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Everything posted by agent1607307371

  1. Dude, follow the greatness. Don't wake up one day years from now kicking yourself because you let a good thing get away because of age.
  2. What matters is getting to the bottom of things whilst not hurting peoples feelings. People's impressions of you can have a major influence over you, no matter how truthful you are.
  3. I don't see what any of your points about women have to do with feminism. " Well, it's ok for me to be abusive if I am tall and handsome; cause then she'll be too hoodwinked by my physique to stand up for herself." Abusive is never alright. Abusive should always come with it's own stint in a cell. Frankly, if these are the opinions you have about yourself and women, I can understand why they won't go out with you.
  4. No they don't. Emotions, as long as you don't let them sweep you away, add a whole other dimension to your judgement. Pure logic might seem the only way to judge but nothing is that clear cut whilst it contains the human element. Emotion enables you to take this into account and temper it.
  5. Honestly, I would stop drinking first of all. Alcohol is goin to mess with your ability to deal with the situation effectively. To me it doesn't sound like you are planning to fix things with her, but to punish her for her actions. Fact is, if you can't even think about touching her sober, touching her drunk is just going to mess you up. Especially if you are thinking of losing your virginity this way. Make it something you look back on at least fondly rather than with disgust. Also, getting a girl drunk to sleep with her is a form of rape. How old is your gf. That could get you in a lot of trouble. Ultimately, your gf is responsible for her own actions, as are you. Neither of you have been faithful and thats something you should look at in regards to being with this person.
  6. But there was no genuine feeling either. Neither thought nor emotion are superior, to be healthy you have to have the two working to complement each other.
  7. I would talk to her about her situation. From the sounds of it, it would be wrong not to. And I would make sure that she knows that even if she does marry him that you are there for her completely and without judgement.
  8. It seems to me that you have gotten more attached to the guy you are seeing than he is to you, and under the circumstances have not cheated on him under his own guidelines for your relationship. You have however, cheated on your own rules regarding the relationship. I can't help but feel that subconsciously you did this because you wanted this guy to get jealous or angry and commit to you. It was a cathartic act that lead to a huge release of frustration which lead to your ending the relationship. Ultimately, if he was not commited to you then you have no reason to feel so bad because of your actions. Take it as a lesson and move on.
  9. Do you trust your girlfriend? Is she secretive about her friendships with men at all?
  10. I guess I was always aware of it in a way It wasn't a case that I realised I was bisexual more that I realised there was a word for it.
  11. Seconding Ailec here, don't tell. Sometimes when we do something we know will hurt someone we love we want to confess to relieve our guilt. And it might do that but it will also hurt the person to who you've confessed. In this case, you've learnt a tough lesson that will stick with you, do your best to focus on your relationship not your mistake and eventually you'll get distance from it.
  12. True that, Slacker. Intersting fact Ailec but the symbol for the heart doesn't actually originate as representing that thing in your chest. It originates as depicting the vulva. And organs have traditionally always had connections to emotional states. For example, the heart is love, the spleen and the stomach courage.
  13. Well, you're taller than me. (5'"2) but smaller than the last guy I dated (6'5") 6' I think is more than average but not so much that I'd be pointing. Honestly, I like taller men and would actually (going purely physical here) would say that 5'9" is shorter than I'd like...
  14. Honestly, don't have sex with him. Don't talk to him and don't let him come see you. He won't be in a relationship with you, won't get back with you so as not to disappoint his friends and tells you about girls he may be being involved with? That's incredibly cruel behaviour. Cut contact with him and find out how much he wants you. Either it will be more than peer pressure means, or less. Either way you've learnt something. Love him, by all means, just love yourself more.
  15. Two words. Kiera Knightley. She's not doing too badly for herself... People have as many tastes as there are body shapes.
  16. I think that the truth is very important in relationships, but the way in which it is discussed is even more important. Sometimes it needs the tact that a drunk guy lacks. Now I can stand to lose 10lbs, and I'm working on that, but my ex used to tell me to join a gym. Not all the time but he was very high on the idea. Not because he thought I needed to lose the weight, but because he enjoyed going to the gym and wanted to share that with me. I never did join a gym, but I was p.o'd with him until we managed to sit down and discuss it without me being overly-sensitive and him managing to communicate clearly what he meant. If your friends guy is too drunk to be tactful about her weight then he's probably too drunk to be lying about finding her beautiful. Considering that he is physical, he probably has concerns for her health and wants her to share his interests.
  17. The g-spot is commonly understood to be on the spongy area just inside the vagina, if you make a hooking action with your finger it is around there. It is entirely possibly he's stimulating it. And it is also entirely possible that he is hitting your cervix. The vagina is not actually so deep that you can get lost down there and cervical orgasms are very possible. Ask him, he'll be able to tell you if he's hitting something.
  18. Yes. If I'm just hooking up with a guy for sex then I'm going to be interested in his genitals primarily. Of course, if he has a small penis but gives great head then that gets taken into account. There is> more to sex than penis in vagina. If I like and am dating the guy then I'm going to be more concerned with his personality more and less about his endowments.
  19. Is there anyway you could go for a shorter time? That way you would have the time to work and study but also have a break and see your family.
  20. definitely, I used to wonder if my bisexuality was caused by exposure to all the sexualised images of the female form you see everyday. I think that bisexuality is just as prevalent in males as it is in females, but men are conditioned to be straight much more than women and have a greater pressure on them in regards to sexuality. Women are bisexual, but it's still straight, if a man's bisexual then its gay (an thereforeeee not acceptable).
  21. He could just mean for you to be ok, or to behave. There are a couple of ways to interpret it. If he is married, I wouldn't go looking for trouble.
  22. I have no problem with fetishes, having a couple of my own. I think as long as it's an addition to your sexual behaviour and not the sole focus, there is no problem. Someone who likes to kiss feet would not bother me, someone who was only interested in feet to the exclusion of everything else would.
  23. In what context was it said?
  24. Excellent answer. And you're single?.... I'm a giver and a taker in equal measure.
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