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Everything posted by agent1607307371

  1. You don't want to kill yourself, you want to kill your life. Seriously, get yourself a shrink and get yourself a holiday. Clear out everything that isn't necessary to your life. Find out what makes you happy, and do that. A lot of money is all well and good but if you don't enjoy life then it doesn't mean anything. You only go around once, so make the best of it. Don't abort it prematurely. I tried the 9-5 37hrs a week work thing for about two straight years and it nearly drove me suicidal. How you have managed to keep it up for nine years is a testament to the strength you have inside. Put it to good use. On yourself.
  2. How do they feel about you dating them? Because I have to say, if I found out that a guy I was interested in went out with my sister that would pretty much be the end of him and a pretty big fight with my sister.
  3. No. Because even if there are bad memories, there are good memories and those I wouldn't swap for the world. I wouldn't deny myself the benefit of my experiences or the strength that came from the pain. To cut out a relationship that was big enought to cause you that much pain would just be cutting out a piece of yourself.
  4. Which one do you have the most in common with? Personally, I'd take the Rockstar. I can't be dealing with people who have to be manly or are narrowminded.
  5. Why stop at foreplay. Lesbians have sex too. You may be bisexual, you may be gay, you may be straight and going through hormones or whatever. I personally think that it is lucky people who know exactly what they are. Sexuality is a lot more fluid than we give it credit for. I can only advise you to relax and not worry about it.
  6. So you think your mother fancies you? Nice ego you have there.
  7. I think that arranged marriages can work as sometimes people can have a very good handle on the type of person who would work well with us. That is, if they are looking out for a good partner for us, as opposed to someone who would look good as part of the family. Is there no way you and your parents can find a happy medium - them looking but you having the final say? A forced marriage is something I find absolutely reprehensible though.
  8. You were fine. She sounds like she is either hiding something that happened with this guy or reacting out of guilt over something else that possibly is related to her previous relationship. Abusive relationships can really mess you up.
  9. If you loved either of them, you would not be part of a situation that will do so much damage to them.
  10. But this isn't the first sign of trouble, it's an old and reoccurring problem. I'm just scared for you that if you turn and walk away during an anrgument then that is what he will go after you for. People with such anger problems are not rational and are very very dangerous. They enjoy the fight. I do not want you to be in the way when he snaps.
  11. If your mother is attracted to other women then that's really between her and your dad. if you're talking about the fact that she sat by you, then maybe she just wanted to spend some time with her daughter, or share something you enjoy. Thats the wacky thing about parents and love. Where were you playing the gamecube? In your bedroom then maybe she should have left. If it was in one of the other rooms of the house then she has every right to be there. It is her house after all. And you don't sound like you respect her. Or your belongings. I'm not surprised they took your game. Respect is a two- way street, you give some you get some. I'm going to assume you're an adolescent. When I went through puberty I absolutely hated anyone bothering me. Did the fault lie with them? No. I was just so hopped up on hormones I couldn't see anything other than my point of view. Just try and be patient with people.
  12. The truth? Ok, I really hate it when men tell me what women think. I'd rather have cunnilingus anyway. And I'd rather give head to something that isn't going to choke me or give me a sore jaw. If this is a genuine study, as opposed to something you found on the internet claiming to be a study, please provide links.
  13. Stop contacting him and then the next time he contacts you, have him arrested. If you let him know that he is scaring you, that what he is doing is working then he will continue to do it. Make sure your friends and family know what is going on. They are there to support you.
  14. They're teasing you because they're jealous. Enjoy it.
  15. This is not your fault. But there is nothing you can do to change the environment. Even walking on eggshells to placate him he will find a reason to go off. If you won't leave him, at least consider sending your child to live away from the danger.
  16. And remember, you may have gone against your families wishes, but they really do love you and will be there to help and support you. YOu just have to ask them to help. Be strong.
  17. Because he thinks you belong to him. Like his car, his house, his tv. You're a possession.
  18. But he doesn't love you. And the consequences your son would suffer if you say with this guy (who will only treat you badly) will be far greater than if you leave him and get your life together. brianna, this guy is an abuser. He will never treat you right, and most likely never treat your son right. You owe the both of you a better life than that.
  19. Yeah, because we might not be picking up on all this... Maybe you need to stop doing what you're doing and try something else. We're a program, change the input you change the output.
  20. Carlos I think it is very important that you get into see a therapist. You're going through an incredibly traumatic time and I think speaking to someone who can help you develop the tools to get through it would help your situation immensely.
  21. I don't think you threw yourself at him. You were upset my a death and sometimes when that happens we do stuff we wouldn't normally do. But you should forget him. He might just be overwhelmed by knowing your virginity statuse but after two weeks...
  22. Lingerie is a gift from a boyfriend, if it came from a friend it would be far too forward and creepy. Find out what she likes and buy her a little something to do with it. Don't make her feel endebted to you for this. You are choosing to buy her a gift, she is not asking you for one and has absolutely no obligation to feel anything for you more than friends.
  23. I don't think there is a lot you can do beyond being supportive of her when she does come around. Distance yourself from her a bit and don't let it get to you. Spend time with other friends and keep busy. Don't get drawn into her relationship. He probably seems very mature and exciting to her now and thats why the blow off. Your friend needs to learn to balance her social life with her romantic life or else she could find herself alone when the romance is over.
  24. It does sound like he has a bit of a crush on her. And thats not wrong, I've had crushes on people while I've been in relationships, but I've never acted on it, and thats what's important. We can't control our feelings but we can control our actions. And he's not been doing that so well, but it could be worse. He could make a complete pass at her. You were not wrong to question him, he is your bf and if he is treating you in a manner you find disrespectful you have every right to call him on it. What you have to figure out is if you want to stay in a relationship with him while he's feeling like this. And if you trust him to behave while he is around your friend. If your friend found out, how do you think she would react?
  25. Not being funny Ren, but your mum sounds like she has a lot of problems- and you're not one. Genetics is as genetics does. I'm 5'2" and never notice it until someone taller than me comes along. But most of the men I like a 5'10" + The tallest guy I dated was over a foot taller than me at 6'6" and it was great. Remember, little gets in places bigger never could... ~stealth ninja mode~
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