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Everything posted by Dako

  1. Mr. Beeblebrox I understand. Some of that stuff is beyond sick. I bought a Penthouse to read an article in the 70s, but that's the extent of my porn addiction. I'm more into the free-speech part of the equation.
  2. So porn is okay if it's your kind of porn? I don't like porn at all, but am a fan of free speech, which allows for soft porn. So it goes.
  3. Seems like an ultimatum. Hey, whatever works for you.
  4. The problem with forbidding your guy from viewing porn is obvious. He'll resent being treated like a child.
  5. Note to self: Caffeine is a bad thing.
  6. A number of women have mates who prefer cyberwomen to the real thing, and it ruins the relationship to sleep alone while he plays with himself in another room. I never realized how widespread this was until joining this forum. I looked at some porn to try and understand, but to me, it's pretty boring stuff. If I were a woman, I'd run.
  7. I see a psychiatrist and deal with anxiety and depression. Ignoring it won't end it. I take a walk, breathe and look at the sky to slow the heartbeat. Currently, I'm a bit agitated about my frustrating job search. My pulse is a bit strong. Later on, I'll go walking by the lake, smoke a cigar and watch ducks.
  8. Sorry you're dealing with so much at once. I hope you recover from childbirth and can enjoy your baby's early development. Your BF is probably a child who needs to grow up. He's the father of a child and is mistreating you by teasing you. You say you both put a lot of dedication into this relationship, but he seems irresponsible. Have you explained to him how his comments make you feel? He needs a wake-up call.
  9. Bijoux, What attracts you to the old fellow? Just geriatricurious?
  10. Knowing what life holds, and plugging along despite depression, pain and despair is brave. I don't think suicide is an embrace of oblivion, but an escape from life's struggle. I've wrestled with it many times, and something pulls me from the brink. After exploring those reasons here with others, love and curiosity must be what keep me going. That's enough.
  11. If she accused you of stalking, I doubt she wants to revisit her times with you. You may be innocent, but it's what she thinks that matters,
  12. You could tell her you know you're quiet, and her complaints bother you. How would she feel if you kept commenting on her loudness?
  13. People aren't a static entity. A partner is a dynamically changing organism. In the course of a relationship, they may be constantly evolving. Expecting perfection is a tall order, and that person will change. I'd go for someone with core beliefs that I admire, and enjoy the growth.
  14. From what I've experienced, that's very true. Even if good things come your way, negativity can keep you from even seeing them.
  15. Anonymous wild sex has some risks. Sure, those two women who want a threesome with you seem okay, but one could be married to a cop, and the other stopped taking the pill because she thinks they bring on her herpes outbreaks.
  16. Lots of dumpees fantasize about snubbing the regretful ex. It's just a sign you haven't let go. In time, it passes.
  17. I was married for 26 years and she decided it was over. I've moved on and found life quite sweet. I know you can too, but you might need help to get there. You deserve happiness.
  18. You have a choice right now. You can dwell on the pain she caused and seek revenge, or put her in the past and build new life.
  19. NC is simply a way to let go and move on. IMO, if you want them back in your life, approach them directly and attempt a reconciliation. If that fails, let go.
  20. I attend to what attracts me. Huh. Seems to be working in my case.
  21. Sounds whacky enough to be true. I like it!
  22. B I'm just a bit opinionated on the subject, since I'm in a MLC at the moment. I'll check in when I return from getting my hair colored, but the Vette needs waxing... The salon just canceled. What would you do if you'd been going through life, and owned a house, a car, and had a retirment plan, career and everything was all set to cruise into old age. Would you sit tight and proceed with a plan made decades ago when you knew nothing about being middle aged? Let's say you become single because your menopausal wife decides you're an idiot. It happens. Would you rush out to find another woman like her, or would you look around for someone who doesn't roll her eyes when you tell a joke? What if she's south of 40? Might you resent having given up things you loved and now seek them out? Would you savor the arts, nature, food and life or bury yourself in a career that was tedious in the Carter years? Notice all my questions? That's what it's like. A pantload of questions. Shes2smart, as always, is way ahead of me and doing better. Dang!
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