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Everything posted by lunatic

  1. I think repressing emotions is a bad thing because it will surface again. You will never feel right about yourself because there are issues to deal with that you are ignoring. I tried to repress my emotions from the girl I amost married. After that fell apart I jumped into another relationship within a few weeks. Let me tell you that after my four year relationship ended (my last gf). I have been dealing with an extrodinary amount of emotions that it is overwhelming. I knew for months my last gf and I were coming to an end but, I am in so much pain. I think that I am now starting to deal with my past issues and emotions. I can also tell you that I have not felt like myself for a long time and felt there was something missing inside me emotionally. I would like to tell you in the long way about it. Never repress you emotions because someday you will have to deal with it. I can tell you I am in hell right now and I would not wish this on anyone ever. Deal with it now and not in the future because I have wasted four long years of my life. Don't do it. Hubman
  2. I totally agree with Enadevoli and neva_black_n_white on this. You have to do what makes you happy because you have needs and feelings also. It is very nice that you have her in mind but, you also have probally been thinking about this for a while. My advice is "do what makes you happy and to hell with the consequeces" Hope that helps! Hubman
  3. Hey Bubbles, I was looking through you posts because I really like your poetry. Keep up the great work. Hubman
  4. Don't worry about it because no guy will notice the change. I mean unless you are shrink alot then they might notice. Don't worry about it because who the hell cares what other people think anyway. Stop wearing the bra and be yourself. Hubman
  5. Shower before the workout?? Not where I go. They have a shower there but, I would rather go home and take one in my own shower. I agree that I don't want to get naked in front of the tanks either. LOL You do what you feel comfortable doing. I personally would rather shower home. Hubman
  6. Gilgamesh, Well I would have to agree that if there is not enough ventilation (exhaust vents) then there could be big problems. Natural gas when taken from the ground does not have any smell. They add a distinct smell to help you identify that there is a leak. I would have to agree that there might be enough evidence here to have a C.O. dectector put into the kitchen by the grills and fryers. -Hubman
  7. Damn Gilgamesh, I think that was the harshest post I have ever seen on this forum from you. I wont say that you are not right about this one though. I can honestly say that you are on the ball here. TroubledTwenties, Listen here sweety you are being played by this jerk. Wake up (as Gilgamesh said) and smell the coffee. This guy really wants you to be in his life the thing with the ex would have been over a while ago. He is lying to you and he is playing on your feelings. I would call this one a preditor and his type RUINS it for all of the nice guys out there. These preditors are only out for one thing and can you guess what that is??? YOUR BOOTY!!! Wake up, heed our calls and lose this selfish jerk right away before you go any further. Sorry about the honesty but, I will only tell it like I see it. Hope I am wrong here but, coming from a males point of view it has way too many pointers to being played. This guy wants his cake and eat it too. -Hubman
  8. I am a fire fighter here in the US and a gas leak is noticeable. What is not noticeable is Carbon Monoixde/Dixoide fumes. There are several companies now that make detectors for just that purpose. There is no smell or anyway to know what is happening. You will get what they call the dizzies and disoriented before you black out. It can give you severe headaches and over time can kill you. If you need more information please PM me. -Hubman
  9. I agree with all the other posts that you must do what makes you happy. I only have one problem with this though. I think that she might need some time out of a relationship for a while to get the self-esteem back up and to learn to love herself again. Isn't that the way it should be you have to learn to love you before you can truly love another? Common ladies and Avman, I think she needs to find herself again before she can jump into another relationship. Especially, if this guy is a friend I don't think she wants to screw up a friendship because he shows some interest in her. She should take some time to find herself again and not jump into a rebound relationship. Just my thoughts and concerns because I think she might be rushing into something too quickly. -Hubman
  10. Personally, I think you are blowing this way out of proportion. If you have such a problem with strip clubs then why don't you go to one with him one night. Huh? I think once you go inside this place then you see it is not what you are thinking it is. Most of the women in these places are lesbians or bi. They hit on women more than men because they are getting paid to talk to the guys. If you don't believe this then take him to the strip club and find out for yourself. I can tell you this from experience with my ex because she used to go with me because after the first time she went she found the place was not that bad. In New Jersey the girls are in bikinis and they can't touch you in any manner that is sexual. I think that almost all the states in the US are the same about the touching thing unless you are in Nevada. Plus, you might be surprised how many other couples visit these places together. Go see for yourself what it is all about before you go nuclear on him. That is my advise. Hubman
  11. Naw I would not press charges because it will ruin his life. Just walk away and ask him to let you have some time to think about it. You need your space to think about where you want to be. That should give you some time to really think about what you want. If you are having doubts now then you do need time to think about things. Personally, I think J is absolutely right and get a new guy. If he hurts you and forces you to do things you don't want to sexually then get rid of this loser. Just get yourself out of there and stop all contact. Change your phone number if this guy wont leave you alone. Be strong and stand up for yourself!!! Hubman
