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Everything posted by itsallgrand

  1. I love pets and animals. If he really doesn't like them - to the point of not wanting to be around them in my home - it's a dealbreaker! Hehe...I got a good chuckle about men/cats being a weird combo. I think that's a running joke to a lot of people... Personally, I think man+pet=yeah! The man can keep something alive!
  2. What was the situation that the two of you were able to spend so much time together for 2 weeks? Wow. This relationship is very young. It seems you had the chance to avoid 'reality' for a bit there, but now it's making itself told. If you really like him, y'all will have to negotiate some way to see each other on a somewhat regular basis that works for both of you. Is that something that could be done? good luck.
  3. Hey. I understand where you are coming from. It hurts when someone we've cared about is not on the same page as us; and moves on really quickly (or so it seems to us). Earlier this month i broke up with my bf of many years. I broke bc he had started seeing someone else during our difficulties. I know he is seeing her still, and that makes it worse somehow. Anyways, It hurt(s) really bad. For a lot of reasons. What I am starting to understand is that our relationship was ending while we were even still together. He moved on faster than me; because i was still loving him while he was no longer feeling so strongly. So: even though it looks like it's quick; it's really not. Not for him. The best thing we can do is focus on ourselves; and do not worry (hard i know) about the other person. If he treated you badly, the sting can be even worse in a way; because there are other feelings involved and more stuff to settle in your head. You'll get there; this stuff takes time. I do not speak to my ex. and I avoid our old 'haunts'. For now at least. There are other places I can go. You're stronger than you know. take care.
  4. Is he a musician? that would be a whole other story
  5. Hi Cellisia. You sound pretty upset at your mum right now. That's understandable. You shared with her something important, and she didn't receive it the way you had hoped. I can't say what happened back then, but the important thing is that it was upsetting and felt wrong to you. I'm sure your mum did not intend on making you feel this way - perhaps she just didn't know what to say. Mums love us a lot but are human too. Sometimes they make mistakes. I'm sorry you're feeling so badly and are feeling that way around guys. It's not fun - I know. I hear you. I hope things look up for you soon!
  6. I'll be blunt: If you have time to ruminate and complain, you don't have it that bad. Buck up! It's all better from here on in. You've learned some lessons others will have to learn later in life: and it will be much more difficult for them. Pain=Opportunity
  7. 21 and first orgasm? I'm surprised you're still able to get to work on time! Have fun. Good for you.
  8. I would say "Please don't ask me questions like that. There is no way I can answer correctly! That's like if I were to ask you if I'm fat!" If I'm with him, sleeping with him, loving him...that's all that counts. Obviously I dig him.
  9. Move Out on your own, for gawwwddss sakes! Ok, just had to get that out. Now: hey, not every family is close. You're at an age where you are seperating from the fam. and have your own identity/life anyways. I really think your best bet of building a stronger relationship would be to move out.
  10. Haha. You have your own taste in women and there's nothing wrong with that! Plenty of gorgeous, available women with extra stuff out there. Lots that would be so happy to see a post like this!
  11. I think you just have the normal amount of nervousness of finding out if she's interested for more, too. It sounds like you're doing a lot right: taking it nice n' slow, getting to know her, smiling, asking her out. Just continue with what you are doing. Keep spending time with her when you can. An invitation to a concert should give her a good idea that you like her! And soon...you'll have your license and things would be a lot easier to see her. 15 mins really isn't bad at all. good luck
  12. sunshine, Is this another 'friend' to the original friend who asked you to keep the cat? This needs to stop. It'll drive you crazy, hun! Totally not acceptable. I'm so sorry to have to repeat myself, but I really think you need to confront this woman (original one) and be straight out with her. If this is all getting waay out of hand: could you recruit someone to have your back? Not to do the confronting for you; but to watch out for you and keep you strong? I so agree: in the 30's and pulling those shenanigans is just....silly! good luck. stay strong. Oh: what did you decide about the cat? Are you gonna keep him/her?
  13. Sounds like an ear infection. Some medicine would help, most likely. get well soon
  14. Well, she is very young yet, and you know what is right for you! Obviously, mom isn't quite ready either...and hey, if that's what you're happy with, go for it! Enjoy your time. Wishing you and your daughter lots of happiness.
  15. It really sounds like you like a shy guy! Ohhhh nooo the humanity!! Actually, if you are fairly straight-forward or expressive person; it can be quite frustrating and confusing. It sounds like he likes you tho. Now...how to deal with it....dunno.... I haven't had a tonne of success with the shy ones
  16. aggie, You have a talent for getting threads 'hot' and running!
  17. ENFP Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 11 88 38 44 Cool. Seems about right to when I took it at work.
  18. It's hard finding good friends. There's always something, eh? well, for me it seems that way! I've found a few good ones - but they went and got married and had kids on me. Hey! That's nice and all, I'm glad they are happy....but y'know, it somewhat limits the time we get to spend and the interests we share now. It's nice to see them; only wish it was more often. Other than that I find myself somewhat lonely, too. I seem to attract the kind that wait for me to call, or give up on me easily. It's true - i'm not for everyone, but i'm a decent person, and I value my friendships. I just have 'odd' ways of doing things. Sorry no great advice. I relate tho.
  19. ((Stinkweed)) The teenage years are tough enough to begin with. I'm sorry things are so rough for you lately. Are there any other adults you trust who you could turn to besides your parents? An uncle, an older cousin, that sort of thing? That may help with the support while looking and seeing a therapist - also to help let your parents know that you really are having a very difficult time and just need a little bit of an extra boost. It's tough when parents aren't keen on these things. They try their very best - but let's face it eh 'sometimes they just don't get it!' Anyhoo, you could find a therapist via a school councillor or a local mental health agency or a doctor. It would be much better if your parents knew tho: maybe they would soften up to the idea over time. Meanwhile, try to be kind to yourself. Things have a way of getting better. lots of love
  20. Well, keep doing what you're doing me thinks. I'm crossing my fingers that she makes it to the concert with ya'. That'd be fun.
  21. I agree wholeheartedly. Wonderfully put, iamteddybearfeelmecuddle
  22. You are not seeing things clearly. He is a player. HE IS MARRIED. HE IS MARRIED. HE IS MARRIED. HE IS MARRIED. Isn't that important info? At what point did that become 'ok' in a prospective partner for you? You deserve more than scraps and drama.
  23. Yeah, he's a trainwreck. Don't stare too long.....
  24. Ohh what wonderful varieties men come in! icemoto and I have the same facial routine! and a lot of the same interests....hmm, too bad you're so far away. You sound cool as sh*t to hang out with
  25. Thanks for the support, iamteddybear
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