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Everything posted by Jeffrey2095

  1. Hello Psuedofemme, It is puzzling that he should mention this on what seems to me rather casual conversation... not "making plans" for the future type conversation so much. You might just ask him what he means by the comment... Maybe he is a little disappointed still by his short lived previous romance (s). Also... what did you say while he was looking ahead earlier? Maybe he wanted some reasurrance... Of course, you may have not known about his previous disappointments so this is not a critisism on your part at all... I'd just ask him point blank, (but with understanding of course) the next time he mentions it. Sounds like a little communication might be in order. Good luck, and best wishes. P.S. Time may solve this for you both anyway, right? Jeff
  2. Hello Timjd, Speaking from my own experience I have had really bad luck let's say, lending money to others. It can develope into an awkward situation for both of you. Now, there are some friends that are so close that I probably would lend them the money... IF I felt they had at least a reasonable chance of paying it back, and in a timely manner. Jeff
  3. It sounds to me that, even if nothing ever came about from these other friendhips that it would put an unhealthy amount of pressure on the relationship. You will always be stuck in this quandry maybe. Personally, I would definitly voice my concerns... I mean, they sound like very close friends... It would sure make me uncomfortable. Good luck, best wishes and welcome to ENA. Jeff
  4. Absolutely 100% Even though it's difficult at times, moving on and up is definitly the goal. Thank you. Jeff
  5. Hello Martial, I think that it is perfectly normal to pine for something that was so good, but gone now. Sure, you miss her. Now, I don't know a fool proof method of moving on so to speak... I think the thing that has worked for me is to keep myself busy, and gradually these things will retreat a little further into your subconscious, and maybe not keep your every waking moment, you know. Good luck and best wishes. Jeff
  6. Hello Blackhawk, Yeah, I'd say so... Also sounds like kind of a bummer too. Hopefully you will be able to accept things the way they are. Or... maybe someone you like even better will come along... Good luck and best wishes. Jeff
  7. Hello Goblin, I kind of get the impression that she is trying to keep the ball over in your court. Does that make sense here? Jeff
  8. Hello SweetJade, Keep hanging out here at ENA. I felt much the same way, but in a short time things are picking up for me. Good luck, best wishes and welcome! Jeff
  9. Dear BigBilly, Didn't your post contain this statement... "I write so much better than I talk, because when I talk I get nervous and stutter and forget half of what I was going to say and so forth." My advice was based in part on this statement you made ^... Now, if you find that you have marshalled the power of effective speech... by all means tell her verbally. Maybe... you could write it out, memorize it, and have the best of both worlds. Good luck in any event. Jeffrey
  10. I guess it depends on how you define "gradually". I'm not saying you should beat around the bush for a month... But, if you lay all your cards on the table, (so to speak,) you might be putting a little too much pressure on her, and possibly make the friendship you might retain a little awkward. If you get good vibes from her, step it up. If she doesn't respond, well, try and keep it on a basis of friendship... If it's not too painful. Good luck Jeff
  11. Oh, maybe tell her that you really enjoy her company, even though you are so far apart... What kind of vibes do you get from her? This stuff is never an exact science... Just have to go on gut instinct sometimes and wing it. I just mean I wouldn't spill my guts all at once... Jeff
  12. Hello, As far as friendship... it sounds to me as though you are friends already... Personally, I would go ahead and write the letter, maybe expressing that you are interested. I think I might fall short of telling her you are head over heels in love. Sure, why not tell her? Good luck and best wishes. Jeff
  13. Hi I think you should tell her, maybe gradually. If she doesn't have similar feelings, it doesn't neccessarily mean you can't remain friends. Of course, some people might find it a bit awkward, but I think it is a risk worth taking. Good luck and best wishes. Jeffrey
  14. Hello Cristalgold, I have a friend like this too. His idea of a conversation is a monologue. He is so self absorbed that I seriously doubt he realizes it. Jeff
  15. Hello HDD, Oh yes, guys can get pretty depressed also, I think equally. It really depends on the individual. One time I had so much anxiety that I actually broke out with a case of the shingles. Best wishes for the future. Jeff
  16. Hello Mariab, Hmm. It does seem that he is being pretty ungrateful, alot of people wouldn't want the responsibility. I'd go ahead and break NC, just in this instance and tell him it simply isn't your responsibility, and the question is not open for debate either. Who needs that. Best wishes Jeff
  17. I haven't celebrated Valentine's Day since grade school. Jeff
  18. Hello Fnlyfrei, I don't think that it should matter what others may be trying to do... You'd think that simple congratulations would be about all someone would say. I personally, would just try and overlook the left-handed stuff. Soon you will be married, and these folks will just have to get used to it. Good luck, congratulations and best wishes for the future. Jeffrey
  19. Hello Anathema001 Yeah... not having "wheels" can certainly put a cramp in your dating on occasion. What about a scooter? Those are fun and pretty hip. Maybe you could double date on occasion with a buddy who has a car. Jeff
  20. Hi Puff, I used to do jobs around the house for an elderly lady who was a pack-rat extrodinair... She struggled to raise her family during the Great Depression, and would always complain about things like disposable razors and paper towels... She saw it as waste. There was a gigantic pile of garden hoses in her backyard. They were all brittle and dry rotted, absolutely worthless, and an eyesore. "You want me to throw them out Hilda?" "Oh no! We can put new ends on them and use 'em... " Jeff
  21. Right on Iron pumper! Thanks for the nice post. I went through something very similar a few years back. Sounds like you have a good handle on it, and the healthy attitude was great to hear. Thanks. Hang in there bud, you sound like a sensitive person, and that is A-1. Jeff
  22. It seems to me, that in this day and age, an e-mail cover letter would be perfectly fine. Afterall, it's the information that counts... not the form it came in. Some it seems fear attachments because they are worried about attached viruses. Many e-mail services seem to be on top of this though. Hey, I'd go ahead and send it. Maybe put the cover in the body of the e-mail, why not? Good luck Jeff
  23. Dear Delusion79, It really sounds as though you are doing about all that can be done... being his friend in a difficult time. Sometimes it seems as though the only medicine for such things is time. (And friendship.) Wish I had some great advice for you... Good luck and best wishes to you both. Jeff
  24. Hello Intodeep, So, you were trying to help her out, and give her some "fatherly" advice, and that is a good thing... Maybe... step it down to "uncle" level or "big brother" level and just let her kind of live life, and make mistakes... we all have to do that for ourselves if we are really to learn from life... I have been in situations where I felt I was raising other people's kids... Not to say that your sitch is the same, just to let you know that I like to help young people if I can also... Some things... you're just gonna' have to step back from a little maybe. Kids her age have to find out for themselves sometimes. Just hang in there, and if she needs you, she will inquire most likely. Good luck, and good you being her friend, that is very noble. Also... welcome to ENA, a really great place. Jeff
  25. Hello Wild1, Oh yes, these sound like good things to me. On your first question, the fact that you didn't tell him right away, probably made him curious. He may have been interested because he himself want's to see you, hard to know for sure. He might have been tired from work that evening or maybe he also simply wanted to spend a little time with you before having an official date, you know. (As he might see it, even though he was just filling in.) But, I would say that it looks promising from here. Good luck to you both. Jeffrey
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