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Everything posted by Cadence308

  1. Kyoshiro, I'm thinking that you should change your quote to, "Follow your fart, lead by example." LOL
  2. I agree that Kyoshiro's description of farts was pretty funny. Kyoshiro, you seem to be an expert in this area. Is it the result of these kind of experiences? Personally, I think she should be more concerned with the way it smelled. Sometimes farts can be SBD (Silent But Deadly). LOL
  3. It could mean that he's not emotionally ready to be in a relationship with you or it could mean that he does not want to be in a relationship with anyone. It's hard to know for sure, without knowing him. I would assume that he does not want to be in a relationship with you and move on.
  4. Tell him you liked it so much and ask him if he can do it again next time! LOL Just kidding, but it is pretty funny. I wouldn't bring it up.
  5. Well, I have BIG news for you, bucko...I am 28 yrs old and still a virgin and it's been by choice! I have no reason to lie on a forum about my sexual experiences and trust me, I'm not out there, saying I'm a virgin to try to get a date with a man. When I lose my virginity it's going to be with a woman.
  6. I think you are doing the right thing by distancing yourself from her since it appears that you are both looking for different things out of the relationship. She sounds like those women that Jinx described, as wanting the sex with a woman, but ultimately wanting to be with a man. I've run into this problem, as well. I would just explain to her how you feel about her and why you feel that you cannot go on having a friendship with her. If she can't understand this or be empathetic to your feelings then she is not even worth having as a friend.
  7. Sounds like you know she is lying to you and to me it sounds like she's lying to you. Lying and cheating (if that's what she's doing) and she can't be honest about it, have no place in a good, healthy relationship. Not even if she helps with the housework and the laundry and buys you presents. It sounds like she was possibly living with a boyfriend when you first met and that is why she wouldn't let you see her apartment. Staying out late, not calling, not being where she says that she will be, having a hickey, etc. all sound like she's fooling around. It also sounds like she's a habitual liar. Do you want to be married to a habitual liar? If not, you should break things off with her. She is causing you so much stress and you can't even trust her.
  8. It is kind of odd that you don't get upset over things. I think most people do. Do you get upset when something bad happens to yourself or do you feel about the same as you do when something happens to others? The inability to empathize with another is somewhat sociopathic.
  9. I know what you are saying. I'm in a similar boat. I just don't really go around telling people I like girls. I'm private in that regard. Although, I do get asked out frequently by men. I also don't like the bar scene since it seems sort of trashy. Your best bet is to get involved with the gay community in the area you live in. Sometimes there's potluck BBQs, or there has to be a gay community center where you live. Try to attend some of those get togethers and you will increase the probability of finding a gf. GL!
  10. This is funny! All I can say is, "Wow, I'm jealous!" Some guy is really going to love you during finals time! Our brain controls ALL of our wiring. This would be the best explanation for this.
  11. Sometimes it's not necessarily the length of time studying that matters, but the methods used to study. It really helps me to write things over and over again until they are clear in my head. Things that have relationships, flow charts, and metabolic pathways are things that I really used this technique for. You can purchase a cheap, erasable white board anywhere and it saves money on paper. Have you tried forming a small study group with 1-2 other people in the same class? This can be beneficial because each of you will remember and conceptualize things differently and you can learn from each other. It also helps to study this way because you can talk and hear yourself, as well as hear the concepts from other people. This uses a different part of your brain than writing it out or reading it. The more ways that you can incorporate into your studying, the better you will know the material and the better you will do on exams. I suggest getting with a couple of people 1-2 times a week. Maybe don't be so honest with your parents. Personally, my grades are my personal business. I am more inclined to share an exam score when it's in the 90s. And it bugs me when random classmates ask me what I got. It's a much different question compared to, "How did you do?" Also, if your class has supplemental instruction or discussion sections, try to go to those. GL on your next exam!
  12. Sounds like neither of you are really happy in this relationship. She complains that she thinks that you expect sex and your size is too large. You want more sex than she is willing to participate in. I suggest you consider ending things and finding someone more compatible.
  13. I'm so sorry that you are going through all of this and are hurting. NEVER trust someone that you've met online until you've met them and start to know them away from the internet. The internet can be a dangerous place to meet people who are not who and what they say they are. It sounds like this woman was one of those people. Take some time for yourself. Plus, do the no contact thing with her. I hope that you will start to feel better.
