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Everything posted by Cadence308

  1. I can't see a fist being all that comfortable and the clit is a really small piece of tissue that is responsive to touch by pressure. Hope this isn't too graphic, but I can usually orgasm by lying on my stomach, but kind of propping myself up on an elbow so that I have some leverage. Then I use my middle finger on my dominant hand to rub my clit. Lube helps too. I like lotion. It's cheap, always on hand, and it's not too messy. (Doubt I have any dry skin down around there). My clit is the most sensitive right before and during my period since that's when my hormones are the most crazy and women are the most fertile. I think that's true for most women. Sometimes I can orgasm in 15 min. and sometimes it can take 30-45 min. When you masturbate you have to think about something or someone that really turns you on...fantasy helps you to orgasm. If you are overly consumed if you are doing it right then you won't orgasm. You have to get in the mood.
  2. I agree that filming your wife is NOT A GOOD IDEA AND YOU SHOULD NOT DO IT! It's a complete invasion of her privacy if she is not comfortable with it. It's also violating the trust that she has with you. If you want to do it, just ask your wife if she's okay with it. Otherwise, just let it go.
  3. I agree with DN. Telling someone to kill themself is cruel and heartless. It invalidates the quality of life. Please don't give anyone that advice!
  4. I agree with ladybug that it's probably a defense mechanism. She probably does like you and told her brother she thinks you are hot because she knew that it would get back to you. She probably made fun of you in front of her friends to downplay her attraction to you and maybe to make you question if she thinks you are hot. Sounds pretty immature and like part of a game that most people play. If you are attracted to her, then why don't you ask her out?
  5. She might feel like other lesbians may think that she's fickle in her sexuality choices. Like if other lesbians see her out with a guy in a one on one situation that they might think it's a date even if it's not. She is probably feeling like it opens up the possibility of being invalidated as a lesbian by other lesbians, if that makes sense? I've felt the same thing when out with one of my guy friends, although I don't know many lesbians. I just worry that I will see the woman that I have been attracted to and she will think that I'm attracted to the guy I'm with and it's a date, even when it's not the case.
  6. I don't think your friend is hiding that he's straight. Why would he do that if the two of you are just friends? Especially when it sounds like he's enjoying the sex just as much as you are? Sexuality is a dynamic thing that is constantly evolving and changing. It depends on so many things. If he doesn't have a boyfriend right now then he doesn't have a boyfriend right now and is enjoying gay sex with you. What reason do you have for suspecting that he's straight and hiding it?
  7. This was a really interesting article. It made me wonder how many relationships are actually like this- Boring! It's really sad. It also made me think about myself and my relationships and how I haven't been able to achieve intimacy as defined by a significant other. I haven't been willing to put anything into it or get anything out of it, either.
  8. I've been obsessed before. Probably my most obsessed person was this older woman crush. I liked the way she looked me up and down, her laugh, her NY accent, her mannerisms. She was perfect in my eyes. I liked her, but when I moved far away, that's when my obsession with her started. I wanted more emails, more talking on the phone. I missed her and wanted to see her. Soon I was questioning my sexuality because she was starting to consume my thoughts. I'm still feeling obsessed. I'm not over it, yet and it's been almost 2 years. I hope someone can give us some advice. I know that once you develop another crush or intense feelings for someone else then you can be over that crush, but until then....](*,)
  9. Things sound really intense and heated with this younger man. Maybe you care for your husband, but it really sounds like you have not been able to orgasm with him because he doesn't excite you in that way...you are not sexually attracted to him and never have been. You have been fooling yourself. It sounds like you don't really have sex problems, but that you have been having sex with the wrong person all this time. If you have other problems with your husband and want different things, it seems this relationship has reached a dead end. You are right in that it is not fair to your husband to carry on an affair, but you have already cheated. Come clean to him...and decide what you want. It sounds like you have already made up your mind, you just need to do it.
  10. LOL I wasn't serious!
  11. I agree that it has to do with timing of your wife's cycle. I heard that doing it doggy style could prevent pregnancy! So, maybe any other position?
