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Everything posted by Dako

  1. I've been working in the same field for 30 years, and it pays okay. Today I'm preparing to change careers entirely, because I need something more interesting. It involves a cut in pay, longer hours and more effort. Some people see money as the bottom line. It makes them happy and gives them a way to keep score. Some of us are happy to pay our bills and pursue other things. You have that choice, and if you want to make 10 or 100 bucks an hour, it's up to you.
  2. I doubt that. You're in a prime situation to learn about the subject, so you probably know quite a bit. Most of what I know is gleaned from my narrow view as a morose person, and involvement with other sadsacks who left or stayed.
  3. Different personalities see suicide differently. One person may feel compelled to end it for reasons of ego, another might choose to stay for altruistic considerations. Some suicidals respond to bluntness, and some need gentle understanding. I respond to being told to consider my friends and family. I don't want to be selfish, so it works for me.
  4. I'm truly sorry this guy's been so selfish.
  5. I agree with you, somebloke. It's impossible to circle the drain yourself and not feel empathy for others in that mode. I realize despair makes us feel like the only person who understands, but it's not true. The victims of one suicide are often many.
  6. He's vague and wishywashy with you to keep you interested, just as he is with his wife. I don't mean to be cruel, but I suspect you've been played, and just haven't realized it. If he's so all-fired religious, what religion approves of moving in with a girlfriend for 4 months and setting her up for a broken heart? What religion even tolerates that behavior from a married guy who then returns to his wife? What kind of man loves a woman but lives with one he dislikes? Please look out for yourself. This guy is full of it.
  7. So I take it he wants group sex. You shouldn't have to go there if it offends you. How long have you been married? Have you considered seeing a counselor? There are plenty of things to do in the bedroom if you love each other. Is that an issue?
  8. you and your father are doing a little dance that happens between father and son when it's time to leave the nest. He's worried, nosy and critical. You're sensitive, need privacy and need to fly the coop. Get a job, and move out. Kraft dinners, Top Ramen and tap water are a fine motivator for a young man. If you read enough posts here, you'll discover that advertising your personal lifee world on Myspace has its drawbacks.
  9. Both large and small businesses can have pouty little tyrants. At least big companies have oversight. A business owner can go off the rails with impunity.
  10. I've had some male bosses who were so volitile it drove me nuts, and women bosses who were excellent. Two different male bosses from a big northestern city were the absolute worst. They threw things and yelled, then bought lunch and were wonderful the next day, then by Friday were screaming and cussing about everything. Absolutely impossible. I don't think it's hormonal, but egotistical. Maybe momma's boys in midlife.
  11. So how does he react to her public outpouring of contrition? He's the one who was cheated on. Rebuilding trust after that is tough.
  12. Sorry you're both unhappy. Divorce is not easy, but you seem to be together for some reason, whether it's habit, fear of change or the children's welfare. Do you see divorce as your only option? If so, I'd suggest discussing it with your wife and try to agree that keeping it civil will mimimize the harm done to the kids. Fighting over terms and details openly or involving the kids as confidants is unfair to them.
  13. Dako


    Depends on what context. Examples: I love a cold beer on a hot day. I love golden retrievers. I love my mother. I love my lady. I love nature. Each one involves love in different intensities. IMO, love isn't different for each case, it just has diferent volume levels. Sex is not love, but is enhanced by its presense. Love is a noun and a verb. You can make, feel, give, share, show, receive or want love. You can simply love. To me love is an appreciation of everyday miracles. Just my two cents.
  14. When a woman starts a conversation with me, I usually see her as simply a friendly person.
  15. All of the suggestions above are excellent ideas. I've just begun living alone for the first time in 25 years. It's a wonderful way to sort your life out and learn new skills. I've been enjoying cooking, walking and hanging out in public places. Keeping your place tidy is a must, so you don't live in sad surroundings.
  16. Here's my condensed version. You feel down, your GF is worn down to the point of wanting out, you bring it up so she sees her cue to split, having lost interest. You feel better now, and expect her to be in sync and reverse her decision to dump you, just because you're up now. I think she saw you through her own eyes and made a decision based on more than your mood.
  17. Is striking up a convo with a guy considered "chasing after guys?" That sounds so derogatory.
  18. I see a pattern, and you won't like it. You put yourself in the position many women do. You only date the guys that approach you and ask you out, right? In doing so, you're at the mercy of those men who see you as a target. If you have a guy smile at you, why not approach him? I've read a gazillion posts (or less) by women who expect Mr. Charming to come on to them and ask them out. If this method isn't working, why not change the odds in your favor? You choose the guy, instead of leaving it all to fate, or to some goober you don't like. Just a thought. Let the traditional women flame me. I can take it.
  19. I bought a nice motorcycle, without anyone's help in choosing it.
  20. He may just want to have a good friendship with his child's mother. I had a friend who divorced and eventually became friends with the ex hand her husband. They even have holidays together at the couple's home. I still consider my ex a good friend, but have no interest in her beyond that. The guy she's seeing a good man.
  21. Freedom from those minor constraints you were so used to. A blank canvas for your future. Time to read and think. Effortless weight-loss. And my favoritist thing....no more mother-in-law!!!
  22. If you hate them, expect more scorn and contempt. A chicken or egg dilemma.
  23. a guy who keeps getting the gentle brush-off should be able to spot a pattern, and learn the code. It ain't rocket science.
  24. You hate marriage because of the stresses of your wedding day? Many people endure the conflicts of the wedding, but still go on to have good marriages. You married your husband, not his family. You need to vent to someone about your resentment and get sorted out.
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