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Everything posted by agent1607307371

  1. But they'll do it to men. Baby Carrot should have full control over her reproductive systems. The kind of reaction she has to the thought is not a case of her biological clock ticking late.
  2. BrokenWingedFaery, speaking to some American women I have found it to be the case that, unless a woman has a medical issue that necessitates it, she has to fight incredibly hard to be sterilised. Baby Carrot, I would speak with a therapist about these feelings because they are excessively strong (to the point of physical nausea) and are affecting your sleep.
  3. Love isn't gone when the butterflies go, it just means it's changing. We can't live in a state of newness all the time. However, if they never made even the occasional appearance then I would start looking at the relationship. Unrequited love is hard. It's harder when you have to be around the person regularly though. Distance is a good thing. The sad part is that it becomes such an everyday feeling, no matter what you are doing it's always there in the background. It becomes part of who you are.
  4. I took her to mean that her husbands situation enables her to stay home with her children. Nostalgia can be a powerful thing. I'm sure that part of what you are feeling for your ex is a desire to be 15 again, to experience life like that. But you can't. Life moves on, people change. The difference betweem being 15 and 24 is vast. Really, despite the contact, this man is a stranger. It may also be a reaction to married life. If you meet your ex, keep it on a safe level, don't get carried away with the fantasy. Ultimately if you cheat with him you would not only be cheating on your husband but also your life and your children. The grass is not always greener.
  5. It's good that he recognises that he reacted badly but ultimately you have to decide if you can trust him again. I think you need to sit down and really communicate clearly with each other over this and then spend some time deciding. Don't rush into a decision.
  6. The morning after pill is effective up to 70 hours (though losing it as time passes) so go get another, don't leave it to chance.
  7. And you don't think that all the things you've done to her are disloyal. Your jealousy is a common emotion in abusive partners. You're feeling it because you think she is something you own. No matter any good you have done for her in the past your other actions completely cancel it out.
  8. I've had a browse of that website and to me it seems incredibly distressing and completely uncaring of you to post that. Not every one is religious, and even if they are, after an experiece like abortion they have no need to be exposed to a site that contains such rhetoric. Being pro-life is fine. Being pro-life and using it to guilt people who have had an abortion is not.
  9. Humm, well if it's her idea then it's good that you are there for her. However, nicotine addiction is literally the devil - I have seen friends try and fail for years to quit. Perhaps a better way of dealing with it is not to make her feel bad about falling off the wagon, but emphasising how good and strong she'll feel by resisting and if she does fall, by supporting her in getting back on. Positive reinforcement as opposed to negative.
  10. Is it just a general once a month or more a menstrual once a month? The thing with irrational fears is that you have to just talk yourself out of them the minute they pop up. Your brain probably has a whole spiel worked out about this, but you just have to come up with a counter argument and implement it immediately everytime. Eventually it gets easier to believe it. And don't feel shy about asking your husband for support on this, he loves you so it's part of his job to.
  11. Why don't you clean if thats where the arguments come from? Nice things are nice, but ultimately taking control of our responsibilities is more important. I understand that back surgery would make some chores difficult but it's the effort that counts.
  12. If you only want to get one because your girlfriend has one then I'd sit on the idea for a while and then see how you feel about piercings. Don't get pierced because you think you should, get pierced because you really want to and are comfortable with the care it will require, pretty much as long as you keep it. The hole does close up but never goes away. (Piercing cheese - ick) I have piercings, I like some piercings, I dislike some piercings. I got mine because they make my body feel like it should. If you do go for it though, make sure you go to a reputable piercer - registered and liscenced to do it and preferably with a portfolio or have friends who have been pierced by them. And don't shirk the aftercare.
  13. Honestly, you knew for a very short amount of time and i don't think the idea of the pregnancy was real. There's nothing wrong with not having any strong emotion over it.
  14. because if you stuck your finger in her urethra you would have a) an incredible thin finger or b) a girlfriend in a LOT of pain. If you don't like going in blind maybe ask her if you can see her. The best way to please a woman is to ask how she pleases herself. (Makes for a lot less guess work.)
  15. Did you feel this way about your boyfriend before you gave him the bj? Ok, you did nothing wrong, you were curious and wanted to try something. Being curious about sex is natural. Maybe you weren't ready for this, and in the future when you're with someone you love and trust you'll have much better experiences with sex. If he is a supportive bf you should feel able to talk about it. It's my personal rule that if I can't speak to that person about sex then we shouldn't be having it. It's the type of thing that needs communication. And as this is your first foray into sexual activity then you should speak to him about it. It may help you to sort out your feelings. (And if he's not supportive, get rid. You deserve someone who can be there for you.) You've injected a whole new element into your relationship and that will make you see your bf in a different light. That may not be a bad thing ultimately. You did nothing to feel bad over, you've done nothing wrong.
  16. You could check out other guys the next time you're in the shower room. OK, maybe not. From the sounds of it you're above average. But it's really what you do with what you've got thats important.
  17. Damn!! OK, just joking. Or am I. To be honest, I've never been naked with any 15 yr olds to be able to tell you.
  18. "I am 40 and a man." That doesn't mean you can't experience these things. You have and are still going through a trauma and it is entirely understandable that you feel emotional. There is no reason to feel bad about it, it's natural. Let yourself experience these emotions, but try not to let them bog you down. Take good care of, and do nice things for yourself. Make yourself happy to balance out the sadder feelings.
  19. My main problem with these pieces is that not only do they feel like an attack on women who want to have careers and lives that are not centered around home-making and telling the men how clever they are is that ultimately they're just as offensive about men. They have a complete undercurrent (to me at least) of men not being very clever or able. I admit, I do love this logic bomb in it. " If you do marry, you are more likely to get divorced." Cracks me up.
  20. The upper lip is one of the more sensitive spots on the face but it is not connected to your clit.
  21. crazyone, it's not possible. I've had men try it with me. And add to the fact that it is incredibly manipulative to try as well as disrespectful to the woman. Honestly, I think you are still needy and not at all over it. You have to respect the fact that she does not want to be with you and if you try and push it could end up in a lot of trouble. You love what you want to make her into and refuse to accept that any action she takes that doesn't reinforce your idea she would want to be with you as "not being the real her". This does not sound healthy to me at all.
  22. I like being spanked, it's all in how the brain interprets the sensation. I recall reading that the backside is full of nerve endings that we never lost after we evolved away from monkey sex. I don't know if thats the case but it's as good an explanation as any I've heard. And some people do get off on the power exchange. Amd some people just don't get it. Nothin dumb about it - it's all just a matter of sexual preference.
  23. But if you know in your hearts it's right, why rush it? Marry in haste, repent at leisure as my grandmama used to say.
  24. A 14 year old is not a child. They are a teen with a developing/ed body and to say that he is a paedophile because of it is quite strong. He seems regretful now and people do change and mature. If you can't let it go then it is probably best to let him go.
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