  12. I agree that you feel bad and dirty because he's a creep. If you don't want sex with him then tell him no. If he doesn't respect that then it's rape.
  13. This is a bad situation. He is your superior and threatening you. Have you thought about looking for another job before breaking up with him and quitting and just not telling him? That way your reputation would still be in tact when you break up with him and you will already have a new job. I don't see any other choice in the matter, besides breaking up with him and risking the possibility that he is going to gossip about you at work.
  14. Well, I've never read a post quite like this one, but I liked it. It was organized and to the point! LOL Do you know for sure that she is into guys? She must think that you are a good friend if she is driving you all over the place and won't accept gas money from you. This is going to drive you nuts unless you find out if there's a chance that she feels the same, but I can understand that you are worried about risking the friendship and what you have with her right now if she were to find out how you really feel. Jealousy is a very powerful emotion...I know...I'm jealous that the woman I'm in love with has a gf and it just drives me nuts to think about it. Is the idea repulsive to you because you really want to be straight and you are afraid of losing your friend? Or are you repulsed because you seem obsessed with your friend? I think it's somewhat normal for females to be a little obsessed with other close girlfriends.
  15. It sounds like coming out was something that your friend needed to do and as long as he doesn't regret it, then it's all good. You are such a good friend for being by him when he needs you the most. It sounds like things are falling into place the way that they were meant to and he's going to be staying at your place.
  16. I agree with this one here. Building a relationship with another person could be emotional, physical, or both and all of those are cheating.
  17. Cadence308


    I think you need to decide what you really need and want to do. Do you love your husband and want to work things out? Do you know why these women were calling your house, claiming to be his gf? Sounds like he met them online and gave them his number. Sounds like the affair with this other guy just happened, as I'm sure most affairs do. Have you thought about seeking the counseling of a professional before making any rash decisions? You should also listen to your heart and don't wait too long to make a decision. There's a lot of people who will be affected by your decision.
  18. I think that if circumstances were right then your boyfriend would cheat, regardless of how great your relationship is. That's just my opinion. The fact that he visited her drunk and keeps allowing text messages to be sent when he knows how you feel about the situation says a lot. Why did he visit her while drunk? That seems like a situation that would put him in a position of cheating.
  19. You are better off without this jerk. I can't believe that he was having sex with the neighbor in your bed after you left the room. What a creep! Was she even awake or passed out? Then he didn't go with you to the ER and you haven't seen him since. You just need to move on. It probably hurts, but you will be better off without him.
  20. You are a great friend and he is so lucky to have you! Are you okay? I was prepared to hear that his parents didn't take it so well, but I was not prepared for the dad to beat him up. That is very sad. I can't believe that they were more ready and more accepting if you were pregnant than their son being gay. It just seems so trivial.
  21. Your husband is selfish in bed. If it were me, I'd be cutting him off. Sounds like he's making excuses as to why he can't and won't please you. I would talk to him about it and maybe buy him a book to get better acqainted with the human body and how to make love to a woman.
  22. Sounds like he's really into you. He is probably telling you he loves you all of the time as a sign that he's ready to take things to the next level (i.e., meet his parents).
  23. Here's a few links to a few sites to help you out: link removed link removed link removed
  24. Since you found this site I'm sure you could also look up lesbian sex on the internet and get some great answers to your questions and maybe pictures, too! Lesbian relationships are "not" typical relationships and so there's not the gender roles that there are in heterosexual relationships. Two lesbians just decide that they are attracted to each other and feel that sexual tension and one of them sports a move.
  25. Sounds like you have every reason to feel weird about this. Are you sure that she's not seeing someone on the side? Or maybe hoping to get back with her old boy toy? It sounds like she's trying to hide you from someone and I doubt it's her friends. I would have a heart to heart chat with her about your relationship and where she sees things going because if you don't, you will end up with a broken heart, again. The fact that one of her good friends is getting married and doesn't want you to go with her even though you are her significant other sounds fishy!
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