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Everything posted by LiquidCherry

  1. I used to smoke.. Since I was 14 and I quit successfully about a year an a half ago. I can't date someone that smokes. First, now that I don't smoke I can smell how terrible it really does smell, second, I can't stand to kiss someone that tastes like an ashtray, and third and most importantly it's too much of a temptation for me to be around someone very often that smokes.. I don't want to pick up the habit again. Hanging out with friends for a few hours that smoke is fine but a serious relationship.. No way.
  2. Yes. I tried my very best to move on. I didn't call him. I didn't pick up the scaps he would occasionally throw my way. If he had waited much longer than the 6 weeks he did it very well could have been too late. It came from him, the dumper. We both play and MMORPG. I signed on to play one day and he was waiting for me I guess cause right away he sent me a message asking me to please come over. We got back together on 11/7/05 and we're still going strong. It's amazing. The only issue we really had was resolved before he even asked for me back. NOO! He wanted to and I told him that it wasn't going to happen. If someone breaks my heart they sure better fix it if they want anything to do with me. Friendship just doesn't cut it.
  3. If you're not comfortable dating someone divorced and with a child you're not comfortable dating someone divorced and with a child. I'm a single parent myself and I know it's hard to find people accepting and ever more so at my age. But the thing is, I wouldn't want to date someone who wasn't at the very least okay with the fact that I have a child. Sure, it's limiting and only in a perfect world would everyone welcome a dating situation like this but it's my life, it's their life, and we have to both be okay with the way things are for a relationship to work. I fully believe that my son is my responsibility but when I marry my future husband will have to consider my son a part of OUR family.. I never want to replace my son's father but step parent or not he would have to take on a parenting roll. My son is a very big and important part of my life. Anyway, the thought that comes to my mind is to not waste this man's time and find someone else who you are more compatible with. You know what you want so why would you settle before a first date?
  4. Don't do anything to try and get her to break up with you. Honestly, if you're feeling like you don't want to be in a committed relationship you should tell her this honestly. If she loves you there really is no way to avoid breaking her heart but you can do it while still allowing her to feel respected. Talk to her someplace private face to face. Be gentle but firm and tell her how you really feel.
  5. I've been exactly where you are. I cried every day for 8 months when my high school sweetheart broke up with me. He was my frist love too and I was just so hurt. You're doing some really good things though. Taking steps to get over someone is progress and you're doing everything you can. Keep doing what your doing and I promise you, eventually you will come out of this feeling not only better but stronger as well.
  6. I was kinda crazy when I was younger... I was dating someone at the time and we went to his friends "panty party" who now years later is my current boyfriend. We ran into each other again at a bar. Glad to say we've both calmed down a bit and needless to say that I'll never think of Twister the same.
  7. There's really nothing you can do to help keep stretch marks from forming. All those lotions.. A bunch of expensive hooey. Your skin is made up of colagen and elastin fibers, elastin being more stretchy. The more of it that your skin is composed of, which is all thanks to your mom and dad, the less stretch marks you'll have. What can help the appearance of stretch marks is those scar creams. Mederma is one that comes to mind, I'm sure there are others. I'd talk to your doc about when it would be safe to use it. Your areola can become both larger and darker with pregnancy. My breasts will never be the same but I wouldn't say any of the changes that happened to my body caused any part of me to look ugly. One nice thing about my ex husband is that he always loved the look of the body that made his son. My boyfriend just loves my body. You can look at your body and pick out every thing that's wrong with it and guys just aren't like that. Part of loving a woman's shape is loving what that shape allows her to be capable of.
  8. I've found that a person who cheats on their partner isn't worth persuing. I respect people who respect commitment so to me this girl's behavior would be not only a red flag but also a turn off. If she did leave her boyfriend to start a relationship with you could you ever feel secure in the relationship? All relationships have their ups and downs..
  9. Twice, different people. First was after a one month relationship two or three years later that resulted in a craptacular marriage and a spectacular divorce. Second was after a ten month relationship with a six week break up. We're still going strong and better than ever three months later.
  10. You could talk to her about something interesting that you learned in class or something funny that happened. Or snuggle up and take a shot at that crossword with her. But you don't always have to have a conversation to enjoy spending time with someone. Sometimes just having the company is nice.
  11. What an amazing piece of advice!
  12. IF a man can pull it off I like it. Most of em can't.
  13. Hmm.. I just re read your post and it seems like you dropped by an event you knew he would be at. Even though it is a public affair you weren't invited by him and it sounds like you didn't come with your own group of friends either. It might have been obvious to him that you came there with the intention of seeing him. If this is the case I can understand a little bit why he may have been acting rudely towards you. Perhaps he felt threatened and rather then simply telling you how he felt he made it clear by his actions. Not the best method and still rather rude.
  14. I just wanted to add what I think about his actions towards you that night. I don't think he was doing anything wrong by asking the girl out to dinner in front of you. From what you wrote it seemd to me that he was interested in her just as she was interested in him. Perhaps he did that as a way to convey to her that you were not a threat. (my boyfriend is a horrible flirt but will do similar things to make it clear he is with only me) I do think he was being rude by inviting others to a party in front of you. I think that would make almost anyone feel very left out and my feelings would have been hurt. Like DN I was also taught that you don't invite people to a party in front of someone who is not invited. If I were you I wouldn't send the letter. I think he is trying to send a message to you, being that he probably doesn't want any sort of relationship with you, not even a friendship. It certainly doesn't reflect badly on you. In fact, I think his lack of tact in relaying this message to you reflects badly apon him. I'd just let it rest.
