to be proactive and making sure you're not in a place where you will be.
  9. Her just not wanting to have sex, or her not wanting to have sex on an hour lunch break. Because I can't say I'd blame her if that's the case. If that's not the case and she doesn't want sex often it could be a variety of things and you should sit down and have a talk with her about it. She shouldn't have to defend herself and her body. She said she didn't have time for sex, you said ok, and then she has to defend herself and why are you calling her about it when she's at work? Thats not the time to ring her if you want a proper discussion about it.
  10. I second movingon ups advice. Meeting people doesn't need to be expensive, and if you're doing something you enjoy then that will translate to people who will enjoy being around you. (also, fear not. I read comics and know several people who also do so, and are most definitely not virgins. some even met through comics so... just an idea )
  11. I think the anger is a sign of progress. It means that you recognise that you weren't being treated you in the way you deserve to be treated. Anger is seen as a negative emotion, but it can be cleansing. Just let it go through you and don't get stuck in it and it can be a great motivator.
  12. How can your relationship be that good if you have to live with the threat of these theatrics hanging over your head? I can't imagine it's good for your peace of mind. I don't think it's wrong of you to give her a last chance, but that must be it. You deserve someone who will commit to you without all the drama, and at 42 she is waaaay old enough to know better. It's also possible that she has come back to you precisely because she has nowhere to go. Make sure she looks for an apartment and takes it. Don't let yourself be used for what she can get from you.
  13. Take up a physical activity. Go hit a punch bag... That said, I don't think your friend has a right to be telling you that your feelings aren't right. If you can keep your anger down, do it. Don't let the negative emotions hold onto you - let it go and you'll be happier.
  14. It could be that when faced with the fantasy becoming reality, they back away. Or that they're not ready to take it to the next level after that number of e-mails. Maybe sit on your hands and wait a little longer It is dating sites that you're meeting these men on right? And agreed, if you arrange to meet these men, make sure you have protections in places, such as public settings and a silent alarm.
  15. And she keeps after you? Then she is not as kind-hearted as you make her out to be. If she's so smart then she knows what she's doing and is not your friend. Also, while you go to pains to tell us about your gf's qualities, that she is smart and kind-hearted and going places, all you tell us about your wife is that she has no college degree and is not as smart as the other girl. Think about that. You have to sit the other girl down and tell her point blank to leave you alone. You say you are not good at rejecting people, but think about the outcome it could have. The negative outweighs any positive by a long, long way. You have to suck it up and just do it. Quickly, like ripping a plaster off.
  16. If your so has let it go, you have to too. You have to forgive yourself first. You made a mistake, but you're human and that's what we do. Only you can decide whether to tell your partner, and I'd take into account a) how deeply s/he is likely to be hurt by it. (There's causing someone Pain, and then there's PAIN), b) how likely they are to find out about it, and c) how likely it is that you can move past it yourself.
  17. I think you're jumping to conclusions really. It's most likely that since you spend so much time with her, that she is using you as a template for what it feels like to be loved, not that she wants you to have sex with her. And if you are her only friend, then she is going to share this with you, it's not really a conversation to have with parents. And dying makes you horny. I know that sounds awful, but when your body begins to die, your dna goes into overload trying to get itself replicated.
  18. Make sure she really doesn't want to stop when she says it though. (Use a safe word.) Because carrying on when a woman says stop is just wrong on so many levels, ok.
  19. That could explain some of it. I'm glad you've decided to live in the present, remember, it's a gift.
  20. Make it known that if he doesn't leave her alone that you will get the police involved. Exposing himself is sexual harassment, if he's making your gf feel uncomfortable and basically stalking her the police will take it seriously and probably have a chat with him to warn him off.
  21. If she feels ashamed of it, then I can see why she might have omitted it. More for her own sake than yours... And it happened before you were exclusive and possibly before you were even seeing each other. That said, I stand by the saying "believe half of what you see and none of what you hear." Your sister is telling you a lot of what she's "heard" but unless you can absolutely verify a source, it's not worth anything. If it truly bothers you, talk to her. She's who you're in a relationship with.
  22. I can understand her not wanting to continue because it gets too intense. It's the most hellish amount of stimulation... It could be that she isn't ready not just for sex, but for the level of sexual activity you're engaging in right now. She has to want to do it for her, not for you or some ideal of a shared orgasm (that is pretty, but is it that common...?)
  23. How old are you, and how long have you been married. Being married (or in a committed relationship) doesn't turn off our attraction to other people, and wanting to spend the night with this man isn't a moral wrong, it's one of the effects of being a sexual being. That said, it would be wrong to cheat on your husband. Monogamy isn't a state of mind, I don't believe that could ever happen, but a behaviour, choosing your partner not just the first time, but every day after that. That said, if you want a non-monogamous relationship then the first thing you must do is tell your husband as he has every right to choose whether that type of relationship is for him. Talk with him about your feelings.
  24. Are you in a relationship with him? Cause otherwise I would go and find someone who was more in tune with what I want. On the Domming, just remember that it is about you. Don't ask, tell. Don't tell, do. Make him ask. Tease. Physically move him. And don't forget that if you have any particularly subby activities (headspace probably not going to happen) that you can tell him to spank you, talk dirty ect...
  25. Exercise and weight loss can decrease the size of breasts, the state of the skin and the extent of sagging will be dependent on your age (and thus the elasticity of your skin) your current weight and and how you lose weight. Exercising with weights to tone would also help. Breasts also have the mammary gland in there, so you would only be able to lose a certain amount of size however. Women who go in for reductions have to lose a certain amount of weight to show that they need the reduction as their size is due to the gland and not the surrounding fat.
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