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Everything posted by agent1607307371

  1. When we broke up me and my ex had a conversation on him not knowing what I wanted. I told him that all I ever wanted was all I ever asked for - for him to be honest. And his reply? "But I didn't know whether you wanted me to be honest with you or with myself" ~screams~ And people wonder why I don't date....
  2. "in order to catch the ball, you have to want to catch the ball." To get the things we want, sometimes we have to go past our comfort zone. Fear is never really there when we're in the middle of the thing we want. It's a trick of the mind designed to keep us on the outside. Reach for your dream. Take a lesser job in NY, sleep on someones couch. Plumb shamelessly every contact you have. Just don't take your eye off the ball.
  3. The problem with a threesome is that the person who wants it the most may be the least equipt to deal with the reality. It's not a fantasy I would risk.
  4. You have absolutely every right to be as open as you want to be. Everybody has a line they won't cross or certain activities they don't find erotic or interesting. I'm pretty much the same as you, and even had the pushy bf too. I ended up telling him flat out that if he wanted a threesome, that was fine but not to expect me there. Your husband needs to respect your boundaries.
  5. I think he fancies you. But if anyone followed me for 45 minutes out of their way I'd be a bit worried about them.
  6. I can come from penetration - only I've never found a penis that can manage it. Has to be a bit of a diy job. And who's stealing the thunder for my unified theory of women?! Also, I hate it when a guy is doing something and you 'correct' him to suit yourself and then he goes back to doing it his way after a minute and then gets all pissed of that he can't get me off. I don't like the same style of oral as your last gf?! Well gosh! ~screams~ Most frustrating thing. Ever.
  7. That is possibly the worst line ever to end a relationship with. If it ends badly it seems slimy. If one is still in love with the other it can create false hope. Maybe if you see each other again after all the hurt is passed and are actually capable of it - then it's not so bad. I think to end with honesty and a lack of patronising is the best you can hope for.
  8. Sorry, Mr Green but I think here you're going to get as many different answers as there are women. We like to orgasm. I think that might be the most unifying aspect?
  9. This guy tried to rape you and you want to be on speaking terms? Call the police and have them tell him it's over.
  10. I couldn't say whether you are depressed medically but it definitely sounds like you lack motivation in your life which could just as easily be caused by being bored with it. Eating right, exercising and getting a daily dose of sun are a good way of boosting your mood and making it easier to get done what you need to get done. Also, maybe trying some new things and stretching yourself is a good way to beat boredom and helps give you a sense of achievement, which does tend to spread to other areas of your life. Work is good, but sometimes having a bit of a play is far more beneficial. If you do think you are depressed then go see a doctor or make an appointment with a therapist as they'll be better equipt to help you deal with it.
  11. (Was your boyfriend hard to begin and lose it or did he not get hard at alll? This could be a problem your bf has to sort out.) Possibly nothing, some guys have a hard (forgive the pun) time cumming from fellatio. Best thing for you to do is talk to your boyfriend about his preferences for being touched there, alternate the head with a hand-job (there are many different ways of touching a guy that can make it more fun than a regular rub) and find out the real sensitive spots on a penis and ruthlessly attack them. (but not that ruthlessly )
  12. There are some books and websites you can look at. I think the most important thing is to realise that is is a bit funny and not to worry about how it looks. If you crack up, you crack up. Also, communication, communication, communication. You need to know what they expect and where they draw the line. I mean, it's obvious that he wants to be spanked on his bottom, but what about his face? Hand, ruler, hairbrush? Hairpulling? How submissive does he want to get? You can get into it by choosing a (real or imaginary) "offense" and start off with "A naughty boy didn't finish his chores. I think he needs to be taught a lesson.." etc Don't get too serious, have fun and don't do anything you are not comfortable with.
