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Everything posted by Jeffrey2095

  1. Good for you! I am 46 years old, have been in several bands, but am still looking at this point. It's never too late to bring a gift to the world. Good luck, and that's the spirit! (I do karaoke too.) Jeffrey
  2. Puff, It doesn't look good , even though she is attractive still in your eyes. Gotta' let this one pass... Or, at least wait until she is friendly to you first, before you go in for a let down man. Just my personal take. Jeff
  3. No CG, I think you are just a little camera shy maybe. I like the licks and you are VERY accomplished, especially for one so young. (Maybe just a little nervous, that's all, I get the same way when recording.) I especially liked those fancy licks about 3/4 of the way through, and that's coming from someone who has played for 33 years. Just keep doing what you're doing bud, it sounds great! Jeff
  4. Hello mrpink Well my friend, you will have to work hard if you want to have her back. Maybe, right now, you should concentrate on being her friend. Put the romance and the worry about that to one side, I know it's hard but... Personally, I think you have a good idea in waiting until after exams, the pressure, and more pressure. It will give you time to think of an effective and nice apology. Just relax for a minute, and think about what you did, and why things went the way they did etc... and what you will do differently next time. But, start first to be her friend, and don't forget to tell her how sorry you are, even if you guys can only remain friends and that's it. I'm sure it will only help, no matter what. Peace and good luck to you mrpink, and welcome to ENA, stick around and I bet you'll find alot of good advice here. Jeffrey
  5. Hello piscis fishes, First let me say how sorry I am to hear that you were used. I hear ya bro'. You might meet more people like that through life, I am sad to say. I bet a whole bunch of people here can relate to you also, so stick around for awhile with us. I know it is so much worse when it is on such a personal level, you feel used in every way, and that's alright to feel that way for awhile. I think that is the way most people would feel in a situation like this. At least you found out sooner rather than later my friend, think of that, if it's any comfort. But I wouldn't bother stewing about vengeance, that just makes it worse. Peace, and best wishes, guy You'll find sympathy, comfort, shelter and some great advice here, wait and see. Jeff
  6. Hello, Maybe she is young at 42, and you are a little mature at 19. I think it is worth a try, why not? I once dated a woman 15 years my senior, and she was more fun to be around in some ways than 20 and 30 somethings. One of my best friends is married to a gorgeous lady who is 12 years older than him. If you two are in love... Peace, and best wishes Jeffrey
  7. Hi Boontahr, Yeah, I'm with Northalias on this one, and I understand your apprehension about her going to dance clubs, it can put pressure, real or otherwise on a relationship, I know. (Uh, sorry you are a little dance challenged.) I am a musician, but was a little awkward on the dance floor. Sometimes I was reduced to doing the "air jam" while standing in one place. eek (At least you have a girlfriend... I must have looked rather silly that night...) Anyway, I think that I would simply go along with her the best I could. It's a sacrifice in a way, and I know what you mean about clubs. (I also liked the suggestion about dancing at home.) Peace, and good luck to you and yours. Jeffrey
  8. Hello PHILLwife, I have read your previous post concerning the biological mother, and I am so sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, there are people in this world who will take the easy way at every turn it seems, and I am really sorry to hear that for all those concerned. The courts and state childwelfare systems have almost no way to "really" know who stands before them, or their true motives. It sounds to me though, that you have a pretty firm grip on "what's up" with this situation, you sound like a strong person, luckily for those like the little ones who need someone like you at this time. I guess I can only sympathise, agree and affirm here. I wish I had some great advice for this, but I have seen a great deal of literature here and I imagine there is helpful ideas for difficult custody situations, so I can suggest you look into the "advice" section. I have found good information there that has been a help to me, so check it out. I'm sure eNotAlone has been a comfort too. Once again, sorry to hear about your situation. Best wishes Jeffrey
