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Everything posted by coollady1957

  1. Great poem Kita !!,, I know you miss your daddy a lot ! I feel you are truly coming to a better acceptance of his loss . Stay strong and determined young lady. take care !
  2. I don't think you are being overly sensitive about the text message. In my opinion it was not the right way for her to have contacted you to postpone the date. She should have had the consideration to have called by phone. But, since you do not know the story yet behind the postponement of the date, then I would say yes, to go on the date tonight and During the date I would casually ask what came up last night that caused her to have to postpone the date.
  3. I would say that in most situations that you can not put an age limit on romantic/intimate love. I would think that at age 12 though, a person may not be fully aware of the difference in love and infatuation. At that age they have not had a chance to really experience life enough to realize the difference possibly. I knew I was IN LOVE with my BF when I was 16 years old. I had dated a few guys before him but once we started dating ( I was 15 at that time) , after a period of time I knew he was " the one". I was so totally in love with him. He became my husband when I was 18 and he was 20. Even though I was 16 when I really realized we were truly in love, we were engaged for those next 2 years until I graduated high school. This may certainly not be the best choice for everyone, but it worked out in my case. We were married for close to 28 years before his death at age 48.
  4. Have you been to the doctor yet to see what it is? In your photo it does look similar to having boils. Just wondered if you went to the doctor yet? You may need some type of antibiotics. You mentioned that a sample had been taken already from one of the bumps. If you have not been back to the doctor at least Call them and see if they have the results yet. The results of whatever bacteria are in there would indicate what kind of proper medication or treatment would be.
  5. I also agree that once you get her out of there for good and keep her away. that you should block her from communications, in every way possible. As someone mentioned earlier, block her email address from being able to send anything to you. Place her on ignore on any of your chat messengers. Do not asnwer phone calls from her, or else change your phone number to a non published number if necessary. A non -published number is not listed in the phone directory, nor is it available through information requests. Unlisted numbers are not in the directory BUT are available through an info request and will be given to anyone that calls for the info. At least that is how it is where I live. I have had to change my number to a non published from an unlisted, to avoid people from being able to obtain my number through the information requests. Even if you have to change your home phone and cell phone numbers, a little hassle with the change would be worth what it took to permanently kill off the contact with her.
  6. Well I, read back on your previous thread about this relationship and I agree with the other posters here. This relationhips is in a fast spiral downward , but you know that already. Don't give in anymore to her begging, and do not let her back in when she keeps returning to your home. DO what ever you have to , to keep her legally off your property and away from your house. Pack up her things, send her or take her back where she came from and let her know that you do NOT want to see her anymore and that you are moving on for the sake of your sanity and your future. If she shows up again,definitely call the police and have her removed. Let her know that you will take measures to keep her away if she persists. Get a restraining order if she doesn't head your warnings of not returning. Be strong and dont give into her anymore. Take control of this situation, be firm with her and your desire to part ways for good.
  7. How long have you been broken up with this guy again? Best I can tell this is the same guy that you have posted about for quite a while( over a year) now on ENA. IF I were you, and you intend to stay parted from this guy, then I would MOVE from that property, and find yourself a new place. IF you can't move then ignore him and go on about the business of living your life. Are you hoping to eventually get back together with this guy or what? If this is the same guy that you have been involved with for many years, then I wouldn't even entertain the idea of having a relationship with him if I were you. I just went back and read your entire history with this guy. He has treated you badly, damaged your truck, cheated on you, tells you he never wants to get married......... I say MOVE away from that property and get a new life going for yourself.
  8. Ians Mommy , I am so glad that things are going so well for you all !! Post those new tummy picks soon. Take care .
  9. I don't know if it is possible for pubic hair to have never grown in or not . ,Since she obviously reached puberty it would seem only likely that she has had pubic hair also , if she had other body hair as well and has had it removed. Does it bother you one way or the other whether she has pubic hair or not ??
  10. Sometimes just someone knowing YOU are THERE for whatever is needed is of a great comfort.
  11. Good for you Steven!!! I am very happy and proud for you !!. Stay strong and determined to stay clean/ Good luck with your rehab !!
  12. I agree with avman and Tigris that it would be best to get things checked out to be on the safe side. I am not so sure that regularly skipping the placebo/off week pills is a good idea to avoid your period. At least I wouldn't do it without consulting the doctor about how often you could do that without messing up your system.
