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Everything posted by AwdreeHpburn

  1. wow.... great topic Unhumble - really. And I think this is a topic we covered in a sociology class I took a really long time ago... Does knoweldge of the past help or hinder us in our interactions with other cultures.... interesting.
  2. My mother also takes Zoloft for here OCD and she's been much easier to deal with - regarding that stuff... the rest we're still working on....
  3. Hey Ty I tihnk you're on to something just by the very fact that you're looking for a solution. If I'm reading this right, you're looking for a compromise? Yeh? As a parent, one thing I LOVE is when my children reason with me, negotiate, use logic and problem solving to overcome an issue. You're on the right track asking for compromise. I think you SHOULD take the idea to your parents and discuss it with them adult to adult. BE PREPARED to ACT like an adult tho - if you are going to ask that they compromise, you'd better be ready and willing to make some concessions on your end as well. Best of luck dude.
  4. Hey Shizznit - Welcome to ENA!! I don't know if I qualify as an "older member of this forum" or not, but I'munna give it a go anyway. I think she's confused, upset and bound by the traditions of her culture. Labeling the relationship as one without commitment just helps her make the separation in her mind. She knows how she feels about you, she knows she likes hanging out with you but she WAS,, maybe still is a little hurt, but also doesn't want to hurt you if and when her parents marry her off. It is a very confusing and emotionally complicated situation you're in and I personally would not do well there. I would need more definition, structure and direction. Some I know would do much better just going with the flow of things and waiting the 2 years to see what happens. What would YOU prefer? If you need more of a promise of the future, you need to step up and say so, cut your losses and move on. Or - if you feels she's worth the wait, put in the time she's asking for and see what happens. The choice is yours. Just make sure your decision is made clear to her. Good luck dude.
  5. Hey Betrayed - Yeh - I'd say you're on the right track in your thinking. I'd guess he means you look and act like you're ready to have sex at any given moment. Or at least that's what HE thinks he's seeing cos you make him horny....
  6. musicguy - you sound a bit of a pessimist to be honest. I don't know how to tell someone to stop being pessimistic but what I do know is that things look bad now and they will again, but in between, there's BOUND to be moments of greatness. Love, fun, good food.... Life is a series of events. Not individual ones. And not ones that just happen. But connected ones - like roads - roads that are driven on, steered down, traveled. YOU are sitting in the driver's seat. YOU can choose the road you drive. YOU can speed up, slow down, avoid the turns, curve around the bumps or blaze on thorugh. Corny? Sure, but it's no less true. You can direct your own life. If you choose to stay on a road that's gloom and doom, that's up to you, you're the capt'n, but it's a dark and lonely road. I'm just lettng you know cos I've driven that road before. I know where it ends. It's not pretty. Trust me dude, take the next exit and get off this road. It is a deep spiral downward.
  7. There is not "A" sign. It's not like when you see "THEE" sign, you'll know, clear as day.... But yes, a lot of the things you mentioned in your post...finding reasons to be around someone. Looking at them a lot. Finding excuses t talk to you. Giggling. Acting shy or coy. Asking you for your number.
  8. yes - it's called obsession. You should address it (call the guy) or let it go (stop thinking about it)
  9. Are you kidding? It's MY opinon - and I'm a girl so it may not even count - but your at your prime psysical peak! What's NOT to be interested in. Not that older girls don't look like that, cos they do of course, but it's encoded. At least that's MY opinion....
  10. Hey Happy Sadness - Here's how I see it.... Here's aboy she's known her whole life. Prom seems like a perfectly appropriate ending to a lifelong CHILDHOOD friendship. Whilst she moves on with you into an adult relationship, let her enjoy one of the last hoorahs of childhood/highschool kid stuff with a friend she shares that childhood/kid stuff with.... ...and then the two of you can move on into more grown up adventures....
  11. LP - I was with a guy who smoked pot the entire time I was with him (3.5 years) prolly still does... I don't want to get into the debate about whether or not pot is good or bad for you, the point I'm pretty sure everyone can agree on, is that it does alter one's judgement. If you are not happy in a relationship with a guy you think is addicted to something you disagree with, you're going tohave to make a decision. And only you can. For me, I personally didn't want the life of...gf of a stoner. It may work for some, but I didn't want it. AND BOY AM I BETTER OFF!!! Seriously....
