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Everything posted by agent1607307371

  1. Do you think he would harm the child? Do you think he could provide the child with a better environment that you? Is he able to care for such a small child? Would you if you left with her? Would he allow you access to the child? Are you breastfeeding? The right thing to do I feel, is what's right for the child.
  2. I love vulvas too. I even love that word, it sounds like a tropical plant... ok.. Honestly, they can look a bit off putting at first, but heck, I still find penises hilarious and I love them too. No man who is worth being with will put down any part of your body, and to be honest - the opinion of teen boys? Pshhht! I'm sure the place they've seen one is on the internet. Have you ever read the Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler? Thats a good book for coming to terms with your vagina. And remember this - the average penis has around 2000 nerve endings. The average clitoris has 10 000.
  3. A good alternate position is with the man on his back and the woman kneeling over his face. I think it gives him more control over the situation, and less chance of a crick in the neck too! Before you go rushing to the docs, try a cockring. They look scary, but I swear by them. Slip it on when before you get fully aroused and it traps the blood in the penis helping you to stay hard.
  4. Nope, I'd suggest you just respect her decision to avoid you and try not to be awkward when you see her.
  5. If you do it the same way everytime it could become predictable. Changing it up isn't really hard to do, you can experiment with different mixed of fingers and tongue, different kisses on different areas, blowing sucking humming even. The internet is a wealth of information... Do you often have a (forgive me) hard time keeping an erection? How old are you?
  6. It seems like you do blame yourself, even in a small part. Talk to your boyfriend. If he is worth his salt he will give you the support you don't seem to have gotten from your mum.
  7. Not to be cruel, but I think she'll work out it's you, tell someone and then you will be humiliated for the rest of the year. I've read over your previous posts and this girl isn't into you and is possibly scared of you.
  8. I don't know about a date rape drug (as the point of them is to make you vulnerable) but it's always possible, when you leave your drink unattended, that something extra has been added. Were you taking drugs/prescription meds? I don't ask to offend but when mixed with alocohol the effects can hit you like a truck.
  9. Is this not the kind of thing you work out before you get married? The trick is to find balance and not neglect your wife while not neglecting yourself.
  10. This is not a case of them being so coddled that they have no fear, it's a case of children who have been completely failed by society. That said, I don't think they are being punished enough. They've gotten off lightly.
  11. I can't say anything about whether you should stay married or divorce, but reading your post I just want to tell you to do something purely for yourself. A class or something that has no other value than that it interests you. Something fun. You sound worn out and maybe a bit depressed, and I think that taking some time and investing in you would be a really good start to seeing which way you want to go.
  12. I think that you have to ask your bf if it would make him feel uncomfortable, rather than assuming so. And if it does, and you want to stop being physically affectionate with your ex, then sit him down and talk about it. If he is a good friend then he will atleast try to understand.
  13. Of course, if you have an agreement of non-monogamy towards sexual relations and are safe, then it's not a problem.
  14. If you and your girlfriend are in a monogamous relationship then yes. Very much so. How would you feel if your gf was on here asking if it were ok for her to have one night stands beceuse her man was constantly travelling?
  15. Yes. Maybe write him a letter - but don't put any of the blame on him. Explain your actions and apologise. Let him know that you will work on yourself. Then don't contact him. Absolutely nothing. Maybe have friends let him know that you want him back but are leaving the ball in his court. I can't tell you how completely painful and destructive being cheated on is but right now you have to respect his desire to be alone to heal and not try to cheat him of that time. It may be painful for you to leave him be, but by contacting him you are hurting him more and making him feel disrespected. Take the time to work out what you want and work on your own life. If he comes back to you, then maybe you will both have more to offer your relationship and be stronger for it.
  16. It's a copy of the Goo Goo Dolls song. It's about wanting someone who doesn't know you exist; and even if you don't want anyone else to know you, you want this one person to because it would mean more than a world full of people.
  17. If she's just your roommate why do you care if they're only trying to get in her knickers. Try making friends with them maybe? I'm sure they know some girls to introduce you to.
  18. Or stretched out. Which is much less painful and invasive. How wet was your girlfriend. Because if there was not enough lubrication then you may have a bit of friction burn. Or, this is a new thing for your penis. It might just be in shock?...
  19. That he will in time cheat on. You're the winner here. You've got rid of an obviously malign influence from your life. Congratulations. Stay strong, be happy.
  20. Hi Shakiez48, are the pills he is taking prescribed by a doctor? I read this as you having a problem with him looking outside the marriage for sexual partners, I think you have to decide how much of a problem this is for you and then communicate this clearly to him. Maybe seek some marital counselling together.
  21. What an absolute b*****d! I would definitely start living apart. It is going to be extremely difficult to heal and find your balance with him around. It will also give him a much needed reality check. He obviously does not regard what you have together as precious and it is incredibly manipulative and cruel of him to play with you like this. I think seeing a therapist by yourself would be a good way to start dealing with what you're going through and to work out what you want to do next.
  22. Well, you can get condoms with a numbing agent in them that will slow him down. And a * * * *-ring is always a good, fun, investment. You really have to be brave and broach this subject with him, maybe it's me, but i don't see the point in having sex with someone if my needs aren't being met. It's not all about him. But if it's as bad as you say, I'd advise him to speak to a doctor. It can't be fun for him.
  23. Thats more the mens fault than the foreskins. They're actually just like vulvas- self cleaning and self protecting. Hey RainGate, that is not true. It's also not true that an uncircumcised penis will increase a womans chance of getting HPV. (As to my disgust I saw an agony aunt tell a 19 year old male who wrote in about his gf finding his foreskin disgusting. That one made me mad.) It is true that a foreskin can not grow properly and become tight as the penis grows but that can be fixed either by the circumcision or by stretching the foreskin. Honestly, outside of the religious communities, circumcision would never have caught on in America if it hadn't been backed as a cure for masturbation and then backed by insurance.
  24. "its not supposed to be pretty" I don't think too many people would accuse penises of being cute...
  25. I prefer uncut. Circumcised penis just make me sad to think about and look odd. On cut guys the glans is softer and more sensitive so that is a plus. And there's more to play with And uncut peni don't smell. Unless you don't wash, but thats a given either way. Plus I don't believe in genital mutilation.
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