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Everything posted by Cadence308

  1. I agree this was pretty inspirational. I have felt like people would like me more or want to be in a relationship with me if I would change and become what they wanted. How disheartening!
  2. This man has no balls and should be castrated since he thinks it's socially okay to have sex and flee when the going gets tough and he's expecting a child. I would let him know that you went through with the abortion because you could not handle things by yourself and tell him things are over between you.
  3. I am probably one of those people that you defined as stressed. I am always concerned about my life and that things will not turn out the way that I want. I think happy people are those that realize that good things happen to them and bad things, and good things, and life is not so black and white. They are those people who are responsible and do what they need to do without getting their panties (or briefs) in a wad. They roll with the punches, so to speak. They have good relationships, love, and are loved. They have balance in their lives between all the major areas (social, intellectual, professional, spiritual, emotional, etc.). They know what their boundaries are with other people and respect other people. Happy people also get laid often! I don't think I know anyone who is truly happy. Sometimes I think my sister is one of these happy people, but she's a chameleon, so she could be faking it. Have you ever read, "Tuesdays with Morrie"? I think Morrie is one of these happy people that you are talking about.
  4. I have to admit it's true what they say about black guys. He was the best kisser I have ever had...very sensual and into it as much as I was. He knew how to work his tongue without working anything else, although he was ready and willing to work other things!
  5. I am one of those slow movers. It takes me forever to get over a person emotionally. It doesn't matter if it was just a strong attraction on my part. It still takes forever and by forever I mean years. My last strong attraction whom I still have feelings for, well...it's been 2 years next month since I realized I had feelings for her. My attraction before that, I think I was a booty call for him. We never had sex, but hard core make-out sessions. I was really into him for like 7-8 years and unable to think of being with anyone else or even try to be with another person. The person before that was about 2 years. So, I think I can relate to you. It makes no sense to me how people can be over an ex in a couple of months. It seems to me, if I were to actually be in a relationship with someone and have sex with them and it didn't work out for whatever reason, I would be tormented for years.
  6. What about if you know the person and you are meeting in a one-on-one situation for dinner, wine is ordered, and the other person insists on paying and is all dressed up, and dropping hints about where they live, etc. Can you surmise that this must be a dinner date and he/she do not want things to end after dinner?
  7. Haven't you read my avatar? So, the ocean would be contaminated since fish have sex in it.
  8. I'm not sure where you live, but link removed has become a hot place to meet members of the opposite sex if you live in a big city in the USA. I lived in Seattle for a short time and many of the women that I met told me to post a thread on there. I haven't had any luck with it or any other online dating thing.
  9. Try lotion or Johnson's baby oil. Those are lubricants that aren't embarrassing to buy. But, I'd say if you are too embarrassed to be buying sexual necessities then maybe you are too young to be engaging in those kinds of acts. LOL
  10. I know they have internet accross Arab countries, but I have an email friend from Iran and she told me that they ban certain sites in her country. So, I'm guessing a lot of dating and sex sites are probably banned and homosexual sites, for sure.
  11. They are sexual acts, but not the sexual act itself, which involves penetration. Your bf sounds really naive. I did hear of surgeons who can sew back a woman's hymen after she's had penetration sex, but I don't know if there are these doctors in Arab countries. I know that these doctors are in the USA and will do it for many Arab women who want to appear "virgin-like" on their wedding night. If I were you, I would look into this in your country and see if you can afford this kind of surgery. It's very expensive. If you can't afford the surgery and can't restrain yourself from having sex with your boyfriend, you will just have to hope that he stays with you.
  12. You are from Laramie, WY. That explains why you are not dating anyone! Actually, I'm from WY myself, so I can make the Wyoming jokes. Sometimes people have issues with intimacy and developing close relationships with another person. This is how I am and I'm currently in counseling right now to work on my relationships and develop some balance in my life. It's nothing to be ashamed about and probably happens more often than you would think. It is going to take some time and work to improve your life in this area. You just have to put yourself out there in social situations.
  13. Sounds like she is living in an Arab country. If this could happen to you, then you know that if you have sex with your boyfriend he could leave you for a virgin. Have you tried masturbating? You could get some sexual release from that and not have to worry about being penetrated and damaging your hymen. I definitely don't think that what they do to women in Arab countries is right, but it is socially acceptable there. You do not want to put yourself in that kind of danger. It's not worth it!!! When can you and your bf get married?
  14. I don't get this! I am a woman. I look like a woman. I've very feminine and I PREFER women who look like a woman and are very feminine. That's the thing about lesbian relationships...they are not built on typical stereotypes of what a woman should be.
