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Everything posted by Dako

  1. Might your parents feel protective and overly intrusive for reasons of their own? It must be hard to have a daughter go through so much. Have you considered they may be struggling, too?
  2. No. It's really a nice thing to be in a new place as a guest, with all those girly smells and knicknacks.
  3. She could try it with a clip-on earring.
  4. Warmth comes from many sources, and you can also spread some around.
  5. I made it through the first quarter before bailing out. It's reminiscent of "amazing" philosophies marketed in years gone by. I must be immune.
  6. Your father is far from fatherly. Maybe change your password to his girlfriend's name.
  7. Dako


    Sounds like baloney to me. If she'd rather be with you, she would be.
  8. Hopefully you learn what works for you and what doesn't. Next time around, you have a fresh slate and don't repeat your own dumb mistakes, hopefully with someone more compatible. The result can be a better relationship. Or not.
  9. If he never mentions talking to this other woman on the phone, would you feel more secure? To me if there's something going on, a guy hides it.
  10. I never, ever say it. ...oh, a month or two.
  11. There are two people in the equation. He needs to have his desires addressed. It's a negotiation.
  12. Maasari's right. His reaction or lack of one may just add to your misery. If he's arrogant, the best thing to show him is silence, since he probably craves attention.
  13. He's aware of your desires, but you need to know his concerns. Adding pressure can backfire. He may want to finish some phase of his life or worry about taking on the responsibility or just feel overwhelmed. The more you understand what he needs to feel at ease with fatherhood, the better you can chip away the obstacles.
  14. I hope you can bail out of this kennel soon. Your next job has to be better. You don't deserve to feel like this.
  15. That sounds like a real breakthrough! You seem like a mature person. I'm glad you two are working your way past these problems before taking the plunge.
  16. Bored yentas show their true colors. I agree with saying you've got it worked out, and leave it to them to pump you for info. They'll tire of the game.
  17. I don't often think people need a counselor, but in your case, I really think talking to a therapist would help you. As you can see, some of us are puzzled by your situation. Do you have an aversion to seeking professional help?
  18. So you're a hunk and have a great girl, but what else is going on? Despite the popular wisdom that all you need is muscles and a girl, you might be wanting something else. School? Career? Hobbies?
  19. SL, I don't think you crave attention. You seem very driven. Do you feel stressed or do you have time to enjoy the simple things? Sometimes working so hard can be exhausting without a break. Do you have anyone you can discuss these urges with?
  20. Send him his check with a note saying the next one goes back to the state. Then ignore him. Why tell him off? He's history.
  21. I did it, but it was based on a long history of friendship that so far has withstood some heavy blows. I understand some people's reluctance to keep ties with an ex, and it may be easier to simply move on if nothing is salvagable. A breather in between may help. If ego and anger can be set aside, it can be worthwhile.
  22. I don't know about BC, but next month I plan to start a phlebotomy tech class here in Cali, and before deciding, I asked about placement, career market and income. Today I got a tour of the school and talked at length with the administrator. You shouldn't fork over that money without getting some answers. From what I see in my area, medical tech careers are in demand.
  23. For 25 bucks, you can buy a doorknob of the same make (Schlage, Kwikset, whatever) as the existing one, and with ten minutes and a screwdriver, have a lockable door. I had a roomie that was not only a slob, but a drug dealing pervert. I kept everything in my room and saved up to escape. I realize you live in a pricey locale, but surely there are less disgusting room mates in the area. You deserve a little tranquility, D.
  24. Everyone must see he's a whackjob, so they'll consider the source, but if he repeats the display I'd have a word with him in private.
  25. Maybe she dates them because they are attractive to her, and she's not into peer pressure.
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