  15. I have anxiety and panic attacks. I've actually gone to the hospital thinking I had a heart attack only to find out it was a panic attack. A few times my face went numb and I have felt disoriented, mostly because even though I didn't realize it my breathing wasn't normal. I suffer from mild depression as well and I don't like taking medication for it either. I have taken Welbutrin which doesn't have sexual side effects and it worked nicely but actually as I've gotten older I suffer less from depression. And depression medication never really helped with my anxiety which bothered me more. I found that in times of stress is when I tend to have problems with anxiety. For the most part I'm fine. I did get prescribed Kolonopin which I now take on an as needed basis which is hardly ever now. Learning how to manage stress was very helpful for me. Kolonopin can be addictive though so I don't take it unless I really need it. Ask your doctor if he could prescribe something specifically for anxienty rather than depression.
  16. I'm not comfortable with much more than a peck when I'm out in public regardless of how much I like the guy. Maybe he's the same way. If you like him I'd wait an see how he kisses you in private. After some time if all you is still just a peck I'd decide if a peck is all you want.
  17. I know exactly what you are talking about. I started developing an eating disorder when I was 12 and it became very serious by the time I was 13. I'm 23 now and even though I've recovered I wouldn't say it's 100% and I truly think it's something I'll struggle with for the rest of my life. It's that little voice that I can't get to completely go away. It's quiter now though and my voice is stronger. It was that voice I had to fight against. I wish I could tell you how to make it go away but I honestly don't know myself. I think knowing it's wrong is the first step. Sometimes I feel crazy when I talk about my eating disorder because that voice became something that controlled me and doesn't hearing voices mean you're crazy? I literally had to battle with it. I guess with an eating disorder it doesn't, at least not in the schizophrenic sense. I read something once about a psychologist who had his patients write letters to their eating disorder, which he named Ed (for eating disorder). I'm rambling and I don't have much advice other than if you're not already in treatment maybe that could help.
  18. I've dated people I met at: school, work, through friends, the bar, and through the internet. As I'm still a student I think I've met the most through school. I've flirted with ranom people but never actually started a relationship with anyone that way.
  19. Regardless of who broke up with who it is very difficult to be friends with an ex and darn near impossible right after a break up. Sometimes people say they still want to be friends as a way to soften the blow so to speak and others really do mean it. It will take time if a friendship is going to develope. Emotions must settle on both sides. Being in a relationsihp with a feeling of doom looming over head is very stressful. It's a miserable place to be and I've been there myself. I didn't have the courage to end the relationship so I crossed my fingers and decided to ride it out. I too thought I would feel relief when the relationship ended but when he broke up with me I was on the floor in pain all the same. Relief and happiness will follow. Knowing the relationship is doomed isn't a get out of jail card for suffering grief. I don't think anything is wrong with you at all. I don't know why he broke up with you but if I had to guess it might have something to do with what ever it was that was causing you to feel like your relationship was doomed. Perhaps your feeling was in response to sensing that his feelings for you had changed. Perhaps your feeling was something he felt too and something just wasn't right. He probably isn't mad at you either. Like I said, emotions need to settle on both sides. Give him some space and give yourself some space.
  20. What he did was terrible and you have every right to be angry. I'm in school right now to be a Dental Hygienist and Hep C is an occupational risk, it's highly pathogenic, especially blood to blood. It is an STD though and I believe that is mainly how it is transmitted even though it is not passed as easily as it is directly through the blood stream. I believe that in about 85% of the people infected it is a life long disease which means that they are capable of transmiting the disease life long. What I'm going to say next I'm not totally sure of, it's my logical assumption.. IF your ex doesn't have the active virus I don't believe that you could have gotten infected. I'm pretty sure. I had to be immunized against the virus (many offices won't hire unless you've had it) and so a blood test would show that I test positive for the antibodies even though I've never had the virus. It is impossible for me to transmitt the virus. What worries me is that it is possible for the virus to become active in his body again. Many viruses go through a dormant period and awaken at any given time. I'm glad you have a doctor appointment and I'm glad that you always used protection. That, combined with the fact that the virus most likely wasn't active in his body at that time minimizes your risk. I think he's a scum bag for not telling you.
  21. I can totally relate. When my high school sweetheart broke up with me it took me 4 years before I was able to fall in love again. I was very scared and very guarded; I never wanted to feel that pain again. I gave a lot of myself too, which is good, but it's better to always keep a small part for yourself. I was watching Dr. Phil and he was talking to a woman who put up walls in order to protect herself from getting hurt. Dr. Phil pointed out that if she stayed behind the wall she was gaurnteeing herself hurt. If she came out from behind the wall and put her heart on the line there was a risk she could get hurt but she also would have a chance at happiness. Love is always a gamble but when it's good...
  22. I would be hesitant. I just think that if she were really serious she would have taken her two weeks first before mentioning anything to you about getting back together. Also, you deserve to be with someone who is capable of making an effort to be with you.
  23. I look for love. Or well, I'll look for a potential partner, cross my fingers, and hope for love to develope. I don't think love ever just falls into anyone's lap. Two people have to be at the very least open to the idea. (Which you're not if you decide that you're not looking for love.) Maybe "looking" is the wrong word. I like the idea of "being open to possibilities" better.
  24. I dated someone for a long while, we're still great friends to this day. He was a virgin and I wasn't. But he never made me feel ashamed or tarnished. He never made any passive aggressive comments at all. Saying to her that you don't want her to feel tarnished is the same thing as telling her you think she's tarnished. I'm sure she didn't feel that way before you said that to her though she may have afterwards. You made it clear she wasn't a bad person for having a past? Of course she's not and why would she be? And you forgave her? Forgave her for what? I think you owe her a HUGE apology.
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