  12. I give you props because you actually went through with the break up. I tried to break up with one of my exs and she could not/would not hear me. She get me back in with sex and broke up with me two years later. You did the right thing if you are not happy. You have needs too and you should be sure you did nothing wrong. If she is that mad with you then maybe some time is what see needs to hear. Tell her what you said in this post about not being happy and all. That is all she should hear because I don't know is not an answer. Tell her you need some time to think and maybe she will be able to get past this. Hubman
  13. I think you should stop the wb part of your relationship until he talks to you. I think there is something going on more than meets the eyes here. I am looking at this from a males point of view too. There is something he is not telling you. I think it is time to talk to this guy about where you stand in this relationship. I do have to warn you that it may not be what you want to hear. I hope I am wrong on this one. Hubman
  14. I took Zoloft for about two weeks and I stopped because of the sexual side effects. I now take St. John's Wort and HTP-5 for about two months now. I am still the same person I have always been but, I do find that my moods swing alot less. Also I found that the problems in my life have been keeping me down also. If the meds are not working for you yet then I would head back to the doctors and let him know that it is not working. Every med works differently for different people. Just don't stop taking the Prozak before you go back to the doctors. Hubman
  15. MTV, Forget the ring and forget them. My ex pulled the same shit on me and I am angry too. You have to let it go and learn from the experience. Move on and discover a new you. You will someday find another woman that will be the one for you. When that happens you will know it. You can trust me on that one. PM me if you want to vent I am in the same type of situation. LET THEM BE AND FORGET EVERYTHING... Time heals all wounds. Be strong. Hubman
  16. Dude, I can relate to your situation. Believe me when I say you ARE way better off without her in your life. She is what I call a nester and she has issues that she cannot be alone. She was setting herself up with another guy so when she lets you go she will have a fallback guy. I went through this myself three months ago when my four year relationship ended. Get back to you and start doing things for yourself. Go out with your friends and maybe join a gym. Keep very busy and you will see that time heals all wounds. Keep strong and lose this girls number. Forget her and you will be better off in the long run. Look at it this way, atleast you don't have to worry about getting the ring back or anything like that. You learned a valuable lesson here and if you think about it you will realize that things happen for a reason. I also firmly believe in karma and what you give out you will get in return. So be yourself and good things will happen for you. I would not want to think what will happen to your ex in the long run. Forget that hoe move on... Hubman P.S. If you need to vent then feel free to PM me. I am going through the same crap here.
  17. I liked your poems and I can say that I can relate to them. Keep up the good work. I am glad that these poems are not about you because I would have to say that your pain makes mine look minor. Hubman
  18. If he doesn't want to trim down there for you then you should give it one try. If you don't like it then he can never complain that you did not try it. About the shaving...Every guy is different but, I do like to have my woman nice and trim. I really like the shaved look on a woman personally. Have fun... Hubman
  19. Sorry to hear about you losing a friend. I liked the poem alot and I can relate to it in many ways.
  20. lunatic


    Never be afraid to do something that might make you happy. Just because you were raised old school doesn't mean you can do it. I say if you like him then ask him out or if you are scared then ask him to do stuff with you. Nothing ventured nothing gained is my saying. Life is all about risk and sometimes you have to say screw it. GO FOR IT YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. Good luck, Hubman
  21. Ask her to go out and do some catching up. That is the best way to see if she likes you still. If everything goes well while you are out catching up then ask her out on a date. Remember nothing ventured nothing gained. GO FOR IT!!!!! Good luck. Hubman
  22. Faeriechyld, Losing a parent is never easy and it is something that will be with you the rest of your life. The only advise I have is you will get through this and over time it will be easier to deal with. Losing a loved one is never easy especially when it is a parent. I firmly believe that when you die you do go to a better place. She is watching over you and loves you very much. Just remember that the pain is normal and you WILL get through this. Time really does heal all wounds. So don't come down so hard on yourself. I hope this helps you feel a little better. Hubman P.S. If you need to vent feel free to PM me.
  23. I agree with Avman and vlcm999 that you have to cut all contact. You should get yourself out there and do things. When you least expect it you will find someone that will sweep you off your feet. What hurts you now will only make you stronger in the future. Please just take it day by day and everything will get better. Be strong and you will find what you are looking for. Hubman
  24. I hate to say this to you Laura but, it sounds like he was looking to have his cake and eat it too. It sounds like he knows that he can get with you when he gets you over there as a backup. He probally was with his ex then decieded that he needed some thing different. I hate to say this also but, he is using you. I would lose this persons number and forget him altogether. You deserve better than this. Hubman
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