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Everything posted by AwdreeHpburn

  1. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY disagree Northalius, that looking at porn means anything at all EXCEPT that people are turned on by sex, sexual explicit things, images, thoughts etc. We are hard wired to crave sex. Come on. To say that getting horny and looking at porn means your dissatisfied in your relationship.....I just don't even know how to respond. And comparing having other friends to other sexual partners...where are you from? What the ??? Seriously.... OP - if you've asked him not to look at porn, don't expect him to stick to it. It's unnatural. If you can't be with a guy who likes to look at porn, good luck. I'm not saying there not out there, but I bet in SMALL quantities.... If he's disrespectful of your feelings, that's another story but I bet that would manifest itself in other areas as well, not just porn... Don't let yourself be disrespected or made to feel uncomfortable but also try to make realistic demands. That's MY opinion based advice
  2. Hey pie girl!! Congrats!! At least you have TWO girls who are definitely old enough to help out!! And I'm sure your bf will deal. Especially if you've talked about having kids at some point. So it happened earlier than you'd planned...that's the ONLY way it's ever worked for me....
  3. huh?? Can someone who says something like this please tell me how sex is immoral?
  4. I imagine you have the right to ASK. I personally don't understand why anyone would ask someone to stop doing something they enjoy but hey - that's just me.
  5. thanks guys! I know in my head it will be OK. We've just loved the school she's been in. It's a great school. I know it'll all work out...... I didn't mean to sound shallow about the clothes thing. I just remember being teased when I was in school for the kinds of clothes we wore and I hate the thought of that even being an issue - another reason I liked her old school....uniforms.... Anyway - I'll be OK!! THANKS GUYS!!
  6. Maybe I just don't have any of those hang ups. I AM a moral person. I don't hurt people, say mean things, judge people based on what I consider trivial things etc. -but sex - I just don't have very many hang ups when it comes to sex. I mean, I don't have sex outside relationships because most people are too insecure to handle it or separate the difference between the physical and emotional. And because most consider it cheating and cheating in ANY capacity is immoral to me, I wouldn't do it. I don't cheat on taxes or card games either. But my husband having had sex before me? Hmmmm..... I guess I just can't find the place in me that it bothers. And we have sheets so I know I'm not sleeping on any weird previous lover's bodily fluids or anything. Must be just me because I see a lot of the responses have been "ewwww" - but I really don't get it. Even the prostitute thing or the paying for it thing doesn't really bother me, but I don't view sex as immoral. Nor do I view paying for sex immoral. Unnecessary maybe considering there are plenty who give it away, but immoral? HOW?
  7. does it bother you to know he had sex before you as well? I mean, like with a girl friend? Is that the same thing? I mean, what is it that bothers you? Is it the prostitute thing or the sex thing?
  8. persuaded - I feel for you. I don't really know how to tell someone who was married for almost 8 years to go into and stay in a world of no contact. Do you two have kids? I imagine NOT having kids would make NC easier but 4 months is still so new. Try - as Orlander said - pushing thoughts away. I always tried markers - time markers. Like, if I can just make it to this time I'll be eating dinner so I'll be too busy eating to think of calling. Or, if I can just make it until my favourite show is on I'll be too busy to think of calling or obsessing. Then, if I can just make it thru the night, I have work tomorrow and getting thru a work day where one has to be somewhat professional was a big help to me to get thru a large amount of time. Eventually, another 4 months will go by. Start striving to reach different time markers. It will get easier and easier.
  9. uhhh....can't believe they're still around? That is a very intricate part of quite a few cultures. Mystery Man - I guess my advice too is to play it by ear. It may not be an issue at all. She may be fully aware of her role, accept it and bo Ok with it all. If it feels forced and uncomfortable, I would recommend doing things to ease the discomfort first. Likewise, she may actually talk to you and let you know where she's at with everything. Just let it play out and see where it goes is MY opinion.
