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Everything posted by jengh

  1. Just because you sleep with someone on the first date does not mean there's only a 50% chance of him calling you again. Sometimes, things happen, sparks fly. It's not trashy to give it up on the first date. It's not like she's 16 or something. Both are at the age where sex is inevitable. It's gonna happen eventually if the chemistry is right. And yes, while guys do like the chase it's not necessarily a deal breaker to sleep with him the first time.
  2. Long distance relationships are very difficult and often end in a split up due to the tension of distance. How old are you? I'm in a long distance relationship and have been for the past 9 months. We live about 2 hours away (2.5 when it's snowing). And yes, it's very hard but we see each other as frequently as possible. The key thing is that both of you are equally involved. What I mean is, if he's doing all of the driving and making all of the effort, you need to give him gas money. Or vice versa which is my case. Equal effort is definitely the important thing. And yeah, of course the phone conversations are getting dry. Try to keep them brief so you don't bore each other. my boyfriend and i talk about twice a day, about 5-10 minutes each time and it seems to work out well. I don't miss him quite as much. Have you said I love you yet? Talking about marriage is a HUGE step. Try to just take things one step at a time. I really hope it works out for you
  3. How is your friend doing? Did you decide what to do yet? I wish her the best. This past January, I was in a severe depression. I wanted to die. I ODed on painkillers, sleeping pills, alcohol, blood pressure meds... if my roommate wouldn't have come home early I'd have died for sure... However, no one told my parents it was a suicide attempt. I certainly didn't. I was too embarrassed that I didn't succeed. Now, had they been informed, it would have saved a lot of hassle. I tried again 2 weeks later, same method. This time, my mother found me. She knew. I wound up having bad heart complications and seizures and to this day still feel the side effects (my heart occasionally hurts, I twitch terribly at random).... After my parents knew (my dad works with psych patients), my dad court ordered me to a facility. That facility probably saved my life. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is perhaps RIGHT NOW isn't the best time to tell her parents, just in case...but if she comes out of the coma and is on a path to recovery, I would inform her parents or husband or whoever. They could be in denial.
  4. Now I realize that drugs work completely different on every person. But, my depression worsened and they tried me on Zoloft. It made everything 100000x WORSE! While I realize it works wonders for some people, for me, it had the opposite effect. I wound up attempting suicide.... due to lack of general happiness, hopelessness, worthlessness, anger, sadness... all of which had greatly escalated after starting the Zoloft. Now, I in no way blame the Zoloft for my actions... Perhaps you could talk to your MD about switching meds. Tell him/her exactly how you're feeling. Do you have that numb feeling? That's kinda how I felt. There are SO many different antidepressants out there. Depending on the drug, they can take a couple of months to fully build up in your system to see maximum results. In my opinion, I wouldn't wait a full year. 6 months to me, seems like a substantial amount of time and if it's not helping, it may be time to add another to it or ween yourself off and start a new one. I'm taking a mix of Wellbutrin and Prozac right now. For the first time in years, I feel like a human being. I'm not numb. I don't feel like I would be better off dead. I ENJOY life. I also have an EXCELLENT psychologist I see every week or two. Have you tried therapy?
  5. I cheated on my ex who i was with for just about 4 years countless times, starting only a couple of months after we started dating. I think my problem was that I looked at him as more as a best friend than a boyfriend. We liked the same things, he liked to gossip and shop and such... We had a lot of problems in the relationship which I do believe, in part, contributed to the cheating. The first time I cheated on him was with my ex boyfriend who I was still so deeply in love with. The second time was in Paris, on a whim, not as serious.... But to get to the point, in this case, I believe it was because of lack of intimacy and true love...not my personal character. I've been with my boyfriend now for 9 months. I have never been happier and the thought of being with another man repulses me. I wouldn't even CONSIDER it. Now, maybe it's simply because I've grown up and my morals and maturity have changed. But perhaps it's just because I've found someone who truly makes me happy.
  6. Yes...Yasmin... I've been on it for about 4 years. Prior to that, my skin was god awful...Now, I only get a couple of blemishes a week before my period. Granted, it could also be in part to growing out of my awkward preteen/teen years. But, I haven't gotten pregnant yet so I suppose that's all that really matters
  7. I agree with Bewitched... if it were me in that position and a) it was a one-time thing b) you didn't get her number c) don't plan on ever contacting this girl again , I wouldn't tell her. As long as you didn't sleep with this girl, a kiss sometimes is just a kiss. And in this case, some things are just better left untold. I think telling her would cause more problems than it should and may possibly (depending on her personality...if she wants to marry you, which she does from the sounds of it) blow it out of proportion.
  8. I ordered a green tea sampler pack from stash... in it was a raspberry pomegranate green tea...omg...it's seriously amazing! I got 10 bags of it in the sampler...going to have to order a whole box of it!!! Ooh, and the mango passionfruit herbal one is great too... gah...tea
  9. oh....my.....god!!!!!! I would've been mortified when confronted by his sister!!! What'd the guy have to say about it?
