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Everything posted by AwdreeHpburn

  1. Hi John - if you're asking for real - I would suggest doing it more often to build your tolerance. Once a week is not often at all for a guy to masturbate. And I've have never known masturbation to interfere with sex with a partner - unless you do it like, an hour before you're going to have sex.....
  2. Hey kiwifly - I could totally relate to your post here. I feel like this a lot too. I feel like a failure for not being able to cope like I think other people can too....truth is, NO ONE is coping but everyone is coping their own way. As campy as it is, you're not alone and people are listening. i feel lke this a lot. Take time to sulk - there's no shame in that. Don't wallow in it or get lost to your friends, but it's OK to call off a nite with them once in a while. Just take the time you need and then boot straps baby! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and move onward!! But don't feel like you're less than anyone - everyone feels like this once in a while!! Keep posting Kiwi! People are listening.....
  3. I too would omit the word otherwise... Other than that, it sounds really good to me. I personally don't think it matters if its a real card of an e-card. Again - back to the how well you know her or her family thing.... Offering your help is really a nice touch.
  4. As Eva gina said - it all depends on how well you kow her. Sending flowers or poetry to someone you hardly know is NOT suggested. If you do know her fairly well, NOT sending flowers is is a bad idea - you should if she's a close friend. If she is a professor whom you respect, a simple message is plenty and will be greatly appreciated. Condolences is not neccessarily a formal word but very common in the situation. Its almost a given....BUT if you don't use that particular word, condolences is the sentiment you're sending anyway....with any words you choose...
  5. I hope you feel better seems empty - in my personal opinion. Makes it seem like there's something wrong with her that needs to get better. But there's not, she's probably just sad and profoundly so and wishing it away for her doesn't relate. Offering your heartfelt condolences says that you are sad for her loss as well but also that you acknowledge there's not a lot one can say to make the situaiton better.... ...of course they're all just words. -My most sincere and heartfelt condolences for your loss. -My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. - I am sorry for your loss.
  6. Its a total hormonal release - one I personally hate. I've become SOOO much more like this since having kids. I do it occasionally - and I don't care for it.....
  7. Hey Vessa - I suggest something simple : Many condolences. My thoughts are with you and your family. Sincerely, Vessa How's that?
  8. Hey Marco - I don't think you SHOULD put the fears or lessons of your last relationship anywhere. I don't think they should stop you from moving forward, but its when you DON'T remember the experiences from last time that you're doomed to repeat them. You have to risk some to get some, but don't let it go completely....
  9. When it doubt - ask questions. When there is a lull in a conversation, ask a question. That seems usually to get a conversation going again because her answer might give you an idea and your idea will evoke a comment from her and so on and so forth. You are in a really good place too since you're still getting to know each other. ASK A LOT OF QUESTIONS. Its a good way to learn about her WHILST talking.
  10. ALS - Its too hard to see from the inside. You're trying to describe the shop's entire building from inside the shop's dressing room. You'll need to take a step out and then a few steps away. Surely you'll get a different view from outside, yeh? Its all and always a matter of perspective - you're just looking at yourself from the wrong angle. Can you come over here and stand close to where I am? You'll get a better, less useless view of Emily.... Sometimes we all get trapped in our own little rooms inside ourselves. We just need to remember where we are and that there IS a way out - and then remember to get out and get that different perspective..... You're far from useless from where I stand.
  11. wow! Maybe people not wanting to hear about each other's pain because its uncomfortable is half the problem..... I was kidding about the lying part - I don't condone or recommend it. I was joking. But to avoid the truth for the sake or not wanting to trouble someone is just as ludacious - in my opinion... I mean, doesn't it mean something that they're even asking? FRIEND - "So - what happened? Are you OK?" OP - (said robotically) I am fine. We are simply no longer together but everything is fine. Thank you for asking. beep beep beep MY personal opinion is that the OP tells people who are asking whatever she feels comfortable sharing - leaving out the parts she's UNcomfortable sharing.
  12. Avoid trash talk for sure, makes you seem petty and bitter. I mean, when one has had their heart broken and their sensibilities betrayed, its expected that they're proper and breifly cordial. However, I sort cling to those societally negaitve traits - petty and bitter - they're my best friends. I personally don't care if someone knows the truth. I would say, "I ended it because he cheated on me." I know that isn't the case, but that's what I'd say anyway. Oh - and I'd add, "He's been trying to get ahold of me to "work things out", but I don't think I'm going to."
  13. I certainly agree people need to get their feelings out. I also think understanding how strong feelings of retaliation can be is a good thing. Should people retaliate just because we can all relate to the feeling? I don't think so. I think energy and emotion could be spent in SOOOO many different and more healthy ways I guess. Should we frown on others who DO partake in revenge just because we all agree its a bad idea? Yes. In a careful, understanding and considerate way but if we don't, it will never end....
  14. OK - i can see being irritated cos he asked for space and time and you know that you should've given it to him. I can even see swearing - maybe not AT you, but being upset enough to swear. BUT TO SAY that YOU push him over the edge and push him to that really is an abusive thing to say. I mean, is it the fault of the person getting hit for pushing the hitter to hit?? come on. He CAN control himself....well....maybe he can't but it is on him to try - not on you. I do agree - like I said - that you should respect people enough to do as they wish but he needs to take responsibility too....
  15. This IS a great post!! I hope loads read it. And I LOVE the Simon avvy! Good for you Kevin! Keep at it!
  16. Ahhhh yeh - that's a little too creepy for me to be honest.....
  17. lol - no - you're not cpc - unless you're missing the fact that some people are pretty shallow and selfish! But I'd like to miss some of that in people myself..... Pay them no mind. They would obviously be no fun for you any way and its likely you wouldn't have hit it off.
  18. OHMYGAWD!!! I'm totally laughing sooooo hard at this!! i mean - i get it - i do, but......... lol!!!
  19. I was going to say exactly that. You just need to bust out with it dude. Just say it. Tell him she's scared, tell him its really bad and that he could get into some serious trouble.
  20. Hey Llammas!!! Good for you!! It sounds like the new, and happier you! Congrats. I hope it continues to last. I think many will find this inspirational!
  21. With ALL of that info - I would make of this that she is a confused, immature person who is playing games. Stay away if you'd like to keep your heart and sanity.....
  22. lol - I get it. I'm just sayin' how are you ever gonna get what you want? Maybe your satisfied getting the bare necessities - I dunno. Wait - how is it you NEED to see each other? I mean how is that different from a want again? How do you know the difference? How do you know you just didn't WANT to see each other?
  23. it doesn't sound strange actually - just kind of broken in the normal way. I get he doesn't want to feel like he's making you do stuff, but what about the things he would like to have, see, feel etc. Does he have those?
  24. Yes. It really does work that if you love yourself everything else will follow - ro make sense and all the stuff you've ever heard about loving yourself. You wanna know why? both.
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