  13. "and all these days that passed, we did not yet know them to be life" I think being bored is a part of life, otherwise we'd go so fast we wouldn't be able to recognise any of it. I think a consistent boredom is a sign that the things we have in our life aren't actually "us" and aren't meeting our needs. After years of promising myself I'd do it, I finally allowed myself to buy a bass guitar and take lessons. In the greater scheme, it's a small thing but the joy and satisfaction I'm already getting from this are spreading to the other parts of my life. I smile more, and laugh and all I did, literally, was buy an instrument and make a small time investment. (An hour a day? - thats a crappy soap opera I'd otherwise watch.)
  14. "I'm sorry but that's BS. What is so bad with being attracted to someone who looks a certain way? It's not superficial, you can't help what you like." Nothing, but from the sounds of it he wants her to dress against her personality and that is a problem. Especially if his main concern is her looks and he has been with her for three years. Has she ever been a girly girl, or did you get with her hoping she would become one. If I had a bf who was telling me to lose weight and put make-up on, I would dump his * * * asap. Honestly, it does not sound as though you do love her 100%, more you love what you can make her into and are used to being with her.
  15. Honestly, I think your best bet is to be glad that you don't have to deal with him and all his drama anymore. He is not good for you, and even gave you a disease. I think he would continue to vacillate between you and various other women and hold it over you that he is with you, and not his ex. He is doing nothing to prove that his is a changed man who is completely committed to you.
  16. it doesn't matter. You are not crazy and you are not in a healthy caring relationship. You cannot make her leave, you have to leave her. You have the inner strength to do this, if you didn't you would not even be considering it. You back down because you are in an abusive relationship cycle, there are other on here with more knowledge of that then I but it basically works by making you feel as though you can't survive without the thing that is causing you so much pain. Do you have any friends or family that would be able to help you get and stay away from this woman? Are there any womens shelters near where you are? If the worst comes to the worst.
  17. If men only think about sex once every ten seconds, it doesn't mean they're perverted, it means I'm lapping them. It depends on the individual and how high their sex drive is.
  18. Personally, I taste great. If I could physically eat myself I would. No point being scared of your own body.
  19. If i was sleeping with a guy who wouldn't kiss me after oral then I probably wouldn't sleep with him again. If it was more seriousl I just wouldn't let him kiss me after going down on me. I'm shocked at how some men (that I have spoken to in rl) seem to think that it is ok to refuse one but want the other. Ultimately, I think it's hot.
  20. I've always found the maxim "if something seems too good to be true, it usually is" very useful. Fact is, he could have any number of accounts that you don't know about, and he could have any number of online girlfriends - not to mention real life ones. His handing out passwords, is only really an indicator that he wants you to trust him. Not that he is trustworthy. If I were you I would proceed with caution with this guy. Don't get too involved and maybe change your passwords. Ultimately, you have a stranger with access to your online life.
  21. First off, I would drag him to the clinic to get tested. Both of you. If you've ever had and form of unprotected sexual contact then he's completely laid your health at risk. Is it the porn that is the poblem, or the lies. Because I have absolutely no problem with porn, but can tell you that if someone lied about it so consistently for so long only to turn around and say "well..." there would be more than a few fireworks. You have to decide if you can regrow your trust in him. And he has to work at being someone that you feel safe trusting.
  22. My ex did Atkinds and lost about 6 stone. (He was a big lad.) And while I don't approve of it, it did a lot for him. I recommend that you get the book. I see a lot of people who say they're doing the Atkins plan and are basically cutting out all carbs as they don't know anything about it other than what they see on tv. And take healthier options in regards to the proteins you eat and prepare.
  23. Or cheat if you're doing the Atkins diet. That was a miserable time for me... Semen isn't hamful if you're not carrying a disease. At worst, it hits the back of her throat and makes her gag, or tastes less than appetising. Both of which can be avoided by not swallowing.
  24. "And he was doing good all the way up until recently when he f@#$ed up and got caught, but said that he won't watch it again." Honestly, I have more of a problem with people snooping around in the hopes of finding their partner doing something "wrong" than I do with a bit of porn. Pornography is a bit of fantasy - nothing real, nothing serious. If he's neglecting your relationship and is addicted to porn though, thats another problem.
  25. definitely. We only go round once- so we owe it to ourselves to do what we love.
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