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Everything posted by lunatic

  1. Ultimate_you, I would like to say that from what you have stated from my questions that he will hurt you. I think that we all know that you have to end this relationship now. The problem is how do you do it? Well I would say make sure that you are in a public place with lots of people around and tell him everything that is bothering you. I would also make sure that you have some friends near by if you need help. You also might want to tell someone in your family that you trust about what is happening. You have to get away from this one because he is abusing you. Holding you down and hurting you during sexual intercourse is abuse. As soon as you say stop and he keeps on going is rape and abuse. You deserve better than this and you need to get away from this one before he really hurts you. Hubman
  2. Good luck Gilgamesh. I hope you find what you are looking for in this person.
  3. I can't help with the pain that you are going through right now. This one seems like she has some real emotional problems with the self mutilation and all. The person you fell in love with is no more. You have to move on and get the healing process started. It sucks that she did this to you and I thing we all can relate here. She is not worth the pain that she is causing you. There is one thing that we all sometimes forget when we are in love with someone. That is we have to do what makes us happy and that is not happening anymore for you. She hurt you and these things happen. Sorry you are hurting! First thing is to leave her alone and cut off all contact with her. Second is for you to take some time to yourself and rediscover who you are. Learn what you want from life and dreams you have. I always use my past as a learning tool. I think about what happened and what I did that I might have done differently. Finally, you have to forgive her and yourself for everything that has happened. This doesn't mean that you have to tell her and it doesn't mean that you should talk to her ever again. It means that there is no resentment and that you can say without a doubt in your mind that you tried to do everything possible to save the relationship. She sounds like she is very young and she has a lot of growing up to do. As far as the cutting thing you did your part by telling her mom and it is not your concern anymore. You did the right thing as far as I can see. Hubman
  4. No No NO... I don't mean for her not to do anything. I may not have made myself clear. We cannot tell her what to do if he is the type of guy that is going to hurt her badly. I need to find out what type of guy this is. She is considering fleeing and I think I know the answer already but, I want to make sure before I give any suggestions. I don't want her to get hurt by him I need more information before I can make a suggestion. I want her to get out of this relationship safely but, first I need to know how and who he is. We don't know anything about this guy and maybe he is one of those guys that beat the crap out of their women. Please don't get me wrong. Hubman
  5. Squats are a great excercise that will give you overall body strenght. You don't have to do it for two minutes because you are susposed to be doing it in sets. Start with light weights and work your way up. You don't have to go to the floor for them to work. You bend down to where you are comfortable doing it. You can hurt your back and knees way too easily with this excercise so BE CAREFUL. Squats also release some hormones that stimulate muscle growth throughout your body. I like to do my squats in sets of ten with weight that I can barely push up and sets of fifteen of lighter weight. I would start light and work you way up. It sounds like you are over training yourself and you will never see the gains you want by over training. Take your time Rome was not built in a day and neither was muscles. If you train/eat right then you will start to see the gains you want. I have been working out for about three months now and I am starting to see some gains now. You wont see much in the beginning so don't get discouraged. PM me if you want some more suggestions. Hubman
  6. I have some questions to ask you before you do anything. Please answer them here on the forum or PM me if you want it more private. First question, Has he ever hit or hurt you in any other way? (This is important) Second, Does he ever grab you or try to restrain you in any way while you are fighting about something? Third, Is he the type of guy that goes mental/bezerk at the littlest things in life? Please answer this before I can go on. Hubman
  7. Senna, Well I know where you are coming from. After a few months of progress on getting over your ex and bang something sets you right back to the beginning. All I can say is that she probally realized that she lost you and maybe there is some regrets there. I don't know how you two ended the relationship good or bad. I can only say that if you ended up on a bad note then I would ignore this card and move on. If you ended it on a good note then I would sit down and write all the positives and negatives on a paper. Then think about the good and bad by going back. Be honest with yourself and don't let your heart interfere. This is important because if you run back and it ends in a year or two down the road you will be kicking yourself in the a$$ because of this decision. You have to use logic and reason here. This is a major decision for you because it will have implications down the road the you cannot see right now good or bad. Personally I would continue down the current road you are on because there will be many more women out there for you to explore and date. I get excited by this possibility because myself I have been with two long term relationships that take up a span of ten years. No one can answer this question for you. Only you can make this decision for yourself and we can only try to make you think about it first. I hope this helps. If you need to talk then feel free to PM me. I have been through this with one of my ex's like eight times. I can offer you some advice if you want it. Good luck with any decision you deciede to make. Hubman
  8. I agree with Phgnome. You should change your phone number and maybe even change your email address. You should avoid talking to this bitch at all costs. If you do answer the phone and it is her then ask her to stop calling and say you have something important to do and hang up. That will piss her off that she cannot make you feel bad. I think she is doing this because she is not happy with anything that is happening in her life. Just ignore her. You are a better person and don't sink to her level. Stand up and be strong. Good luck, Hubman
  9. Nothing wrong with going on some dates. Just don't rush into anything because you don't want a rebound relationship. This I tell you from experience because I am going through hell now. I am not me anymore and I can't stand it. I lost my very being because I didn't wait last time. The old saying is so true that when you least expect it she will come. -Hubman01
  10. LOL Enadevoli thats a good one. Dude, I think it is all in our minds. If you think it is a sin then it is. No one can tell you differently. It is a personal matter. I don't think masturbating is a sin but that is me. Hubman01
  11. Men are pigs and we can't help ourselves. As a male I can say that I don't even realize that I am doing it. We don't mean to be direspectful by doing it but men are visual creatures by nature.
