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Everything posted by jengh

  1. yeah... i am slightly... I guess I'd say I'm just open to possibilities... I wouldn't limit myself strictly to men... I've found women very attractive in the past... I've even experimented a bit...but I dont know... i dont think i'd consider myself quite to be bi...
  2. i love How to Save a Life... first heard it when they were advertising for the new season of Grey's....
  3. wow....so he's still staying there even though your step son has moved out? I don't know how he could possibly have the nerve to do that... and god, if he's not paying rent, he should absolutely be helping out around the house and respecting your rules....
  4. I'm 5'7 and I consider myself to be short and wear heels all the time... if my date happens to be on the shorter side, it wouldn't bother me and I would hope it wouldnt bother him either...
  5. god, i can relate too.... im 5'7 34DDD...other than those awful things the rest of my body is healthy and in proportion.... i've never heard of reduction pills. i dont think i'd try them...just a way for manufactuers to make money.
  6. oh god.... you sound EXACTLY like me.... left the university i was at last year to go sit at home with my mother... I can't, for the life of me, get myself to go to class! I think, oh, ill go next time...then the next time, well, i already missed once this week, so ill only be behind....and suddenly, BOOM...end of semester, havent gone to class in a month... And for me, it's not the math, but science and writing (im a great writer and excellent at spelling and grammar so i find those required writing classes absolutely pointless)... I don't know what to tell you, but just wanted to tell you that youre SO not alone!!!
  7. As others have posted, the 5 people you meet in heaven is amazing. His new book, For One More Day, was so great too. I read it in a couple of hours. Not only are his books easy to read, they make you feel good. Very touching.
  8. I honestly do not think your son is gay. Like other posters, I think his curiosity got the better of him. I experimented with girls when I was younger and I'm completely straight. It's natural to have that curiosity. I think everyone wonders what it would be like. It's just that not everyone acts on that thought. I don't know, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  9. Wow, the fact that Ann doesn't interact with you at all seems a bit rude to me. I would ALWAYS thank my friends' parents when they let me stay over at their house. I can understand why you're irritated. There seems to be a lack of respect and appreciation. What would happen if you mentioned that to your wife or daughter?
  10. It all depends on how comfortable I am with the person. If I'm in a comitted relationship, I would definitely love the company. The fact that he'd want to see me at my worst and would want to take care of me would mean a lot. However, if I was just dating someone casually, I would NOT want him seeing me in that state. Might scare him off
  11. I don't know... I'm 20 and still sleep in the same bed as a girlfriend and I am completely straight (as are they). In my opinion, girls just don't think it's a big deal to sleep together. Sleeping is just sleeping.
  12. the one thing that helped me was antibiotic cream. I had them HORRIBLE on my breasts when I was younger and that made them disappear
  13. Get a blood test done asap. Even though you may not be showing symptoms yet, it will still show up in lab work. This is coming from someone who has had mono twice. Once diagnosed before symptoms appeared (my roommate had it) and once after... It's miserable. Really. You could look it up on link removed That is a very helpful site
  14. It absolutely does not make you shallow. You can't help who you find or don't find attractive. In order for a solid relationship in my opinion, there NEEDS to be SOME physical attraction. I also think you're not over your ex yet and maybe you should just give it some more time. It has only been one month... And from my experience, first loves take FOREVER to heal.. I'm still not over mine and it's been 5 years. (When I found out he had a girlfriend about 10 months ago, I started bawling) Anyways, sometimes attraction DOES grow as you get to know someone better. Sometimes, you'll find a not attractive guy turn into the sexiest man alive just because you know the real him...
  15. It sounds to me like this guy is trying to belittle you... making fun of you for not doing a lot of drugs (that does NOT make you conservative...it makes you smart!), not being a horn dog and having only one partner (how many has HE had? do you really want to be with a man wh0re?)... This guy sounds like a major piece of work. He's trying to make you feel inferior and wants you to "prove" you're not by screwing him. You may not be "wife" material to him, but he is certainly NOT "husband" material.
  16. here's a tip: If you have one of those removable shower heads, those are amazing... If you have a bathtub and there's enough room to maneuver, you can position yourself under the stream of water...let it hit your clit. This way, there are no sharp objects Make sure the water isn't too hot though...that hurts. Also, as other posters have stated, try a dildo or vibrator. There are TONS of online stores if you're too embarrassed to go into an actual store.
  17. Exactly... you said JUST what I wanted to...thanks for not making me think about how to word it
  18. grrrr..SAME HERE!!!!!!! we went from everytime we saw each other, which was about 4-5x a week...to ONCE if im lucky! And again, I know he's not cheating, there's no doubt in my mind about that. I also know he loves me so that's not it... its so frustrating..
  19. well put... I honestly don't know any of my friends who HAVENT planned their wedding...or at least have a good idea of what they want... It's those stupid disney movies (which I adore, dont get me wrong)
  20. wow, that's interesting... I went off of yasmin for almost a year and didn't really have periods but I assumed it was from my medical condition, it didnt even occur to me it could be the BC since it had been SO long (I actually thought i was pregnant!) You lost weight after going off yasmin? hmmm... maybe i should look into this yaz one. thanks for that info
  21. I can understand this, and yeah I have thought the same thing on occasion. "Geez, if he's not even going to try to take this slow, is he going to wind up hurting me?" I can definitely see where you're coming frorm saying that.
  22. Yes. Exactly what I was trying to say. My mind is on overload. Haven't been able to think straight due to this stupid move.
  23. lol, i totally did not mean that in an offensive way which i think you know...but anyways, i was thinking about my own experiences of sleeping w/ someone on the first date and how in most cases, it didn't "ruin" the chance of a relationship! I guess I just feel like people are indirectly calling me easy when they make comments like "guys dont take you seriously when you give it up on the first date". Meh, I'm rambling. I take things too personally
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