  10. Yep - my daughter will be going to a new school this coming year. I'm nervous for her, but I know she'll be OK in no time. It's me I'm worried about. I KNOW!!! I'm a selfish pig. But I am soooooo sad that she will be leaving the school she's been at for the past 3 years. I've JUST started to get a little more comfortable with talking with her teachers, her friend's parents...etc. Growing up, I lived in the same house my entire childhood and went to the same grade school as everyone else. When we went to middle school - all my friends went at the same time - same with High School. I'm having really bad stress and anxiety over the whole thing. Will the school be as good? Will she make new friends? Will she have a rough time? Will she have enough clothes to be cool? (she wears a uniform now) Anybody been through a change of schools? From ANY perspective.... THANKS GUYS!
  11. read to each other play video games go stay in a hotel go for a drive/walk go for coffee play ball leg wrestle
  12. Hey never too late - I think I get WHY he's saying it and sounding so strict about it. But I have a feeling if you two were really close to meeting the goal but things got pushed back a few weeks or a month, he would make allowance for the time discrepancy. Don't ya think? I mean, if you had both been working really hard at it and things were progressing along and you were really close? Its never too late, yeh?
  13. I agree with RayKay and I agree with him. Sounds like he's fed up. I think a goal to work toward is a good idea as well and so is a deadline. It doesn't have to be strict - I think flexibility with the deadline is OK as long as there's progress but I believe he's right. If you DON'T put something like a deadline in place, you could just go on forever working "toward" it.... Best of luck to you both. I hope you find it happier being closer!
  14. call a Walgreens all night pharmacy and ask a pharmacist! They'll know! In the interim - DON'T mix anything!! Until you're sure...
  15. It can't be too late dude. Go enroll and use your humour on some 3D chics.....you'll have them eating out of your palm in no time!!
  16. sorry resi - sounds like it's the real deal.... Keep posting for support tho!! I'm sorry for you
  17. Alexx - Please, so that your mother CAN take you seriously as someone who can make adult decisions, start using condoms...
  18. wow...that seems really strange to me - as a mother - if my daughter wre to come to me, saying that she is currently having sex, to say I won't allow her to be on birth control for fear she'll think that means permission. sounds a bit backwards. Aren't there free clinics or do you have to have parent's consent at your age? There's gotta be a way to get on birth control. You ARE using protection in the form of things you can buy, yeh? Condoms etc.?? And what do you mean you can't stop?? You can, you just don't want to. I totally understand teen-age hormones, I do, but maybe you SHOULD stop, at least until you can be smart about it. I'm glad you have a bf who respects you. I wish your mum could follow his lead.... No offence meant to her, honeslty, I just disagree with her.
  19. Hey In L and W - I think you said it yourself - let her be for a while. Maybe she just needs some time to herself right now. I know sometimes I do. Does she have anyone she trusts her kids with? I mean, does she ever get time away from the kids?
  20. what are ya tryin' to say HellFrost??
  21. Dude - I totally hear you!!! ( iknow you're a girl - i call everyone dude....) I hate people EVERYDAY!! Partly for that very reason....partly because they always think they're the only one who's right....they're the only one that matters... The only ways to combat fakeness are head on or if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em...or beat 'em at their own game.... ...or just beat 'em!! JUST KIDDING!!
  22. Hey jim - Welcome to ENA!! If I were you - I would totally tell her - in person or over the phone with YOUR voice - your reasoning for it, how you accidentally got caught up in the lie and make SURE you mention how nervous you are to tell her the truth but you knew you HAD to come clean. Chances are, she'll totally understand. If she likes you, I doubt she'll stop liking you just cos you're not quite as old as you said you were... ....unless you DON'T tell her soon!! Best of luck dude, and keep us posted!!
  23. Hey Eileen!! Welcome to ENA!! I think what it takes to leave someone who's bad for you for good - is willpower. Lots and lots of willpower!! You'll need strength and willpower. I don't have a better answer for you than that but I will say that this website - ENA - is a wonderful support group so if you find yourself in a weak moment, you can call on us rather than calling him!!!
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