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Everything posted by jengh

  1. Thank you everyone for your replies. I'm feeling calm finally... I even laughed. I think things are okay.... yeah....time for a walk
  2. I feel like i need to get up but i just dont even feel like getting out of bed. ugh. I didn't think it'd be this hard. I just figured...i dont know... i knew we were finished weeks ago. I should've just left it at that.
  3. yes.... you do remember correctly... he wouldn't stand up for me, never complimented me, etc. Overall, though, he is a good guy...just not for me, im beginning to think...
  4. thanks... i think i will go clear my head... too bad it's so freaking cold out I just made a big move and I think it may have affected things. Before I moved, I didn't so much as THINK of another guy, let alone decide to take a break from the relationship... As soon as I moved, though, I guess I realized what else was out there... (it's always been a long distance relationship, now though im actually a little closer) He's substantially older than me--27. I'm 20. I'd like to find someone my age who doesn't find my friends "too immature". He hangs out with 40 and 50 year olds for god's sake!
  5. thanks.... overall, I feel pretty decent... maybe because the reality hasn't kicked in yet....We've had a lot of conflicts (i've posted about a few in the past) that were unresolved (both of us are stubborn). I hope it's for the best.
  6. thank you for your fast reply. that was really touching (yeah, im a sap) and made me tear-up
  7. Well, my boyfriend of ten months and I decided it was time for a break a few weeks back. It was fine to see other people, etc. I just figured we'd get back together. But then I met someone... whether or not this will even develop into anything, I don't know. I also really don't care at the moment. This morning, he said something that hit a nerve; something about him being "charming". I told him he's not. He asked, then why are you with me? I responded with "I dont know" and then started listing things. One thing led to another and I officially broke up with him. I don't know what I'm feeling right now. An hour ago I was sobbing, now I just feel numb. I love him, but I don't know if im IN love with him anymore. I think I am, but I just don't know. We're too different. So now I'm sitting here staring at the screen, listening to Ani DiFranco and thinking.... I don't really know what my point is here....just felt like talking (typing). My roommate, even though she KNOWS what's going on, has chosen to have sex in her bedroom. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel...
  8. this past summer, i worked in a nursery... all i did was tend to plants all day, outside...no people around
  9. oh wow, good for him. I think that may be what my dad did... though he had a job for a year or two so the company would pay for his program...
  10. sorry, i was writing while you were posting that... nevermind the STI thing then
  11. definitely go to a doctor asap. Does it burn when you pee? Is it possible you have some sort of STI?
  12. Yeah, like hazey, I'm also wondering how your girlfriend feels about all of this? Also, many women just can't seem to get past it when their mothers are disappointed in them or don't approve of what they're doing. Women so desperately seek approval from their mothers. At least, from my experience and my friends' experiences. How often do you see your girlfriend? Her mother may just KNOW it's serious between the two of you and actually feel jealous, feel like she's been replaced even. That her little girl is finally grown up and she wants to spend as much time as possible with her.
  13. wow, thanks lonely... you really seem to know what you're talking about i have a friend going into occupational therapy and that sounds rewarding too
  14. oh, alexx, im so proud of you for talking to her. I know how hard that must've been. You made a great choice.
  15. I do love helping people. I think I'm good at it. Yes, I realize there is a lot of schooling, but I'd always wanted to be a plastic surgeon (until i gave up on the chemistry part!!!) so i've planned on a lifetime of school anyways
  16. I've been on this site for a while. Since September, I believe. Since joining, I have gotten so much out of giving people my advice and insight. In fact, it has made me consider going into psychology, like both of my parents, and becoming a therapist or psychologist. What do you guys think? I think I have good insight and as unbiased as possible.... I think it would be a very rewarding career.
  17. oh wow... he sounds like a handful. I'm sorry... It sounds to me like he has no respect for you or your authority whatsoever. Maybe he feels like he doesn't need to respect you because either way, he'll get a car, gas, private school, etc. handed to him. Does your son have a job? Maybe it's time you make him pay for his own insurance and gas. I think he needs to take more responsibility.
  18. YES...you are bound to get pregnant! Don't risk it!!! Like someone else said, which would be harder....being more responsible and telling her you want birth control... or telling her that her baby is having a baby?
  19. A, definitely.... I'm in situation B right now
  20. Talk to your mother. Tell her you're going to have sex but want to do it as responsibly as possible, using both condoms (every time!!) and birth control. I'm sure a pregnant 14yr old is NOT what she wants. I can't remember the laws about birth control. I know planned parenthood will help as much as they can... I was never put in that position and I did start having sex when I was 14 as well. My mom just thought I needed it to regulate my period. Now, what I should be saying is to not have sex, blah blah blah. But I Know. You're going to anyways. Just be as safe as possible. You don't want to ruin your life by becoming pregnant or developing an incurable STD.
  21. Yeah... I held out going to the doctor for a LOOONG time out of embarrassment. I didn't want to be the smelly boob girl!
  22. Okay, I had this too... It's actually a fungus. Yeah, it sounds really gross and it is... but it's treatable with a topical cream applied twice daily. You do need a prescription for it though.
  23. Actually, mine was. My best friend growing up and I (and a couple of my other friends) would play "boyfriend/girlfriend" and kiss and dry hump and such.. We even went as far as fingering when we got a little older. I still question my true sexuality, meaning whether or not I'm bisexual. I DEFINITELY love men, but I've had a couple of drunken sexual encounters with one of my girl friends.... hmm..
  24. aww, i am so sorry. Losing a pet is one of the hardest things to overcome. Please know, though, that it wasn't your fault.
  25. I wouldn't buy her anything yet. Maybe some flowers, but nothing more. Take her out for a nice dinner. Have you asked her why she hasn't wanted to get together since? I realize both of you are busy.. how far away do you live?
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