  12. ummm...yeh - seems like you're making this a lot more complicared than it needs to be. Why don't you just ask him about it in front of your sister. "Hey Mike - a friend a mine said you were hitting on her in a bar the other night. What's up with that?" ...or something along those lines... The proof will be in his response.
  13. Mac - Aren't ALL religions cults then?? Based on that definition? Well - regardless, they are by MY defintion. I think the OP should let her bf figure this out for himself. JW's are great people to talk to in my experiences. What I've found though, is that, like anyone else I suppose, they don't like being mocked....They don't "roll with it" very well....so just don't do it.
  14. hmmm.....I dunno - this is a weird one. Three years is nuthin'! Ridiculous to even contemplate. But you're in Highschool - she hasn't even started it yet. I think when you're 23 and she's 20 ....who would tell you to NOT go for it. I think....in 3 or 4 years, if you all last that long from this day forward, it won't mean anything. I say go for it. If you, at 17, date a 14 year old - that's not THAT big of a difference. And if you are 18 and she's 15 - I still see no issue. I guess on the physical side of things....I'd have to advise you to wait until she's legal.
  15. right, like HellFrost said, may I comment even though I don't follow christ? And can I try and talk youout of the above?? j/k.... ...sort of......
  16. sheesh -are we really going to argue semantics here?? Op obviously posted because she's got a crush on a guy who's dating someone else. Come on! We've ALL been THERE!!! Is she JUST saying bad things because she's jealous - NO! At least I don't think so. And who cares if she is. She doesn't like the girl her crush is dating, obviously! ...sounds normal and relate-able to me...
  17. as long as he's really only 23 - I think that's totally normal.
  18. Hey RV - Welcome to ENA!!! And let me be the first to say....SUPER CONGRATS! You're off to a WONDERFUL start, I think. AND - I think 50 lbs is totally do-able by July. It'll be really hard tho. Cutting out soda is a tough beginning. I know I have a tough time with that and haven't yet been able to do that. Coffee too.....I put WAY too much sugar in my coffee. Breads are really high in sugars too, but ya can't cut everything out, right? I just recenlty found a photo of myself that my husband's grandmother had - she passed and we got a bunch of stuff from her house. Anyway - this photo is from like 6 years ago when I was probably 50 lbs lighter too! I'm totally doin' it too! 50 lbs by July!! woooohooooo we can do it!! 50 lbs in 6 months??? Easy as NO PIE!!!
  19. so........you weren't into him so well, kind of blew him off and then suddenly changed your mind and he's supposed to what....? Just know that and be there at the ready? I DO think he gave up....so YES give him stronger signals. Let him know you want to see him - maybe??
  20. In MY opinion it can. You just have to make very clear what is acceptable to you and what is not. But once you establish your boundaries - don't let anyone blatantly disregard them.
  21. Vermillion - Hey!! .......so......when I first read your post I was like....Yep! I've been there. And then I read all the responses...... .....hmmmm I didn't get that that's what you were saying. i think I know what you mean. My brother fell for the devil as well. She was an OK looking girl - which is what got him interested to begin with but MAN! She was (IS) the devil! She's rude, mean, controlling and YES - has a VERY low self-esteem. My brother is divorced from her now (THANKFULLY) but they have a child together and she's still always soooo mean. She belittles him, she puts other people down and - at the risk of being yelled at, like you were - She's just UGLY! Inside and out. I know what you mean. And it's harder to see someone you like deal with that because you know you could love them better....but as others have said, he obviously sees SOMETHING in her....even if you and I don't see what it is. But hang in there, those kinds of people can't fool people forever....
  22. Hello Jeeves - And Welcome to ENA!! I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Please know that there are many in your sitaution out here on these boards - stick around for a while. Read other posts, check back on yours in a bit. Have you two decided to split up? I mean you said you moved to a different house, are you going to make the split up official?
  23. Very good ppoints GQ. I totally agree. I don't think she should leave him either- that would prolly be a tough thing to do. I just think she needs to command a certain amount of respect...
  24. Piegirl - I don't doubt his honesty or goodness. I'm sure he's a "good" guy. There IS an issue though, yes? That's why you posted to begin with? You feel lke there's something missing or ou can't FULLY trust him or what? You don't trust him to be faithful when you're not there, but you do trust him to tell you about it afterward cos he's honest about such things?? well...I'm sort of confused about the issue of the post then. Cos whilst I see that you appreciate many of the things he's done, there are many magical, wonderful, ENRICHING people out there who you WILL be able to trust... or not feel uncomfortable with at least....
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