  15. I am a feminine lesbian. I have long blonde hair, wear make-up, wear stylish clothes, and take care of myself. I am proud to be a woman. It's true...if I wanted to date a man, or someone who resembles a man, I would. I don't really get the whole butch, boi thing. It was funny because when I lived in Seattle there were 2 women that were dating that I hung out with sometimes. One of them was very androgynous, but wore a little make-up and took care of herself. She was attractive, although not my type. Her gf was a bit more feminine than her, but still androgynous, and she was attractive as well, but not my type. It seemed like whenever we went to the woman's bar there were always a TON of butch women and sometimes I wasn't sure if it was a man I was looking at. They are not my type, either. I have a really hard time finding feminine women who are intelligent that I would like to get involved with. BTW, I do consider myself a lesbian. I only know of 1 other lesbian who is totally feminine, but I don't know that many lesbians, either.
  16. Women flirt with women the same way that they flirt with men. Looking someone up and down, checking them out is flirting. Just telling a woman in a flirty voice how beautiful and sexy she is, or complimenting her hair, body, or some other personal feature can be flirty if you say it in a flirty voice. Lightly touching a woman on the small of her back as she passes through a door or lightly touching her hair, face, or hand can be flirty. If you are sitting at a table, teasing can be flirty and you can sort of do the foot tag thing. You will know if the flirting was well received if the other woman flirts back. Ah, the art of flirting! BTW, two women flirting with each other is HOT and I love it when a sexy woman flirts with me.
  17. Sounds like there's a chance you could have been followed. If you love your gf and you say you do, then I would tell her and decide what to do together. Her dad sounds like the parents in "Meet the Parents." UGH! What would your own parents think or do if they knew that you were having sex with your gf?
  18. I am sorry that this man violated you. I can understand, somewhat of what you must be feeling. About 6 years ago I met this guy at a party through a mutual friend. After the party he invited me to breakfast, but didn't have enough money to pay! * * *! He seemed nice and we had BS degrees in the same thing, so we had a few things in common. He asked for my number and suggested we go out some time. That week he kept calling me and I finally returned his call. We agreed that he would pick me up at my dorm room and we would go for ice cream. I was on the phone with my mom when he came, so I invited him in, thinking we were leaving after I hung up. He preceeded to make himself comfortable in my one bedroom room on my BED and we started talking. I was uncomfortable because I didn't want to do anything with him, felt like he wasn't my type (frat boy), and I was (still am) a virgin. The conversation turned to sex and I was even more uncomfortable. When I suggested leaving my room to go for ice cream, he would change the subject. I could tell that this guy had one thing on his mind. He ended up kissing me and I kissed him back. Then he pulled me on top of him and was dry humping me and getting really into it. I pulled away and said no, I can't do this, I'm sorry. I tried to get off of him, but he held me on top of him and was still dry humping me and trying to kiss me. I was getting nervous that he was going to rape me. After about 4 times of me pulling away and telling him no he finally let me go. I never returned his calls or spoke to him after that. I felt incredibly violated. How many times does a girl have to tell a guy NO before he finally gets it???
  19. Wish I could help you. Unfortunately, I date women. Just want to feel that emotional connection and want someone who wants the same things I do and not feel like I have to be or look a certain way all of the time. That's how I felt when I was dating men. A lot of them would tell me I needed bigger breasts (i.e., implants), sometimes I heard I should lose some weight, become more tone here or there, wear my hair a certain way. Those kinds of things just BUG me. Of course, it depends on the person and I have great guy friends, but I just don't like them in that way.
  20. You are feeling sheer disgust for your husband. I would too, if I were in your shoes. It was one thing to be split up, but the two of you were still married, so I view it as cheating. I'm sure he viewed it that way, too, having denied been with anyone else while you were separated. Then he lied to you about it in an intimate moment and passed on a painful STD. I think you can get over your disgust at your husband, but it's going to take some time.
  21. What ugly habits? I thought all of my habits were sexy and desirable. (Oh, and I'm still single!)
  22. The pain could be ovulation, depending on how long you've been feeling them. I get ovulation pains about one week before I menstruate.
  23. Honestly, anal sex is kind of a dirty sex. I said that because there's about 400 different kinds of microorganisms that reside in the large intestine. It has the largest population of any microorganisms anywhere on the body. You should wear a condom, as I'm sure it wouldn't feel nice to have a few friends enter your penis and into your urethra. It sounds like lube is a good idea. As for the constipation thing and anal sex, it sounds like it's having a placebo effect on you.
  24. Could be the brand of tissue paper. But, I doubt it. It sounds like you are not getting enough fiber in your diet, which is common among a lot of people. Fiber is the roughage that human bodies lack the enzyme to digest, so that when fiber moves through our GI tract it causes the large intestines to contract and move the crap through. If you are not getting enough fiber in your diet (i.e., consuming enough vegetables and fruits) your large intestine is not contracting as much and the boluses are larger, causing your anus to have to expand more, hence the soreness. I would bet that sometimes you also have bleeding. You don't have to share that, though.
  25. The best way to know is to ask her, "Can I kiss you?"
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