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Everything posted by bebecole

  1. lol i have no idea what that smile is. it looks like a half frown.. maybe they just inserted it wrong. i wouldnt take it too serious, if anything just ask what kinda of smiley is that?
  2. ive had a bad case of anxiety disorder and im most positive it stemmed from my addiction to pot. I got so high one time i freaked myself out and had a anxiety attack. a few years after that i quit and thats when my disorder came. ive have never heard of beta-blockers, and i dont know what it is. But the way i got rid of my anxiety was therapy. i was in regular therapy and i did some congitive therapy also. it took about 3 months of therapy for me along side working out (exercise helps anxiety) to get rid of my disorder.. believe me, its 100% percent worth it. my life is so much easier now with out anxiety. i knoe how it feels to have that disorder and its a horrible feeling. theres no easy way out of this disorder, if you want to get rid of it you have to put in the time and effort, but it CAN be done. good luck
  3. what do you all think of b/fs going to strip clubs? im in a Long distant military relationship and my b/f sed he hasnt gone to one, but he was going to go with his buddies but he didnt go b/c hes not old enough to drink... i wasnt sure what to say to him when he told me, i didnt really say anything besides a "oh" Im glad he told me instead of hiding it from me, but now that i relize it im a little mad that he would consider going. But im not mad enough to bring it up because he said he didnt go. but if he brings it up again that hes gona go im not sure what to say..
  4. i think you should give her some space to think and be alone so she can figure out what she wants out of her life.. and counseling sounds like you would be heading on the right track.
  5. so friday im leaving to go on a mini vacation to visit my boyfriend. and im so nervous!! ive flew many times in a plane just never by myself!!! what makes me more nervous is that i have to switch plans and find a taxi to go to the hotel.. i know this may not sound really serious but im extremely anxious about it. ive never really done anything like this before by myself, since ive recovered from a anxity disorder and im scared its gona rise out of no where.. any advice or tips on a smooth trip??
  6. yeah just go out and buy a pregnancy test
  7. the title says it all. i dont know what my problem is. Im in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend and everything is acually great. we have no problems we rarely arguee were planing trips to see each other.. ect.. For some reason i have this little voice in the back of my head saying this isnt going to work out. Im not sure if it has to do with a past relationship because my last relationship was a LDR we were together for 2years and he left he with no word, no say, no nothing, after my bestfriend died. i never got closure but i found the strengh to move on and i found love again. but for some reason in my mind i think this is going to happen again or things are going to go sour. i dont wana breakup with him just because of that because that would just be silly.
  8. i had GAD. generlized anxity disorder and i was in fear of everything. what helped me with it was the therepy. also i used a workbook to help rid anxity. you can find those books at borders or any book store. have you ever considered medication?? its not for everyone. i refused to take medication after a episode i had with trying lexapro but it does help. also the biggest part of why im anxity free is from Exersize!!!!!!! at my college i enrolled in workout programs i took kickboxing and bodytoning classes everyday. and thats the main reason im anxity free along with the therapy.
  9. im in a LDR with my bf rite now because hes in the military. a few months ago he asked me if i want to go to the military ball with him for the marines birthday. So ofcourse i got really excited, i went to go look for dresses. So a few weeks later he said he doesnt want to go to the ball because it was gona be boring and stupid but he said he still wants me to go down to visit him. So last nite he told me he was going to the ball now?!!? (The ball is 2NITE) i sed him i though he wasnt gona go? and he said something like he had to. But i kno for a fact its not manditory. so i just sed whatever and brushed it off. I dont understand why he wouldnt want me to go with him, i just recently bought a plane ticket to go visit in a few weeks, i wasnt sure if i should bring it up too him or just let it go. but its bothering me that he invited me to go and plan it out and said its gona be boring and then tell me hes going?!?! ehh
  10. i would just ask her if i was you.
  11. 1. How do you get over your ex? In terms that you would not cry or sad thinking of them. spend time with my family alot, try and get out with old friends. maybe a date 2. How long its takes for you to get over them? few months. (2) 3. Does after breakup affect/change your perspectives/life goals? yes, after i broke up with my ex. i signed up for the military 4. Are you scare of entering into another the relationship again? yes, im in a new relationship now and its hard to relize hes not gona act like my ex. im still dealing with it 5. Do you eventually find someone who is right for you? OFCOURSE! 6. Do you have plan to live alone if you does not found the person you want to spend the rest of you life with? i try not to make my life revolve around a realtionship, id be just as happy living alone 7. When you are still single at forties, would you consider adoption? no
  12. just wait until it feels right, at first i never liked doing that but it doesnt bother me anymore.
  13. one word: leave hes draging you down and suckin the life out of you. you will find something worth your time and heart.
  14. i had a abortion a few years ago, yes you will be nervous. well i was atleast. you'll go through a few steps before the acually abortion. you will talk to someone, they will make sure this is the right choice for you, if your not of what you want to do they wont give you the abortion. they asked me several times. i got my blood taken, and a ultrasound. They make you feel extremely comfortable. Have no worries. you will be fine. I dont remember any of the procedure b/c of the anestic. good luck
  15. for me it depends on the person i just wait till it feels right. with my ex i waited a few month of being together to have sex with him. with my boyfriend now we had sex before we even started dating.
  16. i do remember my first time, but i dont remember the first time i had sex with my boyfriend. it does bother me b/c i know how your first time is supposta be memerable. i honestly dont think its sumthing you shud beat your self up about as long as your in therapy helping yourself. Now would if you did all of a sudden remembered your first time, it wouldnt change who you are or anything. i cud understand how you it would annoy you though.
  17. me and my boyfriend have only been together for about 3 months, though we've been really good friends for a year before we started a relationship, but still our relationship is fairly fresh. Last nite we were talking and he told me he could see himself with me forever and would love to marry me. he asked me what i thought and i told him that word scares me but i could possible see myself with him in the future. now this is where it gets diffcult. hes in the marines and he said he wants me to go with him where ever he gets stationed. i know were young, and i dont wana make any mistakes. It scares me alot, my heart is telling me i want to marry him but my head is telling me thats not sensible. im really confused! i know you all cant tell me what to do or anything but this is hard for me to figure outtttt ehhh.
  18. stay away!! those people will stuck the life out of you.. ugghh so draining
  19. everyone makes noises. its nothing embarressing about it. just go along with it like your girlfriend does.
  20. yeah mine changes up. for awhile i never got cramps, and recently there reallllyy bad. just take a motrin and if that doesnt help maybe think about takin birthcontrol.
  21. it takes time, my bestfriend died in a car accident in june. And i know exactly how you feel. its weird sleeping at night alone. try and sleep with the door open and the tv on. its goin be rough but day by day you will come to terms with it. its all part of the process. My boyfriend is in the marines and i fear for his life as well, and i know exactly how you feel. if you need to talk more you can PM me.
  22. lmao. nahh im not gona cheat on him ;p i might order one when i get my credit card back lol thanks everyone
  23. The Birth Control Patch. OthaEvra. i use to take it and i liked it but the only reason i stoped taking it was b/c the dosage was to strong for my body. But my friend is on it right now and she loves it!! I Also been on yasmin for a while now and its great.
  24. i have my nose peirced, and trust me it takes longer for a week to heal. if you take it out it will close up fast, and might get infected i waited a few months to take it out. Not a good idea.
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