  13. I was looking at her photo on her avatar.
  14. Hello, I am not a guy but thought I would reply anyway. It does sound possible that your husband is going through a midlife crisis. What has he said to you in response to your suggesting counseling for him? Do you have any clue of specifics as to why he seems so unhappy with things right now?
  15. You look fine in your avatar, assuming thatit is you. Based on the chart I found, you are probably well within the range. Do you think you are overweight? link removed
  16. ^ I disagree with the thought that every guy will occasionally or eventually stray. It is all a matter of having moral and ethical values in a relationship and the commitment to be with one person. I think if someone is not satisfied in a relationship , then they need to break it off and move on, but cheating should never be an option. ^ That is pure BS. I was married for nearly 28 years before my husband passed away, and he nor I ever strayed, cheated, or desired to be with another person. We kept things exciting and new for all those years. ^ My husband and I never tired of each other, nor became bored with the relationship, sex, or being together. I just do not agree that being together "too long" in some peoples eyes, will cause boredom and I also do not agree that an affair is the right answer to regain excitement and satisfaction. It takes two devoted people to make a relationship work , with lots of love, respect and support for each other during the rough times.
  17. Have you asked him about this picture on the cell phone? If so , what has he had to say about it? Is this picture a random photo of someone that he does not know? Where did he obtain the photo from ? If he is aware that nudes of other women upsets you, then he should respect that issue and not have such photos in his phone. Maybe you need to have a talk with him and set some boundries and expectations with each other on the nude photos.
  18. HI Steel72. Glad to hear back from you . You certainly have had a lot on your plate so to speak. We are here for you if you ever need to vent or rant about things. Stay strong and take care !
  19. Tigris, you are obviously a very strong person no matter what ,to have dealt with your life issues. I am sorry to hear of your current issue with the lumps in your breast. I certainly hope that everything turns out for the best for you and you can continue your plans to be with your fiancee'. It is normal to feel frightened over what is happening. I am going to think good thoughts for you and the outcome of your tests on the 17th. I can sympathize with you on the being scared. I have been through various tests before , so I can feel your anxiety as I type this.
  20. I agree that if it were something that was their actual personal property , that it should be promptly and properly returned. BUT,,,,,,, if it were something given to YOU by that person , then I also agree that it would be yours to do as you see fit. I actually destroyed several items that were given to me as gifts or purchased by my EX BF for me, when we broke up. It was sort of a therapeutic sacrifice of those items to signify my parting with him.
  21. Tigris, I think Ren does live alone in an apartment and had just gone for a visit to her parents house. Ren,I think you look great myself and have commented before on how much I like this new avatar of yours. I really hate that your mom is giving you such a hard time with all the negative comments. I wish she were not being so judgemental with you in such a harsh manner, because that only makes things worse. I would certainly limit my time if I were you , about being around your mom if she is going to speak so badly to you about your weight. I can't see anyway whatsoever that she should be calling you a disgrace because of your weight. I don't really understand her reasoning behind jumping on you all the time about your size. Makes no sense.
  22. I agree with avman, that if your divorce is final , and the child support issues are cleared up, then there is not much he can do to keep you from doing what you want. You say you have been divorced for several years. So how long have you been apart and officially final on the divorce how long is several years? You mentioned the family cat above. Were you suppose to take the cat in the divorce settlement ? If he has had the cat all this time with him and there was no agreement for YOU to take the cat, I can't see how he can take you to court over damages to his furniture. If you two are parted, there is no reason you should have to put up with any bullying or pressures from him. Additoinal note: I know this is not totally related to the problem you have posted about just now, but I still wanted to say............. I think if I remember right you are wanting to move or be with your BF from another country, of which I remember some doubts and problems there. I would hope you get those issues in order as well before you moved off to another country for this BF.
  23. I agree there is not right or wrong time that is set in stone. It would be when you fell the level of comfort doing so. Personally, I would wait several months into getting to know the person, and finding out what they are all about and what their expectations are. Just curious though, what your age ? I don't blame you for being cautious in an effort to keep from being used. Definitely do not rush into imtimacy and sex, and don't let some one pressure you if you are not ready to make that move with them.
  24. Are these the two same girls you were posting about a few weeks ago, where you were kind of liking them both ?? And the same guy that you have posted about in this same circle of friends, etc. ??
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