  9. Hello again guy, I'm sorry to hear that things did not turn out for you the way you might have wanted. That's hard buddy, I feel for you and have had many of the same, so I hear ya'. You received a lot of good advice and support over here at ENA, so keep on hangin' out bud. Keep your relationship with her as a quality friendship, (if that's not too painful, maybe it is...) but hopefully you are able to be at least her friend on any level. Samross is still jamming with his ex. Just wanted to say hi again too, and see how things were coming out for you. Peace man Jeff
  10. Hello o not alone , I'm sorry to hear that your marriage is going this way. Pesonally, I think that in just your exploring these questions ie: "Has the excitement and stimulative qualities, (the romance) gone out of my marriage of six years?" there an indicator. It happens. Sometimes it can take that long to come to a realization thay we were close, but not completely compatable for the relationship we are in. I'm just going to assume that you have made efforts to pick up your marriage, have you told him what's on your mind, or asked him any questions that would probe that topic? I don't know the guy, so I can't really make an informed statement on your relationship personally, but I know you will consider his feelings in this, and that's what makes it so hard. I wish you luck in whatever decision you come to. Stick around this website, and you will probably receive a lot of good advice. Best wishes Jeffrey
  11. Hi K8tie Kool, Oh, I didn't get or want to give the impression you would have a marriage with such "formalities" by any means.lol It just doesn't sound like this guy is your "Mr. Wonderful" to me, from what you have expressed. Personally, I wouldn't take a great deal more time in quandry, if you know what I mean, for his sake too. Maybe he thinks he is Mr. Wonderful. I don't mean to give watered down advice, but I don't know the man... Well good luck in making your decision, whichever, as long as it was best for your future, that's what counts right. Peace K8tie Jeffrey
  12. Dear mysteryman, Hello guy, and you know, your story here sounds like the sum total of my experiences at school, so many, that "could have" developed, but for one little thing or another, in the initial phase of dating. What a drag, and I feel for ya'. PM me if wa' want. It sounds as though your romance with this girl did not take off with a flying start, and just went into a steep glide from there. I myself would back off to a fair degree, and instead of placing too much hope in the prospect of seeing this girl... I would back away, and simply "wait and see". Maybe it'll level off into a quality friendship, a rare, and rewarding thing too. Best wishes for the future. Jeffrey
  13. Hello Justin, Yeah, people in general will take advantage of a sincere person unfortunately, buddy, seems that way sometimes. I guess that's why they say nice guys finish... But, we gotta keep trying because to do otherwise would be contrary to our nature, and probably more damaging in the long run. Hang in there, (and around here in these forums dude). Try not to let this make you bitter or remoursful, you sound like a really nice guy, so don't let this spoil that. Peace Justin See ya around the threads. Jeff
  14. Hello guy, Well, it does appear that the ball is sticking in her court, but at least you mustered the courage to extend your hand, and be a nice guy, and do the right thing. If you find this relationship is finished afterall... You still have demonstrated some necessary qualities, that we all need and need to practice: Humility and Mercy. (You stopped being mad at her, (so you forgave her) and were humble enough to ask for her mercy.) I bet this will be appreiciated by someone, good luck. Jeff
  15. Hello Aurian, Um, sorry, I guess I missed or overlooked the dating site part. If you meant me? Thanks. Jeff
  16. Hello K8tie Kool, I think that you have a hard decision here... It is good that you are thinking ahead about whether or not to proceed for the sake of his feelings etc, that is thoughtful of you, and wise. (You mentioned marriage, so I know you want to consider this carefully.) My, just plain guess really, is to invest at least a little more time in a platonic light. Maybe you can get a little better inkling as to where to go from there. I wish I had some better ideas for you... Good luck and best wishes for the future. Jeffrey
  17. Hello Justin Kun, You know, I once had a girl tell me that she wouldn't marry me if I were the last man on Earth... Man, did I feel pretty low when I heard a statement like that... from a friend I had known for three years. My mind went through all the possibilities and implications etc. ie: I felt like pond scum. But, after awhile, I realized that it was really just a common expression. How many people everywhere are hearing that same unfortunate phrase? It took me some time... but I did pull myself together, and decided that there was no harm in apologising, and making the first effort to preserve a friendship or relationship. She accepted my apology, and we are friends once more. Now... how long you take to decide or if...is up to you my friend. Hope it all works out for the best Justin Peace Jeffrey
