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  1. WOW that poem is really deep. I can read your frustration with your ex and really see the pain he/she caused you. Great job keep writing!
  2. Ahh don't worry about it. We can catch up tomorrow!
  3. WOW Angel that was a sad poem. I loved it but, really sad. Are you ok?
  4. I have not heard that saying said like that. I have always heard it as "Lady in the streets and a freak between the sheets."
  5. Dako was referring to cutting him out of your life. It sort of reminds me of an gethimoutofmylifedecitmy.
  6. Well my ex had twins from a previous marriage. I don't think ALL men would be put off by that hun. If you look there are men out there that will treat you the right way and you would not have to question his actions all the time.
  7. We are here! Trust me on that one. I feel the same way about the ladies myself!
  8. The way I look at this subject is as long as your sex life is not lacking then why worry. I agree that it is a fantasy thing and sometimes guys like to get a quick one off. It has nothing to do with you and if he started to refuse you in the bed then I would say differently.
  9. Well it was the same situation with her. Both times she had another guy in the wings when she told me she did not want to be in a relationship with me anymore. I can totally relate to the OP of this thread.
  10. I have to say why ask why? You NEED TO LEAVE HER NOW!! Don't look back EVER!!! I had an ex like that and she broke my heart in high school and eight years later we hooked up again. Then she broke my heart again! Your ex sounds a lot like my ex and I tell you from my experiences you HAVE TO GET OUT OF HER LIFE NOW!!!!
  11. Well in my past relationships I was always ready for action if you get my drift. I would want it twice a day but, as I have aged I would say that once a day is good for me. Although I have to admit that I would be happy with 3 or 4 times a week.
  12. Lets get back to the OP topic. I agree we all disagree and should leave it at that. I don't want to take away from the OP question. If you want to discuss this still PM Annie and I. Thanks, Hub
  13. Exactly my point and I could not have said it better myself.
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