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Everything posted by robowarrior

  1. The meaning of life is to love and help others. You serve her, and she serves you, this means both of you make an investment into making eachother happy. That's right, couples are supposed to make eachother happy. And that is exactly where you go wrong. Woman reason on an emotional level , you reason on a level where you 'provide'. When she told you 'im cold' , you should have hugged her and let your body warm her. That would have been an emotional display of affection of your love for her. You however who operated on a rational level simply turned the heater on. Right in terms of rationality, wrong in terms of emotional support. Same thing counts for that appartment. Of course its rationally the correct thing to make arrangements that if everything falls apart, you and her can bail out and go your separate ways. But do you think she wants hear that on an emotional level? Hell no, do you want to hear your going to face possible seperation, possibly losing your job ,or your life reason soon? Most likely not. So the end conclusion is. Treat her on an emotional level with love and effection in a way that she likes to be treated. Woman like the idea of 'being together', and doing great things together. And being eachothers support in hard and trying times. Woman use their emotions to sort things out. So your bound to be in trouble if you don't forfill her emotional needs. If you understand that, you can still save the relationship you have with her. It doesn't have to be this way, if when dealing with her you can switch yourself on her emotional frequency and forfill her emotional needs.
  2. if you reopen old wounds your bound to get hurt. Its tempting but give a wound time to heal and let it be closed for all eternity.
  3. Woman don't want a jerk, they want someone who is confident. If you are goal orientated and know exactly what you want in life, then that part of confidence will attract woman. What is more, if you are 'nice' (replace that word with safe) then woman are willing to share their feelings with you , so you can act as their emotional tampon, or shoulder to lean on. Confidence means your dating material, being nice means you are being used in another context. And many men think this kind of attention is a girls way of showing interest in a relationship but that is not the case. People like you for what you posses and not for who you are. That is the difference, so if you have 3M on your bankaccount and woman know of this, then your more likely to attract woman. I personally also think this isn't a ethnically correct way to achieve your goal of getting into a relationship, because it will attract the wrong kind of woman in your life. The only thing i want is you to understand the principle behind it so you won't go into searching girls with these kind of questions in your mind.
  4. Dump her sorry butt, if she can't make up her mind on who her nr.1 is in her life, then you aren't going to wait for her. Imagine you waiting for 3 years, and she still goes with another guy, how would that make you feel? She's totally inconsiderate of that fact, and you are just another fish on her line.Your nothing more then an emotional tampon so to speak for if things go wrong you'l be a nice rebound guy who she knows will listen to her feelings. If she doesn't break up this instant , show spine and say goodbye. Could care less if she went another 3 times around the globe, the way she is holding you on a leash is unnacceptable by any means.
  5. The meaning of life is to love and help others.
  6. Nope don't go there. You have to be realistic in life. Virtual love is worthless in that aspect that it will never aquire you physical contact. Its better to find someone within your inner circle and date someone in real life. Ask yourself the question, what good has being shy ever done for you? Nothing so put it in the trashcan , be daring and bold as you got nothing to lose anyway. Don't care for the outcome, even if everything goes wrong , you will always have a win win situation. consider it as dating lessons. You see if you never shoot , you will always miss right? And that's what basically what being shy is. If you ask someone out and they say no, you can at least say i tried, and if you ask someone out and they say yes, you got a date.
  7. You should never go into a relationship expecting it will work out just because it concerns 'your case', reality is that a girl can pack her bags and leave anyday. And such it is with all things ,for life is like sand in your hand ,eventually everything will slip from your hand. You can only love someone, you can't hold them in possession. You don't own them so to speak. And wether it be by death or breaking up, you will lose everyone and everything you have in life eventually. However that is all done in order for us to love and to learn in this life. You will always love her, but you will not put your life on a halt for her. Because if you come to a dead end road in your life any sorrow that you can't move on in that way goes to waste. Its better to realise that you have to turn your car around and head back to the highway of life. Love makes blind and that's why we go into a relationship thinking everything will go fantastic which is the biggest non-sense fantasy there is. So its important not to go into some closet putting yourself in a limbo state whining over things that will never happen. Its better for you to pick up the pieces of your broken heart, glue them back together and give yourself time to heal, then bury the past, put a point behind it and move on to the future. Then bring the lessons you learned from your previous relationship into your new relationship and try to prevent further tragedy in your life , by going into a relationship in a different manner.