  18. Hello GoneAgain, And I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling a little under the weather today, hopefully, it will pass quickly. Good to hear that your brother is making significant steps, let's hope for a quick recovery for his problems also. It is great that he has support. You know that this website is here anytime, and there is always some night owl, (like me) here to talk to. welcome back! Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better within yourself, and healing in that sense also. Peace, and best wishes to you and your brother. Jeffrey
  19. Hello renaiessancewoman101, I know that I haven't been here at ENA very long... I'm just a beginner here really, but I get the impression that you are a very nice and sensitive person, who like me, take time, and care, and TLC... and things like that when we enter friendships in this screwy world. And maybe you, like myself have been a little disappointed in your travails. I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope and feel that you will find some nice friends here, a whole bunch. I really liked the way you made that suggestion about having a nice casual dinner date at home, (post on another thread), as apposed to an expensive meal at a stuffy restaurant. I like to cook, and sometimes feel I could have done a better job myself sometimes. I think you're tops, and get an A+ and a smile from me. Best wishes, and it is nice to meet a nice person like you. Jeffrey
  20. Hi again babybees, I... myself, personally think that a month, a year, or even a few days... It is never too soon to be honest, or better... forthright, as long as it can be accomplished gracefully, and in a way that is in consideration of the other significant people in your life. Even if this were only a very casual relationship, on any level really; isn't honesty usually the best policy? Even say, on a level or basis like, between you and your boss... a co-worker, the nice person next door or at the grocery store. Best wishes, Jeffrey
  21. Hello Lonestar, I agree with V8 here. (Nice post V8 ) To me, it seems as though you are possibly placing too much value and emphasis here on his education. Isn't it a person's heart that should be of paramount value? (In everything we do?) Now, education is important too, don't get me wrong, but there are plenty of quality people in this world who do not possess a college degree. Education, does not cease to exsist beyond ivey colored walls. Personally, I have met plenty of people with degrees, some fairly advanced, (in the workplace and everywhere really,) who I didn't deem as neccessarily intelligent, or even "competant", while some of their "bosses" never finished highschool. "Equally yoked"? Many of us are familiar with the term as used in the Bible, but what about being equally yoked in "everything", or as much as possible? Maybe another word is just "compatability", right? Follow your heart first, and you will have a good guide. Also... how important is your parent's opinion of him here, to you? Consider all the "in laws" in the world that are not satisfied with their child's spouse. I hope things work out for everyone in your current relationship Lonestar. Best wishes Jeffrey
  22. Hello again Baby Carrot, Actually... as a guy... and there at a bar. Considering the circumstances, I really don't think I would be motivated to any degree to call the cops right away. (Help! I've been harried, and put upon by a Baby Carrot!) ... ya little turnip. It is true though technically, that it is harassment. And it is probably not the ideal way to carry about the place. But I would forgive you. Take it easy next time though eh, I almost spilled my drink. Okay carrot kid, finish your vegetables. Jeff
  23. Hello Orlander, And I am really sorry to hear about your recent disappointment. But, it sounds as though you are taking it about the best way that is possible, when a person gets a bummer like that dropped on them. Good job guy! =D> Your healthy attitude and resilliant spirit should be an inspiration to us all. Peace, and best wishes for the future. People like you have already won it. Jeff
  24. Hello Swish, Say, there are some threads that have been posted by samross, (I think you can search them.) and he is going through a very similar situation. ie: his ex is in a band with him. He is doing well with it, and they are still jamming and friends at the same time... Check it out man. Best wishes and good luck with the music and everything! Jeffrey
  25. Hi Samross, Hey, I'm glad to hear that things are stabilizing, and that you guys are still able to make beautiful music. Your handling it well, and a great friendship can be a wonderful thing too. Congratulations on the new sound and creative things, awesome! =D> Peace brother, and best wishes to you and your group for the future Jeff
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