  14. I don't think it's that men are turned "off" by intelligent women, but more like men are turned off by physically unattractive women, regardless of intellect. If men and women are compared, it would be the men who go for looks more than women do when scouting out potential mates. When I dated men I had more problems with them wanting me to look a certain way. Most didn't care what I had to say either way, but wanted to jump in the sack with me on the first or second date because they thought I was hot, or had a nice butt or whatever. I was SO over it!
  15. I think looking into her eyes during the act and telling her she's beautiful, etc. will make her feel special and less inhibited. It will probably hurt her since it's her first time. Be sensitive to that. Take your time and get her all lubed up and ready to go. Hold her when the act is over and some people like their heads sort of massaged when being held (I know I do). Just don't roll over and fall asleep after it's over!
  16. It doesn't sound like she was bluffing about the break up or moving out. It sounds like she left her stuff there, maybe as a way to procrastinate all of the break up feelings. She may have also been calling as a way to test the waters with you again to see if the two of you could work things out while not living together. It sounds like she decided that is not possible. I wouldn't contact her. Give her her space and see if she decides she wants to get backs with you. I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. I have to agree with other posters that sometimes relationships are over before the big break up. Try to move on. Work on yourself and use what went wrong in this relationship to your advantage in your next one. GL!
  17. I agree that you sound like you are a successful man living the American Dream. You are trying to take care of your family and have a baby on the way, as well as help your elderly father. If your responsibilities are stressing you out too much and you are feeling a pinch with money, maybe your wife could/should pick up a part-time job? You should also take some time for yourself. Your employers should realize that you are a newly-wed with a baby on the way. You don't have the time to put in all the extra evening and weekend hours. Maybe they don't expect you to. Maybe that's the overachiever in you? Anyone would get burned out emotionally and financially doing what you are doing. Pick up a hobby or do something that you enjoy doing that you haven't had time for. Have you thought about allowing your father to live with you or would that be just too much? That would alleviate your stress of trying to provide for him financially. It's not uncommon for 3 generations to live together and it's becoming more common with a greater percentage of the elderly living longer. I hope that everything works out. Keep us posted!
  18. Teacup, have you thought of dating women? I'm not getting sex either. It's by choice, as I'm still a virgin.
  19. RayKay suggested therapy and I think that's a good idea. Your unhappiness could ruin your life and what you have with your wife. It may be possible that you haven't been having sex with your wife because of your weight problem. Losing significant amounts of weight is a major life change itself. DO NOT tell your woman friend of your feelings for her. Since she is married it would be a bad idea. Also, if she recently got married and appears happy in the relationship it is likely she only regards you as a friend and may be uncomfortable by your romantic interests. Take some time away from your wife and your crush, get some therapy, and decide what it is that you want before doing anything rash! GL!
  20. Give her a call. Four days is a long time to go without talking to someone that you are into. I agree with DN that this could go on all summer and who knows what can happen. She may end up with someone else and then you will end up on here with a broken heart.
  21. It means they like the person in a romantic way, beyond friendship.
  22. It is going to hurt him when you break up with him, as breakups always do hurt. Do NOT tell him that you are breaking up with him because you no longer find him physically attractive. Since you've already made up your mind you need to do this ASAP, as staying in the relationship is leading him on.
  23. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Maybe this girl knew someone at this company before she started. Sometimes that can make your employers and and fellow employees like you better. I had a job like that once...where I knew the people before I started and I could do no wrong and I was smart, etc. Then there was this woman who started when I did and whenever something went wrong, she went down. I can't remember a specific instance, but I'm sure some things that she got blamed for were my mistakes. I'm just guessing since no one ever let me know what I screwed up on. I would just try really hard when you are there and try not to take work problems home with you. If you feel like it's getting worse and not better even after you feel like you know what you are doing, I would consider getting another job. It's not worth it to be stressed about your work life, which is where a great amount of time is spent for most people.
  24. I'm sorry that you are still feeling so bad. Sometimes the grieving process takes longer for some than for others. When I'm crazy about someone, I'm really crazy about them and it's hard to move on for me. I think you are doing the right things by trying to move on and doing things that you think will make you feel better. One day you will be over him and you will be crazy about someone else. You will look back on this and wonder why and how you ever felt this way about this guy. It just seems like you will never get the most important thing back in your life right now because you are in the storm.
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