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Everything posted by robowarrior

  1. My advice is not to let school,family or anyone or anything stop you from achieving your goals. Blood crawls where it can't stand, so you have to take a firm stance and keep fighting to the bitter end to work up and achieve your goals.
  2. If you want something from a guy you will have to ask for it directly in his face. What has being shy ever gained you in your life? Nothing ,so trash it, as the lines that you wrote speak of nothing but absurd fear. What is needed in life is not fear, nothing can grow from that, in life go forward, move forward, retreat and you will age, hesitate and you will die. Its a win win situation for you, if you ask him out and he says no you can move on with your life and at least you can say to yourself 'i tried', if he says yes you got a date.
  3. Never look at the words, look at the body, if it moves towards you its interested in you, if it moves away from you it shows disinterest. To me she's showing a disinterest, probably because she thinks you don't have your future properly arranged.
  4. Life is like a boxing game, hesitating is useless just go for the gold and kick the hell out of your opponent which is life. Throw everyhthing away that distracts you, go study at the library, stay in there till you have succes. Do not doubt, just go for it, what are you doing reading this, go study!
  5. What i did was accepted that i can love my ex forever, but that i realise that it has come to a dead end. That helped me to see that my life goes on with someone new, and that the ex was a memory buried in the past, and thus i could let it go.
  6. Look what are you doing with bringing the past back up of her ex? Its painfull memories thus probably she's been evading the questions, meaning you are just ripping open old wounds, doesn't make her an intentional liar. How about you stop digging in her past, and try to make something of the future between the two of you?
  7. I know this situation, its like having a cow in your couch. Everytime you push, it goes MOOOOO and refuses to move. These are the kind of people that won't move unless absolutely necessary. Like when the house is on fire or something, not that i promote arson but just to give you the general idea what it would take, to be honest i wouldn't want to be with this type of girl. Whatever you suggest its always NOOOOOO. If she wants to be a bag of potatoes in the couch, fine. Break it up and find a social active girl who does forfill your needs.
  8. You should never have gone into a relationship expecting it to work out, just because its your case. Reality is that a girl can pack her bags and leave anyday. Clearly you are much more in love with her, then she is with you. So for sanity sake , you definitly need to avoid her. Its wrong to show you are so desperate, its wrong to be like a chain on her legs, its time you show you have a life of your own to live.
  9. I think its wise not to contain your self image in a box. People change over time, stuff like this can even apply to 50 year olds. There are a lot of trends, things that happen to everyone.
  10. No other way to know exept thru a pregnancy test. Also unprotected sex = asking to get pregnant.
  11. It will be ok , you are not alone. We are here for you *hugs you tight*. Now what you need to understand is that it doesn't have to be this way. You can become happy by becoming a loving and helping individual. If you invest into bringing love into other people's lives, it will like a mirrors reflection cast happyness back to you. You ARE loved (H) by me at least , so don't say there's no one that doesn't care,otherwhise i wouldn't have bothered responding anyway. What you need to do is to start loving,supporting and believing yourself. What you need to do is act like a castle gate closing yourself to bad people/things/events and open yourself to good people/things/events, that way if you bring nice people in your life, and stop putting your life on a halt, then you can start finding people who will contribute instead of destroying your life like they have in the past. Really life is what you make of it, heaven or hell is a state of mind. Love in your mind will bring you the happyness you need, and helping others will give you the intereaction that your soul is asking for. Hang in there, for your daughter and for yourself, even tho its hard. We DO care about you ^_^
  12. It seems like you burned your ships behind you too soon. So you need to understand 'Securing Future first, relationship later', otherwhise you will keep on kicking yourself for making mistakes that may not be recoverable, its something you have to be very carefull with.
  13. Relax, breathe deep as life is a growing process. your wife neglected the fact that people can change, you can work to become the best man you possibly can be. Although she is probably right about the neglect, as i don't see her as being unfair or dishonest to you, she has distantiated from you to protect herself from the neglect you have opposed on her, up to the point where she couldn't take it anymore and left you. You shouldn't blame her, rather keep working on yourself, and don't let her words get you down. You can change for the better, so many people have changed thru the better, because you have to learn from your mistakes, its silly to think you somehow magically could do it all at once without falling, but the falling is not the point, There is no failure except in no longer trying. There is no defeat except from within, no really insurmountable barrier save our inherent weakness of purpose.
  14. Im happy for you that you learned these valuable life lessons and managed to fix the problems that caused your break up in the first place, and thus where able to get your life back together again =)
  15. Well don't put your life on a halt, and be like a castle gate opening yourself up to good people/things/events and closing yourself to bad people/things/events , and only bring love and light into your relationship, its good to commit yourself to a girl that brings these good things in your life and actually all the people that bring nothing but misery in your life are nothing more then a waste of time.
  16. Lol, if you really had distantiated yourself from him you wouldn't even bother to make an effort. Besides why would you lower your level for him. Its better to bring love and light into the lives of everyone. You are your own judge,jury and executor, tell me why do you need his justification for your life?
  17. You need to show some spine and act as a castle gate, you know closing yourself to bad people/things/events, and opening yourself up to good people/things/events, but realising that he is bad for your life is most important, because by now you realise that you need to push him out of your life and close the gate of your heart from him entering back into your life.
  18. Best to go into the food industry , work as a food inspector , determine and qualify all the different types of food that are made within the industry.
  19. Give her a bear hanger, as a warm memory of her birthday.
  20. Make her change her mind, only bring love and light into her life for the rest of her life. Convince her that you have improved and that its worthwhile to keep on going together. You do this by realising that every argument is like poison to your relationship, even small arguments can lead to big break ups, afterwhile you often realise that it wasn't even worth fighting about, or risking your relationship over. Next to that if she starts an argument, refuse to give another spin to that wheel of hatred. Ask yourself the question, was she with you so that you could make her life miserable, did you go with her so she could make your life complete hell? OF COURSE NOT, couples are supposed to make eachother happy. So only bring love and light on a continues basis in her life. Get her a wonderfull christmas present , don't start fight yourself either, if an nasty argument follows by someone else giving an argument then that wheel of hatred will only keep on spinning forever. So stop putting darkness . Its essensial that you invest effort on a continues basis in your relationship. You shouldn't let a single fight or argument ruin an entire relationship, everyone has their indifferences, but its important to compromise and lay these differences aside. Because if it doesn't go that way, you'll go into a formal style , and you two need to try to avoid lawyers and courtcases because they cost so much and can lead to financial disaster, thereforeeee be as on good terms with your gf as possible, as it can save you money. Calm down, and rethink of the situation.
  21. Give her some space, not too much to let her blow her steem. WHy don't you two go somewhere nice where you can enjoy and relax, away from all your troubles for a time?
  22. You can't bring back the past, but you can improve the future. That's what your ex is , memories, that are to be forgotten and buried, don't cling to the past and don't mention the ex to your new love. No one wants to hear about your ex(exept here on enotalone), especially not your new bf. Don't do it because he'll get the feeling your comparing him to your ex. Just relax and love him unconditionally ok?
  23. Why don't you two just put your differences aside of you and love eachother? All these layers you two are putting over your love for eachother is doing you two more harm then good. Just be together on the things you two like to be for eachother, and enjoy the things you aren't compatible with for your own. You know that's the whole thing about a relationship, to be together but still being able to do your own thing.
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