  8. Leaving your parents is for some the best decision they ever made in their lives. Lets get this straight, you are the adult and your mom is an immature child that has absolutely NO RIGHT whatsoever to take out her family problems onto you. As far as im conserned your mother is just a stranger who happens to be related by blood to you. Its horrible to be attached to family who drag you down a black hole. Family like that should mean nothing to you. You need to act like a castle gate, close yourself to bad people/things/events and open yourself up to good people/things/events. You know if your strong enough you could face up to your mother and show her the correct way of good intend and re-educate her on how to behave towards her family. But if your not strong enough its better to escape and push this woman out of your life. Its like a cage of lions, a lion tamer knows how to deal with the ferocious beasts that are within his life or the cage if you will, but someone who doesn't have the knowledge and gets send into the cage will just be eaten. So watch out, your better off without this woman. Have your own mobile, with only YOUR friends on it. If the phone goes off in the house, don't pick it up. If your mom gets angry that you don't pick it up say to her 'im not picking it up, because if its your family they want to talk to you, and if i give the phone to you, you will get angry at me. If she gets angry at you, you get angry at her and say deal with your own family problems instead of shuffling it on me. If that means you will create more distance between you and your mother, great ,tell her its her problem not yours. You know you live in a disfunctional family. And your mom has got nothing to offer for you in your life. Replace the chaos with order in your life. Just throw her out of your life for good until she apologizes for the terrible behaviour she has displayed.
  9. Honestly i think it was another line that read in that poem, maby reading that line has made you think it was it, but i sincerely doubt that was the line referring to the poem you lost. Isn't it still in your history of your internet. Can't you possibly recall the website the poem was on? Maby you send the poem to someone who might can send it back to you?
  10. The anger is normal, because you deserve to be nr.1 in your partners life and nothing less. Basically he cheated on you, and you don't want to be with a liar anyway. Although its good to love everything and everyone, you need to understand that your relationship has come to a dead end, and that you are better off finding someone else in your life after you healed and picked up the pieces and glued back your heart together after this breakup. Its good to vent, we are here for you *hugs*.
  11. No No and NO , Without insight, you are like a blindfolded man send off into the world only to fall of a cliff and get seriously (emotionally) injured. The meaning of life is to love and help other people. Your motives are driven by selfishness.This is true otherwhise you wouldn't hurt the ones you love, And thus you are hurting other people in order to forfill your own self satisfactory needs. The problem is that you need to confront the darkness and hatred in your own heart, letting go of the ego and replace your selfishness with being selfless. And then letting go of your anger and replace it with forgiveness, for yourself and for others. If you have this loving insight you have the inner light and reflection that will give you insight in order not to hurt the ones you love.
  12. No i wouldn't want to date myself, i am to people like what insect repellent is to bugs. If i could i would break up with myself and leave so to speak. Heck even my imaginary friends don't want to be friends with me and left me long time ago,let alone real friends if i ever had one. But please don't consider it as a problem, i am better off alone. This is basically due to that what life has to offer does not correlate with what i envision of how it should be, and this caused me to be unsatisfied, and disappointed in people and life in general which made me boycot life and social events as a whole. It really doesn't do anything for me anymore.
  13. You know as a guy you don't want to share your gf with another guy, its exactly that which is blocking you from the thought, and makes you scared because you think she'd love to be with many men. It really doesn't mean she wants to cheat on you, or is unfaithfull, just that sexually she loves to have a great time and is in for a variety of things, you know imagine you didn't have a gf. And two beautifull woman ask to have sex with you in a threesome, now we all know that doesn't happen in real life, so if an oppertunity would arise few men would resist. So if you can imagine that, but then in a flipped context, you'll understand then why your gf wouldn't mind enjoying this. Same if id say , do you rather have 2 beers or 1? Choice easily made right?
  14. That's definitly a wrong attitude you got there. You see life is what you make of it, wether its christmas or any other given day of year. Seasonal depression isn't uncommen, you probably would have wanted to spend your time with that someone special that you love. However lets face that reality that life is what you make of it, and that the person you think is special isn't there for you during this season. Is that a reason to put your life on a halt, or to dismiss the christmas spirit? No no a thousand times no. During this time of year, people are reminded to be kind to eachother, its not about all those greedy people you see buying presents for themselves purely out of consumerism. Its about that kind act of love that you show for someone else. Any small act of love is great , and grasps the TRUE meaning of Christmas, namely where we remember to be kind and loving to others. If we have this kindness in our hearts, then it can be christmas every day. Remember its about the giving that truelly holds the blessing, not the receiving. Love is a gift in itself.