  10. My ex of four years and I split up when I went to college. We had a clean break and I THOUGHT ended on a friendly level... Well, a month or so after being down at school, my mom calls me up absolutely LIVID... she heard I had acquired a crack addiction!!! The summer before school, I got arrested for an impaired driving (alcohol, NOT drugs!!!) and she basically lost any trust and respect for me so naturally she believed whoever told her... I managed to trace the rumor back to the place I worked with my ex. Apparently, he had been telling everyone that I was heavy into the drugs and had begun smoking crack (nice, huh? I don't even know what crack looks like). Told my old bosses, other friends from work, other employees (one of whom happens to be friends with a friend of my mother's...small town). I called my ex up and he OPENLY admitted to spreading those rumors. Why? He thought it'd be funny to see what people would say. He didn't think they'd take him seriously!!!!!!
  11. ME TOO! She sounds like she belongs on Maury. I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope for your, and the possible baby's, sake that she's making this up.
  12. god...that sounds identical to my home situation... good feedback. sorry I dont have more to add.
  13. I read your whole post, skimmed through the replies so sorry if this is a repeat: I realize that he can't leave the state for 5 years but would it be possible for you to go out to Oregon to visit him? It seems as though he is who he says, and you trust him. Maybe a girlfriend could even go with you, say over spring break? That way, regardless of whether or not you two really hit it off, you'll KNOW. You won't waste anymore time wondering "what if". Just a thought. I see you're 17, so if your parents are against the idea, maybe wait until you turn 18. Sorry if this isn't helpful.
  14. How exciting! Today's the day! I hope everything goes perfectly for you! I'm sure your little one will be absolute perfection!!!!
  15. Definitely... my ex bought me a necklace from tiffany's to match a bracelet my parents bought me for my birthday... I would NEVER stop wearing that thing. It's gorgeous. It has nothign to do with the ex, i just love the necklace
  16. This is not true... but yeah, I agree with the last sentence. tell her to make a clean break
  17. Yeah, it all depends on if it's legal... It isn't in Michigan but I dated a guy who was 24 when I was 17... we were together for four years. To an extent, I do believe age is just a number. Now when one person is, say, 13 and the other is, say, 24....that's a problem.
  18. god... I would be SO embarrassed... when I signed up for this thing, I didn't think I'd hang around for so long... so i chose my regular user name. I so wish I would've been more creative... Out of curiosity, I googled my username and lots of my posts came up :S
  19. good lord.... All I have to say is I'm sorry!
  20. My boyfriend is the pickiest man on the planet. He's also an avid hunter/outdoorsman...Since i know NOTHING about that crap, I got him a Cabela's gift card and Independence Day (It's his favorite movie and for some reason he doesnt already have it on DVD) Wow...FCTex...can I be your girlfriend? I've never had a man spoil me like that.
  21. Yeah, then I guess that made me desperate I don't know... it depends on a lot of factors. If you spend a lot of time on the computer, I think you're more apt to give it a try as opposed to someone who is a social butterfly and constantly going out with friends. As others posted, it's not desperation, at least, not usually... it's just another attempt at finding "the one". With millions upon millions of people online, the chances of finding someone compatible are pretty high. I met my boyfriend online. we've been together for just about 9 months now and I've never been happier. Was I looking online in desperation? Maybe. Do I think it was stupid to try it? Absolutely not.
  22. I am in complete agreement. Your parents are smart for not letting you meet some random (he may not seem random to you, but in the eyes of your parents and other adults, he is random) guy 9 hours away. We aren't saying any of this to be rude or come of as offensive, so I'm sorry that it seems that way, but you're only 14 years old. I thought I was in love when I was 14. I also had a 16 year old boyfriend, though he was in the same school district, we did most of our talking online. Anyways, point being... I lost my virginity to this guy, he turned out to be a complete and I wound up hurt. When you're at that age, I know it seems like you know EXACTLY what you're doing and exactly what's best. But right now, I think you need to concentrate on person-to-person relationships with your friends. Meet some guys at your school ( I Know, the boys at your school are all so immature, right? It was the same for me) or even some of the guys the next grade up. This is getting really long winded and I apologize for that, but an online relationship with a guy you've never even talked to over the phone is not true love. You're going to look back on this a few years from now, when you're in a wonderful REAL relationship and think how silly you were. That is, if you even REMEMBER him. Take care. Again, I mean this kindly.
  23. aww...im sorry... i went through the same thing... only add gaining 50lbs to the mix I still haven't lost it all... Now I realized you said you don't have insurance BUT I highly recommend you see a doctor. There are quite a few antidepressants that come in generic form for about $10/month and same goes for anti-anxiety like Xanax or Ativan... I take all of the above and they're all extremely affordable. Could you afford counseling?
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