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Everything posted by jengh

  1. I'm going to make a recommendation to you. Take a course in world religions. It opened my eyes up to SO many different cultures and beliefs. I f you're curious about what's out there, I think it would be really helpful and enlightening to you. I have no idea how big your school is, but larger highschools sometimes offer them. If not, every college will. Give it a shot
  2. charley, thanks so much for finding that out. I'll go pick some up tomorrow if I'm out.
  3. jengh


    Why is not being with her not an option? I don't know, I would think if someone I cared for put drugs before me, knowing I was against them, they wouldn't be worth my time and they shouldnt be worth yours.
  4. "i forgot to cry...today i need it" There's your answer. you need to cry. crying is a healthy emotion. You'll feel so much better after a good cry
  5. hah, the poster above me has it dead-on with the weed pulling comment! I've used link removed and it's free for women. I've met a couple of cool people off of there, one of which has potential. I've heard link removed is very popular and some of my friends have had success there. Same goes for eHarmony.
  6. I LOVE tanning (i know..here comes all of the "oh my god, tannign is soooo bad for you!!!" I know it's bad for me!). It depends on your skin tone how quickly you tan. Obviously, it's much faster than laying on a beach. If you're fair-ish skinned, they'll usually start you out with 10-12 minutes. You can work your way up to 30. It's comfortable! I always fall asleep. It has the same "feel good" effect as sitting in the sun. It gives a very natural tan if you don't over-do it. Go twice a week. Maybe three times at MOST. If you go every day, you'll look crispy (just as you would if you lived out in the sun) I recommend using indoor tanning lotions. they really speed up the effects. As for cost, it varies greatly by location, type of bed, etc. It can be anywhere between $4-15/session.
  7. oh man.. i was the same way. never did homework, never did the reading, never studied. I graduated with a 3.8gpa. As soon as i hit college though, wow.... it's not that it's hard because it really isn't for me. What's hard is making myself go to class, making myself do the required reading and work (there's a lot of online stuff to do). I made a horrible mess out of my first semester, wound up on academic probation (!!!). So, if I can give you any advice, it would be to force yourself to study just a little bit, not necessarily to do perfectly in school, but to fine tune your study skills. I'm 20 years old and still have no idea how to study
  8. Okay, here's my take on this issue. You have every right to ask your SO to stop going to strip clubs. But, he also has every right to say no. but, in my opinion, if he's actually getting lap dances, I find that to be VERY close to crossing the line and if it bothers you, he should respect you enough to stop going. If he's simply going to unwind after a long day at work, to look at the girls and have a beer, then I feel it's as harmless as looking at porn. However, if it's ruining your intimacy (i.e. he's no longer interested in having sex with you) or it's causing financial burdons, then, he should respect your wishes.
  9. jengh

    Im pregnant

    How's your situation going, piegirl? Everything okay?
  10. i agree with him, your school will have services. They also may even be able to refer you to someone else. Also, you could get a referral from your general practitioner. That's how I found mine and he's amazing.
  11. back when i was in my "workout kick", I found that bench pressing helped quite a bit.. I've always had a DD cup and I do believe they shrunk to a large C-cup. Be sure not to work your way up TOO high, otherwise, your muscles will increase in size, thus making your breasts look bigger.
  12. a taser gun may not be such a bad idea. then you can taser her and call the cops!! This girl sounds like a real nut.
  13. Oh wow...three years is quite a while. She was physically abusive to you? This leads me to believe she's not going to stop at torching your car. I'm afraid if you don't say something, she'll try to hurt you even worse. Keep your pets safe and lock your doors!!
  14. No, they absolutely will not take this lightly, ESPECIALLY if you've been broken up for so long. I seriously urge you to report this before it escalates into doing something to harm you directly or indirectly. There's no telling what this girl will do.
  15. aww, i'm sorry about your breakup I'm going through a nasty one right now too. Moving out is going to be one of the hardest things you've ever done, I think. But I'm sure you're a strong woman and will get through this coming out even stronger. Remember, no man is worth your tears and the one who is won't make you cry.
  16. dacanay is right. more than likely, she's all talk. however, there's always the possibility that she's not which is why you need to, in my opinion, talk to her family. I'm not sure how long you were together?
  17. oh wow... i'm sorry you have to deal with all of this crap. She burned your CAR!? I hope you called the police and that they were able to find evidence. How old are you? She is NOT your responsibility. If you think she's serious about killing herself, you need to contact her family or closest friend. Let them handle this. It's not your job to make sure she's happy. Not anymore anyways. You could also call one of those suicide hotlines and get their advice. but, no matter what, this would NOT be your fault!
  18. god... i cant believe this is actually happening... i usually talk to him 3x a night + text messages.... this is so weird
  19. HOnestly, I'd give it a shot, even if you do have to have a roommie. It could be disasterous, but at the same time, you could have the greatest time of your life. I had a HORRIBLE freshman dorm experience, but 99% of my friends loved it. And being in a language dorm is a fabulous opportunity. Just think how amazing your French skills will be!! Rememeber, you don't have to actually hang out with the roommie...
  20. oops, sorry molly elise. you said the same thing i was going to put
  21. i feel like you have every right to ask them to... and i also feel they have every right to say no. it's a harmless hobby. unless it's ruining your intimacy, I don't see anything wrong with it.
  22. Excellent!!! Congratulations!!! I hope everything works out great for you!
  23. jengh

    Im pregnant

    I'm so glad you have such a great boyfriend. If he's supportive of your 2 daughters, I'm sure he will make a great father.
  24. jengh

    Im pregnant

    Congratulations!! I'm sure your girls will be ecstatic!! When do you plan on telling them? As far as your boyfriend goes, just remain calm. If you've talked about having children a few years down the road, I think he may be shocked, but ultimately, be very happy Good luck with your talk!
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