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Everything posted by coollady1957

  1. Yes I would want to know. I have been cheated on in my last relationship and I found out myself what was going on. If someone else knew and I didn't know that my partner was cheating, I personally would want to be told. I hate it when people hide things from me and do things behind my back, so I would definitely want to be informed.
  2. I checked that out ^. Looks awesome !.. Great work.
  3. I don't think the FWB thing is a good idea. I think that eventually either one of you will get jealous and upset over the other going out to have fun with someone else. I just think in the big picture of things, it is going to cause trouble sooner or later.
  4. I must have initially missed your story the other day. I am just today catching up on everything and your problem. I hope that you come back here and update us on yourself. I was very concerned while reading this thread. Am also glad that you sought some assistance after the pills, and thanks to avman staying on top of things with you, and the others as well. Update us soon. Everyone here is great and no one is burden to anyone here.
  5. Well thank goodness she started her period. I caught your post about the accident in your other thread and replied.
  6. How long have you actually been dating the guy ?
  7. If you were dodging to keep from hitting a dear I can't see that is is your fault. I don't see how your girlfriend has anything to do with the car at all. They are insured which should be no problem with the damages. I don't really see how they can say you HAVE to break up with your GF. That seems silly to me, even if they are upset about the car.
  8. I am so sorry to hear about your cat. It can be very difficult especially when they have been part of our lives for many years. I can sympathize with you because I have lost older cats myself. You cat was quite old and I feel it was no fault of your own that caused his illness or passing. I think you are grieving right now, but I do think it will get better. Give yourself some time. How To Convert Cat's Age to Human Years Here's How: Allow 15 human years for the first year of your cat's life. Add nine years for the second year. A two-year old cat will approximate 24 human years. Add four human years each for successive years of his life. Some people say that the pet age in relation to human age is an old myth or wives tale. Somehow I disagree in a sense. As I have had cats and dogs that seemed to have aged accordingly in comparison as if it had been human age. Once again, I really think it was nothing more than old age, and that your cat had lived his life. He had a great owner that loved him very much and I am sure had a good life with you and your father. Keep the good memories of your pet close to your heart. Time will allow you to deal with it better, however you will always miss your pet and think of him.
  9. These were my test results. Sounds like from this I need to go live in a cave somewhere and eliminate society. HA HA ! Some of the results were quite surprising to me. I find this quite amusing, because much of this does apply to me but on the other hand much of it doesn't. Fun to take the test though just to see how it would turn out. Advanced Global Personality Test Results Extraversion |||||||||||||| 56% Stability |||| 20% Orderliness |||||||||||| 50% Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 63% Interdependence |||||||||| 36% Intellectual |||||| 30% Mystical |||||||||||| 50% Artistic |||| 16% Religious |||||||||| 36% Hedonism |||||||||||||||||| 76% Materialism |||||||||||||||| 70% Narcissism |||||||||| 36% Adventurousness |||| 16% Work ethic |||||| 30% Self absorbed |||||||||| 36% Conflict seeking |||||||||||| 43% Need to dominate |||||||||||||| 56% Romantic |||||||||||| 50% Avoidant |||||||||||| 43% Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 70% Wealth || 10% Dependency |||||||||| 36% Change averse |||||||||||||||| 70% Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Individuality |||||||||| 36% Sexuality |||||| 30% Peter pan complex |||||||||| 36% Physical security |||||||||| 36% Physical fitness |||||| 30% Histrionic || 10% Paranoia |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Vanity || 10% Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 43% Female cliche |||||||||||||||| 63% Stability results were low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious. Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun. Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity. trait snapshot paranoid tendencies, irritable, anxious, fidgety, dependent, worrying, emotionally sensitive, prone to regret, depressed, second guesses self, somewhat fragile, dislikes change, prefers organized to unpredictable, suspicious, phobic, craves attention, not a risk taker, low self control, very sensitive to criticism, unadventurous, does not make friends easily, defensive, obsessive, low self esteem
  10. I agree that it does sound a bit strange for him to just disappear from you life with no word or anything. What was he like on the last day you saw and talked to him ? Was it like everything seemed to be going "peachy" and then the next day you never hear from him again? Has he expressed any concerns about getting involved in a relationship? I would not call or try to hunt him down though. It seems to me that if you know some of his friends, that if something has happened to him of a serious nature , you would have heard about it by now. I can understand though the thoughts you must be having.
  11. I too am happy that things are going better for you now and congrats on quitting drinking. I also think you should be aware of the possiblities of how pot can affect an unborn child during pregnancy. I would hope that you would not get pregnant until you have kicked the habit fully on smoking pot. Good luck and all the best to you.
  12. I think you said in the thread that you posted yesterday that what bothered you most was the fact that it was "hookers" that he has sex with and not so much the fact that he had has sex with someone before he had met you. What I am getting is that you could probably handle things easier if it were just old Gf's that he's had sex with ,,than with the fact that he sort of stooped to a sleazy way in your eyes to get sex in the past. You also mentioned that you worry that he will do it again and for some reason you think he is not satisfied with you. What would make you think he is not pleased with you ? How does he treat you ? Do you two have an active and satisfying sex life ? The one thing I would be concerned about is whether he has been tested for STD's. I would wonder if he had used protection when he had sex with hookers, however condoms are not a full guarantee for protection from STD's . I some sense of the word, the past should be the past. However on the other hand a sexual health history will follow someone the rest of their lives. Meaning, everyone that someone sleeps with could potentially pass on something to the sex partner, and thereforeeee they could pass something on to you.