  12. I have also heard that when someone is under a lot of stress they can miss their period. I would not fool around and see a GYNO anyway.
  13. Gilgamesh is so right you have no idea. Take care of you then you can love again in the future. When you least expect it you will meet someone that will so you love again. It takes time but, the end game is worth it.
  14. That is why we are all here because everyone here is hurting or has been hurt in the past. I found this site by accident after my breakup and it has helped me out so much I can't even tell you. Keep your head up high and be proud of yourself because you will come through this and will be a better person when all is said and done. Remember if you want to vent you can PM me anytime. I hope my words helped you a little. Be Strong, Hubman01
  15. Senna is right on the button on this one. You have to stop all contact with her if she is ever going to come back. Also you have to realize that she is gone and you have to face that like the rest of us are right now. Keep yourself busy and make sure you are around friends and family as much as possible. Pick up a hobby or start working out at a gym. If you keep busy then the time will pass more quickly for you. I always notice that the first month after a breakup is the longest month ever. I can feel your pain because I also just became single again after a four year relationship ended. I too am heart broken but, I know enough now that when she says it is over then you have to move on. No need to wait around for her to make up her mind because you have a mind and feelings too. It will hurt and it is going to get worse before it gets better. Believe me that it will get better with some time. You need to rediscover who you are and what you want to do with your life again. You had your life ripped out from you by the person who you cared about the most in life. Do yourself a favor and sever all contact with this woman because she does not want you to be in her life anymore. Don't be a stalker or a psycho just be yourself. Here is something that someone told me that made me feel a little better about myself. You lived almost your whole life without this person and you will adapt to living life again without this person with time. I hope this helps because I know it probally wont. You have to start thinking about you again and that is the first step on the road to healing yourself. You have to come to terms with yourself and the reality that she is gone. Once you can understand that she is no longer there then you can move on to the next step which is reflection. Think back and think about what happened in your relationship. Is there anything that you might have done that you would do differently? If there is, then do some deep reflections and make surew that you never again fall into that trap. Finally the last step is to forgive yourself and your ex for everything that has happened. Don't beat yourself up because the relationship ended. Remember that there will be plenty more women in your life and you have to heal to have the future you dream of. Sorry about the long post. Good luck and PM me if you want to vent. -Hubman
  16. I have one thing to say. Forget her and move on. Over the last five years you have been dissed and dumped a couple of times. She can't/wont commit to you then you have to do what you have to. Move on and find someone that will be willing to be with you. I can understand that it is easy for me to say this but, I have been through this myself with my ex many times when we were going out in high school. After a ten year break we got back together and I was misurable. Let her go and move on to better things. Sounds like she is using you and you need to get out. Hubman01
  17. Dude I know exactly where you are coming from. I have been there and in some ways I am still there. I look around at all the other guys out there with their women and I get mad because they so lucky. I'm now in my thirties and I have never been married myself. I have only had two long term relationships that I fell I wasted my time. I don't like where I am in life right now either. It is all part of what we go through when we lose someone we love. I also have to point out that I used to be the life of the party and I would talk to anyone and everyone. I always had many friends. It seems like over one night I changed and I don't know what to say to people anymore and I also don't like being in a crowd. I can feel your pain but, only to a certain extent. Remember one thing you lived most of your life without your ex and you have to learn to be yourself again. Be confident and be strong because you WILL get through this. Believe it or not you will grow emotionally and spiritually from this experience. Use it as a learning process and grow from it. If you feel that shy and lonely try volunteering your time with a charity or something that will make you talk to people. I can tell you this you have to get something to get your mind off your problems. You wont forget them but, it will help you not go crazy with all these negative thoughts. YOU have to learn not to be so hard on yourself and let go of your fears. Life is a bunch of risks and sometimes you fall on your face. I hope this helps and if you need to have someone to talk to please feel free to PM me. Good luck and don't be so hard on yourself, Hubman01
  18. There is nothing wrong with a guy wanting his gf to toss his salad. LOL It does feel good and there is nothing wrong with it at all.
  19. I totally agree with Gracee. Stick to what you are doing because it will be for the best in the long run. If it makes you feel any better I feel the same way you do. It will pass and you will be a better person for going through this. It will be worth it in the future. Good luck, Hubman01 P.s. PM if you want to vent. My ears are open to everyone and I can give a males point of view.
  20. Kimg, Listen to a man and never look back at your ex. He doesn't deserve to be with you. To me it sounds like your ex was using you and you did the right thing. I totally understand that you are hurt now because I am there with ya sweety. I too knew that my ex and I were at the end but, when it came to reality it really hurt?!?!? I still don't get it but you have to stick it out. Remember there is someone out there that will love you for you and time will heal all wounds. Stay strong and dump this loser. You did the right thing!!!! Hubman01
  21. KKGirl, As a guy I would be flattered if you asked me out. So I would say if you know he likes you then go for it. What you have rehearsed sounds great. If you don't know how to end the conversation just tell him to give you a call when he gets the message. I don't take that as an order but, more as a request. GO FOR IT!!!!!! Good Luck! -Hubman01
  22. I would say that she already let you know. I would say hell yeah ask her out. You have nothing to lose at all. Go for it. Hubman01
  23. Well I have to say one thing...Don't rush into anything. You learned from the last month and a half. I would let it happen and go with the flow. Just do one thing for yourself is don't get your hopes up to high. Take it day by day and play it by ear. That is what I would do. Good luck! Hubman01
  24. Nifty_Swifty1, The only thing you can do and you are doing is to be there for her. I understand that you feel helpless but, by being there is what you friend needs more than anything right now. Just keep doing what you are doing! Hubman01
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