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Everything posted by robowarrior

  1. You are obsessive, that you can't live without her shows you don't have a life of your own. No relationship is worth killing yourself over. Simply said you need to bring the power of your life back where it belongs, namely in YOUR hands. Your words speak of nothing but absurd fear, of losing her, of not being able to satisfy her needs, of rejection. What is needed in life is not fear, nothing can grow from that. Life is like a boxing game, being afraid of getting hurt is useless because you WILL get hurt, might as well go for gold in your life and punch the hell out of your opponent which is life. Retreat and you will age, hesitate and you will die. You need to start surfing your emotions in a proper way , make decisive actions. You want her, so go for gold. Ask her out, make out, have fun together, put love and light in her life on a continues basis. Don't compete with others, you just have to do your own thing to get her. When arguments arise, don't give another swing to that wheel of hatred which will make it spin forever, keep on loving and bringing light into the lives of the people that you know. It doesn't have to be this way, life is what you make of it. Make her yours and make your efforts go into this. Its a win win situation for you, if you make an effort and it doesn't work out, you can at least say 'i tried', and if she rejects you you can move on with your life, and if she wants to stay with you you can have a wonderfull time together. Really its nothing something you should worry over.
  2. Wouldn't do it, your just a rebound. Besides if the problems that led to your break up haven't been solved, it would only lead to another break up, im not that fond of lightswitch relationships that go on off on off, and if there's another guy that she prefers well i personally think you have to be nr.1 in her life instead of serving a life as her emotional tampon.
  3. Create a new e-mail account, send it via that one, and then stop using it.
  4. There are a few important things to say here. First off all, people who commit suicide aren't doing it to hurt others. They are so selfconsumed with their problems that they don't review how you would get hurt by it, they have a feeling that no one cares about them, and that no one will miss them nor get hurt if they are gone. This is obviously wrong as you see how darkness has entered your life and that of your family. I wouldn't really mind the family name, as a name is just a name and does not do justice to the person wearing it. The second thing is the most important, a soul who commits suicide is bounded by the consequenses of its actions. This is why its essensial that you forgive your uncle for what he has done, and you must plead to your dad that he also forgives what his brother has done. Otherwhise his soul can't find peace. You must not give in to the darkness that has entered your life by his actions, and continue to bring happyness and light in your life and others by loving and helping people on a continues basis. link removed
  5. Basically its one sided love, you need to understand that love has to go 'both' ways, you where much more in love with her then she was with you, basically your relationship ith her has come to a dead end, but your still stuck with your car there, you need to turn it around and head back to the highway of life. You also need to be honest with your current gf, if you don't really love her then you shouldn't be with her, nor use her as a substitute or emotional tampon for your problems as a rebound girl.
  6. Talk to her in person about it. Wouldn't let your relationship go to ruin thru something virtually.
  7. Keep venting your steam, and if you continue to bring love and light into the lives of other people, your life can become happy, for heaven is a state of mind,suicide is pretty useless as you only reincarnate and have to live thru that life again up till the point that you killed yourself and overcome that obstacle anyway. Its the easy way out, not the right way out. Its good to see you are tackling your problems and brought stability back in your life.
  8. You need to lower your standards, and step off the rediculous idea that christians can't date catholics or vice versa, nor that you couldn't date atheists. A kind reminder to that this is true is that Jesus came to the non-believers and ate with sinners as well, as he said these are the ones who need saving, not those who are already saved. So if Jesus accepts and allows these kind of people in his life, it means you should not reject other people from different faiths or no faiths just in the same way jesus did not reject them. As such you can date and marry whomever you want, and you might not be ready for it but the same counts for gay/lesbian people. Paul maby forbid it , but Jesus never did, this because souls essensial have no gender and descend into the human body as either a woman or a man. If a soul in a previous life was a man, and descends into a female body, its possibly still attracted to female's and thus will spend her life as a lesbian. Anyway that goes to far sidetracking into the fact that its ok for you to lower your standards and date other people.
  9. Its simple, your body is trying to increase the chances of fertility,by adjusting its cycle to the time that you have sex. So due to this the period changes to a time that is most fitting towards the moments that conception could take place.
  10. Well its time to look the cat out of the tree and wait. If she initiates the contact, then you can say to your friend nick, 'she came to me, not me to her' and he could confirm that because you see, nick obviously will get angry at you if you get the girl of his dreams. That would be a nice nightmare scenario for him. That your not her type doesn't say anythning, you know you can love someone in a relationship but have a preference for something else, although i do agree that puts you in a tricky situation of possibly being dumped if some red haired guy comes past. Stay put and wait this one out on the side lines.
  11. Go for the gold, even if it doesn't work out you can at least say to yourself 'i tried' and that should fit nicely in your policy of not being a defeatist.
  12. You make it sound like the mind is floating somewhere. Its just attached to your brain. But keep going at it, as it sounds very poetical lol.
