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muffin cakes

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  1. I think your normal what I have been doing lately is watching my what I eat during the week. Keeping track of calories and all. But on the weekend I not I eat what I want. I think it helps me to keep from feeling guilty about eating whatever I want on the weekend.
  2. I think it is really common to feel uncomfortable. I am a week ahead of you and am really uncomfortable. My back is sore alot as well. This is my second baby and I was pretty uncomfortable with my son as well.
  3. My doctor has been watching for pregnancy induced hypertension this time because I did develop in my last pregnancy in the third trimester (about 7 months). It has been nearly 3 weeks snice I have seen her and due to her vaction time it will be nearly 2 more weeks before I have another appointment scheduled. I didn't have any major stresses in my last pregnancy. I was at home from 6 months on. So I was pretty stress free. If anything this pregnancy would be a little more stressful because I have a 2 year old son that I am caring for. What has peaked my concern is that I seemed to suddenly noticed a increased amount in the swelling of my hands and feet during the last 72 hours. If I am up chasing my son for a few hours they seemed to become maybe about twice the size of normal.
  4. I have had really swollen feet and hand. With my last pregnancy, I had high blood pressure. I am concern that I may have high blood pressure again.
  5. For me it was really hard to tell until after I missed my period. But some of my first symptoms around 6 weeks. I had nausea and vomiting, sore boobs, and extreme fatigue.
  6. Who's pregnant here and how far along is everybody? I am 27 weeks and due May 23rd.
  7. No this is my second baby. I was really sick with my son. I was a little less with this pregnancy, but I haven't been for nearly 2 months. So I was a little surprised when I woke up vomiting.
  8. I was up throwing up last night. I had alot of problems with morning sickness in my first trimester. I am really hoping that it isn't returning. I feeling a little nauseaed this morning. Grrrrrrrrrrr..............
  9. Wishing you best!!! Congrats on your pregnancy!!!
  10. I had been thinking that I might like to, but now I know that I don't want to. My boyfrined doesn't want any more childern. (This will be our 2nd) I know that if I did it I would be really regret it. I not against using birth control after this one is born for sure. I don't want another baby anytime soon after this one. I guess I feel that I am pretty young to make a prement decision like that when I'm not really sure. (I'll be 27 on my birthday.)
  11. it depends on your baby, My son is 27 pounds now at 21 months.
  12. I would really like to get one. I don't have one for my son, but I am thinking with 2 in diapers it might be a good idea to have one. WHat do you guys think?
  13. Everything looks great. They were able to get some great pictures of the heart and all is fine. I was so relieved to hear that as I had a aunt die in infancy from heart defects. I am currently 22 weeks and only a few more months left.
  14. Too answer some questions I don't know what I am having. I am feeling fine a little tired. As far as only gaining 3 pounds I have lots extra to begin with I am a pretty big lady so I probably don't need to gain much.
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