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Everything posted by lunatic

  1. Hey Just_smile, I can totally agree with this poem. It moved me because it was from your heart and I feeel the same way! Thankz! -Hubman01
  2. Alexandra360, I am sorry about your problem. I can tell you from past heartbreaks that I can put myself into your situation. I feel for you because we all know how you are feeling right now. You need to work out the issues for yourself. You need to remember that you are only human and have desires and needs to. So what you needed time to get over a past relationship. Atleast, you were honest with him enough to tell him that you wanted to take it slowly. Sure I am certain that it was very frustrating to him at the time. Your a person too and you have to remember that you were doing what you thought was the best for you at the time. Don't knock yourself too badly about the relationship falling apart. I think that if it was meant to be then everything will work out in the end. I wish you all the best and remember that there will be someone out there that will love you for who you are. -Hubman P.S. If you ever feel the need to get it off your chest then PM me. I have been through this so many times that I may give you some useful insight to the problems you are experiencing. Good luck.
  3. Street, I think SwingFox is right and let it go. I would normally tell you to do what makes you happy. In this case you should hold out. Let her think what she wants because she is the one that left you. Always remember that you have feelings too and that she did not take them into consideration when she started seeing this other person. I would tell you to move on, but we are kind of in the same boat. Remember that she left u and you owe her nothing. I hope this helps because I know no one can take the pain away but time. One more thing, I believe in charma (what you do to others will come back to haunt you) so let time have it's way with her. Good luck, Hubman
  4. Pale, There is never a right time to say you love someone. It is a very personal thing and only you know when you are ready to tell someone you love them. If your other half loves you they will say it on their own and in his own time. Please do yourself a favor and not pressure him into saying that to you till he is ready. You have to understand that everyone falls in love at a different speed. You might be ready and he is not. Just give it some time and watch how he treats you. If you notice that he treats you differently and he wont tell you that he loves you then you might be in trouble. For now though, give him sometime to fell comfortable and ready to share his love with you. -Hubman01
  5. Aragorn80, You are experencing what is natural and healthy. The only thing that you must do is put her behind you. Try to move on with your life. Try joining a gym or local fire department (if they are volunteers) and do something to keep yourself busy. I too don't have many friends anymore because most of them are married and have children. I am in the same boat with thinking about her all the time because I lived with her well over a year and I dated her for three years. You have to rediscover yourself and what you like to do. We are in the same boat and you have to get yourself busy to get your mind off of her. I know this sounds stupid but, why dont you talk to your parents/siblings? They will always be there for you and you might be surprised to hear that they understand where you are coming from and might even be able to give you really good advice as well as a big conforting hug. You do what you have to to get yourself out and away from her. This will take months to start feeling better but, As the last post stated it will be a long time before you forget your first. I don't know about eight years but, you definitly will have her on your mind for some time to come. I hope this helps to know that you are not alone in your pain! If you need more advice feel free to write me. I am finding this site helpful in dealing in my pain by helping others. -Hubman01
  6. Seaass, Try to get flowers that are her favorite. If you want her back and she wants you everthing will be fine. The only thing I can say about a stuborn person (being one myself) is you will never change that person. You should keep encouraging her to talk about her feelings and reassure her that they will never be told to anyone. I hope everthing works out for you with this problem. Just don't be surprised if she tells you things you may not like to hear. I hope that you don't have that problem and you two get back together. Remember to get her favorite flowers or get her one single red rose. Good luck, Hubman01
  7. The only thing I can say is do what makes you happy. I only warn you that if you do get back together then watch out for the signs that she might be losing interest in the relationship. I have just come out of a four year relationship to a woman that I dated back in high school (a long time ago I finished in 1990). We got back together and I found that we were happy for a while but, I found out that her ex was coming around when I wasn't there and I even cought them together in the apartment. I wanted to break it off but, she kept telling me that she would change and that she made a huge mistake. Now I moved out of the house two years later and I have suspision that she is dating another man already even though I have only moved out on 9/2/03. So I am really kicking myself in the butt because I should have ended the relationship end there and I would be onto bigger and better things. My life is in turmoil and I wish I never went back with her. Please think very hard and make sure that this is what YOU want. If the relationship is starting to get bad or you are not as happy as you are right now then end it. I don't know how old you are so it is hard to give any advice to you. If you are in your twenties then forget her and move on to bigger and better things. Always remember that there is another woman out there for you who will love you unconditionally for who you are. I wish you the best but, I wanted to let you know that there are downfalls to not cutting your losses early and making your retreat. There are some sneaky people out there not only women and you will learn that sometimes it is better leaving somethings in the past. Good luck and follwo your heart. Just make sure that you are ready to deal with future pain if this person wants to leave you again. Be Careful! Hubman01
  8. Heartbroken, I am also going through a breakup after a four year relationship. I feel your pain because she has twin four year old girls that are six years old. I love the kids and her but, we weren't meant for each other. I'm sorry about my babbling on about me but it does have a point. I realized that after we broke up that I was heartbroken and that my life was shot to hell. I also thought about how she left and I think that if you are not happy and she left you for soemone else then tell her to leave you alone. You have to do what is right for you. I mean she left you for another person and that in itself is wrong. You are only in your early twenties and you need to live life more before you settle down with one woman. Hook up with your friends and go out. You will be surprised on how many single women are out there and how they will want you to be around. Not just a filler in between her next crush. I guess what I am saying is you should move on and let her go. Get rid of her because she WILL do it again to you in the future and it will hurt even more. The reason I am telling you this is because I am going through it now and I am kicking myself in the butt because I didn't leave when she first pulled something like this. Good luck and remember that you are not alone out there with a broken heart. A lot of us out here feel your pain as well as our own. Take care of YOU because that is really what is important. -Hubman01
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