  13. You don't have to worry about a thing. You can get back together with him as long as the problems that made you break up in the first place are solved. Personally i don't think it was anything major that made you break up other then him having time constraints. I really think you should go ahead and give it another try. Don't become a victim of the paranoid tho. Just be like a calm gondala going thru the waters of Venice, and take it slow and nice.
  14. You should close your castle gate to the bad events/things/people of the past. Only taking those life lessons with you preventing you from making simular mistakes in the future is usefull. The thinking of ex is what makes you miserable, but as you know its utterly useless to dwell over the past, rather make something of the future with another girl.
  15. Never wait in life, and go for the kill. The best plans during the season would to be go out with you anyway. And there's still time for you, i wouldn't let all her plans go in my way , and you should initiate something between the two of you, i mean since you want to head into a direction of being with her you might as well kissed her when she was drunk. Don't let yourself stop you from being with her. Sometimes people themselves are their own worst enemies in trying to achieve the things they want simply by holding themselves back.
  16. Its pretty bad, he's not interested in you and doesn't sound like a guy who has a promising future. You are in love with a guy who doesn't love you back, further more you are putting yourself below his level, which you absolutely aren't. So basically you are entangled with a hopeless situation. I personally wouldn't gamble on a lost case, but i know love can make blind. You need to stop lingering, ask him out. If he says no, then you know your just wasting your time on him, and you can move on with your life.
  17. An amulet with a note in it, in which you show her your devote affection. Just make sure it doesn't end up with the wrong person tho.
  18. Is he with you so you can make his life miserable, are you with him so he can make your life miserable? Of course not, couples are supposed to make eachother happy. SO refuse to give another spin to that wheel of hatred, if one argument is replied with another argument then the wheel of hatred will keep spinning forever, As you can see all these arguments are poisoning your relationship with him. So as of today you will refuse to give another spin to the wheel of hatred don't forget this, even small arguments can lead to BIG break ups. Ask yourself , are these arguments worth my relationship? Of course not. Stop putting darkness and hatred into eachothers lives. As said before make everyone you meet in your life happy by only putting love and light into their lives.
  19. Ask her to break it off with her bf, if she wants to continue with you. Tell her that you need to respect the feelings of her bf, and that she needs to understand that you don't want to be involved in a triangle affair, and that you would never have gone so far if you knew before hand that there was another guy. So basically it comes down to this. You have to be her nr.1, she has to aknowledge that and step out of her old relationship to start anew with you. She can't have two and she can't have it her way that way. Time to show some spine and don't give in, until you and her have made arrangements to be exclusive for eachother.
  20. If your an ex, it means your free to date others. I do want you to have your ex-s friend as your number 1, i think she has a thing for you ,hence her being supportive and all, you wouldn't think she has something for you? So dont let her become the rebound girl, and you going back to your ex, that would be really hurtfull for her.
  21. What you have to understand is that you live in a world that is filled with darkness and hatred, this is exactly the reason why you get attacked for no reason, you might not have anything negative going on in your life, but others do and they need to grit their teeth on others to reduce their own stress. This negativity is effecting you, i mean well behaved or not, in the end you are human being like everyone else. However you have something precious, and i advice you to keep loving and helping people and refuse to be effected or downgrade yourself to their low level. Reality is that everyone gets insulted not just you, its like a stone thrown into a pond that spreads its ripple effect over others, when its darkness it creates a bad chain reaction over all the people that are touched, same for if its a loving and kind reaction. You have to make sure NOT to give another spin to that wheel of hatred, because if you answer nasty comments with nasty comments the wheel of hatred only gets another spin and will keep on spinning forever. Refusing to participate is the best thing as the people who cause this will get bad karma hitting them in the back of their heads as a boomerang on the long run anyway.
  22. The color will fade, not to worry tho, if it becomes too dull, recolor it again.
  23. You can do it, as long as you ban that other backstabbing woman out of your life as good as you possibly can, because she is the real reason why things aren't working out between the two of you.
  24. I don't want to sound disrespectfull, but i question your sanity. I don't know what all the drugs and alcohol have led you to believe but, the Western culture doesn't force you to believe in it. As a matter of fact everybody knows the western culture isn't perfect, however in terms of womans rights, compared to countries where you can buy a woman for a few camels, the west is by far the best culture that is around. I've been to quite some few countries and the western culture is the only one that treats woman above a dog standards. Hence the country what you are in now allows men to be married and have different gf's next to it. You won't find any muslim country that allows same sex marriage, you won't find any communistic country where you are more then a mere puppet that dances as the government dictates. Even in a decent civilized country like Japan, woman are still dogs compared to men. In muslim countries woman are suppressed and have to wear scarves, woman are trash there. In africa i wonder if a woman has any value at all. Honestly with all respect, i would trash the alcohol and drugs, get into rehab, get a correct view on life, and get a school diploma, challenge your culture if you have to, but you will only come to the same conclusions as stated above. I personally believe that you can do a lot more meaningfull things with your life, like loving and helping people. However everyone has free will to do what they want. If you have to learn thru this way that its important to be nr.1 instead of being nr.10 of his wives be my guest and lead this life, as i personally strongly condemn it.
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