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Everything posted by Dako

  1. A woman my age can be dazzling, but so can women of any age. Being my age doesn't seem to be that important. I don't need a clone of myself to keep me company, and I meet few single women my age who share my interests. I would guess you're far from a baby, and a guy my age sees women differently from a 20something. Despite the popular term "dirty old man" we don't get dirtier with age at all. In my case, I'll never be as obsessed with sex as I was in my youth, and find women beautiful even above the neckline. In fact, in the last few decades, women of all ages and types seem to have gotten more attractive. Age gaps are ususally fodder for yentas and lonely people who snipe at the happiness of others. Sure, there can be problems from age differences, but other differences can be as troubling. Like navels, everyone has an opinion. BTW, If you're in an interracial pairing, would you want to be referred to as an interracial couple, or just a couple? I think the term age-gap is equally tedious. It denies other facets of the relationship.
  2. You should meet this fossil and find out. He may appreciate a jewel your age.
  3. People die. I've also lost a number of friends, but they succumbed to cancer, drugs, accidents, suicide and drowning. I never thougt it was about me.
  4. Wow! You've really given this a lot of thought!
  5. Some people brag to compensate for something private. If he's not into it, you can't force him. Believe it or not, all men don't want sex with every woman they meet. I would accept that he doesn't want sex with you. Leave the poor guy alone.
  6. As an agnostic, I don't consider it a sin. Nothing is.
  7. Relationships can evolve from the oddest encounters. Sometimes it's good to take things as they come and not expect problems. If you're looking for a sure thing, maybe this is a difficult way to go, but if you're happy with this guy, why fight it? Traditional relationships (for lack of a better term) have pitfalls too.
  8. You have no guarantee of fidelity from any man, do you? That's a matter of trust, based upon your knowlwledge of him. Have you met his friends, family or seen how he interacts with others? It appears you're already involved to some degree, and just need to see how it plays out.
  9. 2 weeks after a major breakup might be an emotional time for you, and if you aren't feeling like yourself, it might be good to wait before major changes. You seem to want a job change for social reasons. Do you have any clubs, hobbies, outside interests or sports on nights/weekends? That might be a good foundation to consider.
  10. It's not you, it's them. They encourage you, and expect you to make conversation and develop a friendship and all that tiresome crap. You'd be happier if all this getting acquainted stuff could be skipped. Maybe it's not them. You don't have to do everything, just do something other than blame women. They probably see your attitude from miles away.
  11. Do you both ever discuss solving problems while you're getting along? Seems like you have no methods established before a snit occurs. He can play hockey without you freezing and starving.
  12. I left school to make money, and I'm not poor, but what about when you get tired of being limited to those fields that don't require a formal education? Once you have money, then what? Money is a weak measure of success.
  13. I'd walk...or run. Drinking just is an excuse, and you deserve a full-time decent guy. I know a fellow like this, and wish we weren't related. After a while it gets very old.
  14. I'm afraid lots of people write silly books on reversing a breakup, but I think you should move on. If she says it's over, it's over. People cling to hope at these times, and it merely prolongs the misery. Let go and heal.
  15. Shaving is irritating. After scraping my face, I often wonder why any guy shaves his head, yarbles or chest. Imagine nicked nips, razor burn or just the time to mow that lawn. You go, girl!
  16. Do you thrive on excitement? If you have a child on the way, and haven't gotten past your ex, moving in with a volatile and jealous woman will make life unbearable. You'd do well to stay away from women until you can offer and receive stability. Somehow, I suspect you can't. Being in a relationship isn't just a matter of sales skills or being a good boyfriend. It takes two committed people without a load of drama.
  17. Just smile and enjoy it. It's normal.
  18. I also have too much solitude. I do coffeehouses, libraries and just wandering in urban areas to get some contact with people. For some reason it's harder in winter months, isn't it?
  19. I find it accurate. I dropped out of college over 30 years ago, and have often regretted it. Sure, you can do a lot when you're young and intelligent, but you can do much more with a degree, including getting a postgrad degree. And what about when you are no longer young? It's much harder to go back to college when you reach a certain age. Best to do it when you can stay up and study without nodding off.
  20. I take it the OP is writing it here instead of sending it to her. It's a well-written letter and probably is best left unsent. It certainly is touching, though. Hang in there, Iceman.
  21. This woman must expect you to accept these odd friendships and the risk of her involvements. Seems like a tall order. I'd consider her admission of these friendships as a way to distance herself from you. You might be just a friend, too.
  22. Your age height and weight might give us a clue what's going on.
  23. I could never tolerate someone who abuses animals. If inhumane behavior isn't a dealbreaker, what is?
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