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Everything posted by agent1607307371

  1. But are they good sources? I can write anything on the internet and say scientists have researced it. A student made a gag article a few months ago about the positive effects of oral sex for women - and that ended up in otherwise good sources because nobody checked to see if it was correct. New Scientist is a trustable source and if you read the end it say that the risks are so minimal there is no point worrying. Smoking and alcohol are the causes of most oral cancer and i don't see you getting upset about that..
  2. I like my pleasure spiked with pain.. I don't think it's as rare as people think. Especially when you consider the effects of the endorphin rush. However, this type of thing can sometimes be abused by the people involved in it which is why it is vital that you sit down and talk straight up with your bf about it. A trick, if he doesn't want to be in control, is to tell him to bite you. Order him too. (If it's going that way.) You get the sensation you want and he doesn't have to assume a role he is uncomfortable with. If you both want the other to take control though, you may have to do a bit of negotiating and compromise. (And this is really nothing bad. I think I have a dentist fetish. That's upsetting! )
  3. Not everyone has HPV, but if it is a concern go get vaccinated against it. And condoms condoms condoms. According to link removed there does appear to be a link between the two, but also that the number of people who get cancer from HPV is miniscule.
  4. I think you should end it with both of them. If you were fulfilled with your gf you would not be cheating on her. You cannot trust your lover because you already have (are) proof that she is not trustworthy. Your gf is a safety net, something you are used to, and your lover is your walk on the wildside. I don't think either of them are what you are really looking for. I think you need to work on yourself before commiting to anyone.
  5. Humm, most of the men around here seem to prefer taller women.. Mind you, my ex was 6'6" and I'm 5'2". He dumped me for a taller girl... Curious...
  6. Works for some people, doesn't for others. Personally I think its horrific. I'm sure to a foot fetishist its absolute nirvana though..
  7. You've had some traumatic months and I totally get that you don't want to have to look after someone. And the way she dropped it on you was completely off. But if you think you would feel guilty maybe tell her that she can only stay with you for x amount of time.(and then pawn her off on your brother.) If my sister did this, I'd have to take her in, because she's my only one. But if you have another sibling you shouldn't feel bad about spreading the responsibility.
  8. He could well be bisexual. He could just be going through a stage of experimenting. There is however, a big leap between making out and having sex with someone and forging a real relationship with them.. Ultimately though, if he identifies as gay then that is what he is.
  9. If she is worried about her parents knowing I would guess that she isn't ready to have sex with you.
  10. In the UK university does not have majors and the like, you choose your subjects and do them for three years. So it really is better to know that you want to do what you sign up for. You can change but there is not really a whole lot of freedom, as specific results are wanted before they will let you onto different courses..
  11. There have been studies that show that (some) men prefer women who they don't see as successful and intelligent as them because they want someone who will be the "lesser" member of the relationship and not threaten their sense of self. What I reccommend is that you forget these guys and try to meet men who are much more confident and at peace with themselves and who will see your strength as a plus. How much do you think you come of as never needing a man though? Everyone likes to feel needed - though I wouldn't recommend you sublimate yourself to get a man..
  12. My mum had me when she was 30 and my dad was 33... and they were considered older parents when I was little (not so long ago). Ultimately it depends on the person - one fifty year old can be still energetic enough to have a baby in the house and another might be too "old" to even look after one for a short time.
  13. I have read the ten commandments and the gospels and more of the ot then i care to remember. I even have a whole degree in religious studies.
  14. Well, the ten commandments are pretty much a cornerstone of the religion. And I know plenty of Catholics who don't feel confined by their beliefs because they are their beliefs. The idea that people have no desire to do things that aren't condoned by their religion is laughable to me. And people can have a purpose without believing it is divinely sent.
  15. I'mthatgirl - in the uk we go to high school until we are 16 (GCSE's) onto college until we are 18 (A levels) and then maybe uni (Degree).
  16. Not quite, but we're smarter than you. The number one thing that will keep you friendzoned is the girl just not being into you. It's a killer. After that - taking too long to make a move and letting her think you're not interested and being overly subtle so that she thinks you're not interested. Speaking too much about other girls, having girlfriends or just being a good girlfriend to her. All of these sins have led me to friendzone men I was initially interested in, only to find out later that they were interested in me.
  17. Satanism as put forward by Anton LaVey is about making yourself the most important "deity" in your world. It does not subscribe any belief to any god or devil other than that they are creations of man and thereforeeee is completely compatible with atheists, though mainly people who are looking for quite a strong "anti social" philosophy on the world.. "Satan is a symbol, nothing more. Satan signifies our love of the worldly." -LaVey. link removed
  18. Well, if it's causing you to worry, then it is an issue to you and not something you should stew over.. How far into it is he? Or is he just "expanding his horizons" as it were?
  19. Hi Grace, it's great to hear that you are taking care of your body, but what about your mind? Have you thought of joining a support group for other survivors or maybe a women only self-defence/martial arts class? Something to help you to truly take back your power. And you're right about the treatment of rapists in our society. It seems that so much of the blame is put on the victim as opposed to where it should be - squarely on the shoulders of the predator.
  20. Hi, how much do you know about the philosophy of Satanism as put forward by LaVey? link removed and have you spoken to your boyfriend about your concerns?
  21. And thats where it ends if it's got nowhere to go. It's a joint effort.
  22. I don't think he's confused, I think he knows what he wants and is getting it. You have to distance yourself from him and be strong. You say you fell in love with him but he is not in love with you. You must value yourself enough to not back into this situation if it hurts you.
  23. There are times the uni lifestyle can be incredibly laidback, but there are also times when the courses can be incredibly stressful.... And just because it may seem that everyone your age is going, doesn't mean they are... If you don't have a burning desire to go to uni now, and have a good thing going with your man then I don't see any problem. Your desires don't seem to be in any great conflict here. I let myself go with the flow and got onto a course that I enjoyed. But if I'm honest, I missed out on the experience by not being ready to go. If I'd left it even a year I would have had a better time.
  24. "All I did was pay the bill" And I bet she wasn't complaining then. It sounds to me like she used you to enjoy the good life and then dump you when she became bored. Only to pull you back when she wanted the lifestyle back again. How would you describe the relationship between yourself and the kids? Did they seem to have problems with you, because from what you describe it sounds to me like she was using them as an excuse. Don't contact her. She is toxic to your life and your peace of mind. (Not to mention your wallet.)
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