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Everything posted by agent1607307371

  1. If she says you are too big, then it is probably pain that is killing her mood. Maybe try non-penetrative sex for a while..
  2. Here's me being rude, but can I ask why? Damn, I feel all confrontational about it now, and don't mean to at all.
  3. Personally, I like it. You make some really nice moves, it's not just a quick up and down. I prefer to give head, but the two combine well I feel..
  4. Cake and eating. So don't be. Seriously, she is taking you for a (very cruel) ride. Get rid of her and find someone who will love you ahead of some disembodied anonymous words on a computer screen
  5. Not doing homework and smoking and you complain they don't give you unconditional love over these. You have it made my friend. Unconditional love is not synonymous with accepting poor behavior.
  6. I'd say it's just as hard for gay people as it is for straight people. UNless you're bi. Oh, wait..... damn. Nope. Still about the same. Sexuality aside, it's a matter of personality.
  7. I think you might be using the friends relationship as a way to get back together. I wouldn't be friends until you can offer him that without the hope of anyhting more. It wouldn't be fair to put yourself through that when he may never ask you to come back to him. Go NC for a while- longer than a week, sort your issues out for yourself and then see how you feel about being friends with him.
  8. But will your boyfriend? And condoms are not the only contraceptive method.
  9. Think of how many people take the morning after pill. If two people died from it, thats incredibly low. And remember, it only takes one time and one sperm. If you feel old enough to be having sex, you're old enough to be taking precautions. Condoms Always! (unless you want a kid of course..)
  10. I don't think any parent wants to find out about their baby engaging in sexual behaviour of any type. What matters now is that you earn back their trust and respect. (Yeah, I know it's galling...) And stick to your guns about the parts that are lies. Don't take the rap for actions you haven't committed. (I had a bf whose friend found out her daughter (14 yr old) had been having sex for money and gifts with her best friend over the net. Can you imagine what when down in that house....It can always be worse...)
  11. You've posted elsewhere that Mary has had two divorces already. Can I ask what brought them about? And do you and Mary have a clearly defined and agreed upon exclusive relationship?
  12. If he's beat you, why are you still with him? You're using his temper as an excuse for your own behaviour. You are responsible for your behaviour. He is responsible for his.
  13. Don't send it. This guy owes you no allegiance. If you have relationship troubles, take them up with the one you are in a relatiosnhip with.
  14. The thought of living with someone feels ok to me. The thought of marrying someone makes me want to run away. And I would never marry someone I've never lived with, I need to know if we're compatible in regards to house habits. My aunt and uncle have been together 25 years and never married. Given their personalities I don't really see what difference it would make to them now. The only time it was ever kind of discussed was when one of my other uncles said that if my uncle died before my aunt he would challenge the will.
  15. Did she know about the expectations you had of your friendship with her?
  16. I think that you have to be very honest about your feelings for her not being as platonic as you claimed they were for a start. Your reaction is almost as if you're being betrayed, when in reality she has done nothing wrong.
  17. It sounds like they could be. As a rule, I don't accept things from men I'm not friends with unless I'm interested in them or there is obviously no ulterior motive. Saves hurt feelings later on. In my experience women do more or less the same. You just have to let go and not put too much importance on it.
  18. I think she wants to have sex. Whether thats with you, and how much she feels for you beyond a flirtatious friendship I couldn't say..
  19. I guess it depends on the degree to which you feel he should prove himself. All of the examples teacup give are all things I would expect from someone who wanted to pursue me, but they're also all behaviours I too would engage in. Expecting someone to do all those things and get very little back, thats just a headgame and not something I'm interested in.
  20. I guess it depends on the situation. If he was scary with it, then definitely not. But if he was just clumsy then I don't see that it would hurt.
  21. Why do you feel the need to have sex with this girl so badly you'll happily mess her up?
  22. One thought. Coerced sex is rape. Break it off with this girl, do the least damage.
  23. As a woman I would never use soap. Extra-sensitive shaving foam with aloe or hair conditioner is the only way to go. ~is horrified at the thought~
  24. You could apologise. Nothing ott, just a simple "sorry for coming on so strong there, but I like you and got a bit ahead of myself" and then offer to buy them a drink/movie/puppy/ect... (depending on the situation)
  25. Honestly, I can't believe that your husband has accepted ultimatums like this. If the child doesn't turn out to be Bobs I can't really see how he will be able to trust you with the paternity of your other children let alone a marriage contract. Get the testing done and then decide how the future is going to be. Edited for a question. How would you feel if the boy turned out to be your husbands?
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