  15. He said he's sorry so you have to forgive him. However the heart is like a mirror and reflects what people have up their sleeve. It seems pretty bad. Remember small arguments can lead to BIG break ups, they act as poison to the relationship, ask yourself the question, am i with him so he can make me miserable, is he with me so i can make him feel upset? Of course NOT!, Couples are supposed to make eachother happy, not giving another spin to that wheel of hatred, if he starts an argument don't give in,nor start an argument EVER. It will only make the wheel of hatred spin forever if one argument follows another argument. Its important to realise that. Or in other words ONLY put love and light into eachothers lives. Remember you need to be like a castle gate , close yourself to bad people/things/events and open yourself up to good people/things/events, you don't want more garbage in your life then you already have. Trash out, diamonds in. Although you have to be carefull with what you consider trash.
  16. What has being shy ever gained you? Always go for gold in your life. Throw all the rubbish that you don't need in life overboard, but don't burn your ships behind you.
  17. I dislike lightswitch relationships for exactly this reason, on off on off. NO If you are in a relationship you go for GOLD. Basically what you are doing is just dipping your toe in the water,instead of jumping into it. Dipping is safe but it shows you do not have any commitments towards him. Jumping is unsafe but states that you want to go all the way. And what is this stuff going on. You see you broke up for a reason, if the behind lying reason why you two broke up, and all of the problems along with it aren't solved, then coming together will just lead into another break up. Do yourself a favor and decide on what you really want. No more half azzed decisions. If you go for something, you will put your hands into the fire for what you stand for. Simply said , he is your nr.1 and you are his nr.1 , you solve the problems, and maintain the relationship. If you are comitted id say go for it, if you just want to eat cake then id stay alone.
  18. Well its clear your relationship with her is on a dead end road. How long will it take you to realise that its a dead end, and that you have to turn your car around and head back to the highway of life? Really she's just hanging a carrot for your nose, like they do with a donkey so that the chart keeps moving. The donkey keeps on thinking it will reach the carrot but its just make belief. I think you need to step out of your disillusion and come back to earth, come back to reality by getting your head out of space and show that you have a life of your own to live. Its better if you go into NC ing and commit yourself to a girl who loves you for who you are, and doesn't toy around with your feelings or play mindgames that upset you. Do yourself a favor and run away from her while blocking her from your life. Love has to go BOTH ways , remember that.
  19. I wish i could help you here, but its really hard to define what woman prefer. Some seem to like exotic, others are exclusivly to their own kind.
  20. Id go for a restraint order and contacting the police.
  21. Show you have a life of your own , independent of her. Never go into a relationship expecting it to work out just because it concerns you, and realise that a girl can pack her bags and leave anyday. Never look at what a girl says, look at her body if its moving away from you, it means she's not interested in you. If it moves towards you she is interested in you. Clearly you are MUCH more in love with her, then she is with you. She might keep you for keeps sake in order not to hurt your feelings, but to me the relationship is already over. Love has got to go BOTH ways, the i love you that she gives is fake.
  22. NC ing would count normally. However EVERY threat that goes over suicide should be taken SERIOUSLY. I know cases where people have comitted suicide because their gf/bf left them. However you should NOT let yourself be blackmailed, rather write him that no relationship is worth killing themselves over, and that you aren't worth killing yourself over either, tell him to seek professional help. Then leave and go into NC and show some spine and NEVER contact him again.
  23. What she decides to do with her life is up to her. Once you break up you have to distantiate yourself emotionally from your ex boyfriend. You are still messing around with it in your head. You know sometimes the mind is like a washing machine, going over in circles over the same thing, its important you can press the 'stop' button. And leave it all behind you, whatever happens its not your concern. And if your friend comes broken hearted to you, just try to comfort her.
  24. Very few people mature, i've seen 40, 50, 60 year olds act like 4,5,6 year olds. Becoming older doesn't equal becoming more mature, it certainly isn't a garentee. This is something you always have to take in aspect. Besides the older people get the more 'bad stuff' they have experienced in their lives, the more bitter they become. You really want to steer away from becoming like that. You need to be like a castle gate closing yourself to bad people/things/events, and open yourself up to good people/things/events. That person was not a friend. You seem to have a distorted image of who your friends really are. When things go bad for you A real friend steps into your life, while a fake friend steps out. Be carefull who you choose as your friend.
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