  13. I don't see any reason you should be having to hide seeing this guy from your parents. You are going to be 20 soon, and are old enough to make choices and decisions for yourself. What are they going to do if they find out you are dating someone? What is the worst that could happen ?
  14. Have you sought counseling yet for your problem ?
  15. I was wondering what you have heard from your cousin. Did she come back? I hope all is well. Maybe you can update us when you get a chance.
  16. I think if nothing was ever really a relationship with them and the sexual hook ups were nothing to either of them, then if your sister has no problem with it , it shouldn't be an issue. Even if she doesn't mind, if you are uneasy about getting in to dating a person who is a friend, then by all means don't if you feel it will ruin a friendship if the dating doesn't work out. Are you and your sister close, can you easily discuss it with her in a casual conversation maybe?
  17. I agree that a date would be when it is with some one you have more than a friend interest in.
  18. I can understand your frustrations about being stood up. The same thing has happened to me before. I was gonna ask all the same questions that RayKay has asked you. We could reply to you better if you give us a bit more information.
  19. I wondered as well what your age is.?? THere is a time in teen years when kids do feel like they are overly controlled by parents. It is usually a normal phase. What kind of things seem to bother you the most about what you mom says or does?
  20. I am in agreement with Ren. Renters insurance would cover personal items and belongings. The apartment bldg, should have its own insurance. But they may feel its is your roommates negligence that caused the fire, so they may feel that you two are liable as the ones leasing the apt. However, I think consulting a lawyer with all your information would be the next step. There is too much confusion on who is liable for what to decide this among your selves. So get yourself legal counsel.
  21. My son is now 20 years old. He lived with me until he was 17 when he graduated high school. He then left for military training for 6 months. When he returned he was then 18 years old. He lived with me for several months after he initially completed his military basic training. He paid for all of his own expenses. Rent, utilities, food. He did his own cleaning,, laundry , etc, without my having to ask or prod him. The only think I expected of him was that he be considerate enough to let me know if he planned to come home at night or had other plans. Otherwise as long as he behaved as an adult at age 18, I let him live his life as he pleased. But I let him know I was there for him no matter what. I knew he had to learn and take responsibility for his own actions. I did not try to control where he went or whom he spent his time with, or when he would be back home. The point is with my son,,,,, I treated him as an adult, he acted as an adult and all was well. I think when you treat them as the young adult that they are, the more they become and act like the adult that they should be. He never asked me for a thing and became a responsible adult and realized he would be the one to deal with the consequences if he screwed up while hanging out with friends or whatever. It was not long after that he was on military deployment and was gone for a year. He has basically taken care of his entire responsibilities since age 17 when he graduated high school. He was forced to grow up fast and take on a lot after his fathers/ my husbands death when he had barely turned 17. He now has his own apartment upon returning from deployment and purchased a new vehicle . Has a full time job and two part time jobs just since he returned a few weeks ago. I guess the point with all my ramblings is,,,,,,, that I agree there can be a point where you are TOO controlling over a person of that age. But they must be completely responsible for their own life , at which point the constant control needs to not exist. IF they are dependent on the parents for any part of their life, then there should be a level of control within reason. I hope some of that made sense. Tonight is one of those nights where my thoughts seem to be all over the place, so I hope I made some sense of what I was trying to say.
  22. I adopted an old cat once from the shelter. He was 13 years old at the time. He had been given up for adoption by and old man that had cancer and could no longer care for the cat. The cat was so starved for someone to love him and care for him. I had him for three years before he died. But he was a joy to have, as he loved every moment that he was held, petted and loved. So even some old cats are just a much as joy as a young kitten. I have had both.
  23. Has you wife been to any of the counseling with you ? Have you pretty much exhausted all efforts to make it work out in a good way with your marriage. I agree with Melrich, that staying just for the kids sake or for appearance purposes is not necessarily how you should look at it. How old are you children? Sometimes it is worse off on the children in the long run by staying in an unhappy marriage , than to move on with your life. There is no reason you can not still be a father to your children if you are separated or divorced. HOw does your wife feel about the whole situation ?
  24. nah , not TMI. But at my age ( 48 ) , there is not much that is TMI or gross. I have pretty much heard it all and seen it all by now. Over time there is not much people can talk about, say or do that can be TMI. I guess his problem must not be too bad, since he didn't ever reply back about it.
  25. When you say lately you have been having the problem , exactly how long are you talking about that the problem has been giving you trouble.?? Do you mean like a few days or longer than that? Sounds like maybe some constipation going on , and you probably need to add more fiber to your diet and drink more water. Sitting and straining on the toilet for long periods can also cause hemmorhoids, and you don't want that for sure.
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