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Everything posted by lonelyandblue

  1. You should end it. It sounds like you have already involved other people in your relationship and that is not fair to your wife. Especially with the diseases out there today. So at least be fair, try to tell her how you feel and why you feel that way. And then both of you can be free. Except don't forget the kids. Whatever differences the two of you have, it is not their fault. And they need two supportive parents in this hard world.
  2. I would say end it. You two have only been together 3-4 weeks and it sounds like you have to many problems. And I would say end it soon so if she wants to, she can ask someone else to the dance if she wants to.
  3. medicine may help. Is this interrupting a lot of your normal daily routines or functions?? Sometimes I think it is that one person that just sticks in your mind for whatever reason, but if it is interrupting your life in a big way you might could use some help.
  4. Of course you could talk to her and maybe then you could find something in common. But if not, maybe you could be friends, not lovers.
  5. If so why? I am and it is because of my child, my financial future, and my security that I stay. But it is becoming too much. We can barely talk to each other. If we do we pretty much argue. It's gotten to a ridiculous point. Also, we hadn't had sex in a long time, we did one night and tried again the next, and he couldn't get up?? After it being so long, maybe 4 x's a month, I wouldn't think he'd have any problems?? Thanks for sharing, and letting me vent.
  6. Just be yourself and see what happens. If you get a positive response, then move forward. If not, maybe you will just have a friend.
  7. Good Luck. I know that it is a struggle. I've just lost someone very close to me to alcohol. And we are kinda like family on this site, so don't let us lose you to this too. Your family would miss you too. Please take it seriously and make a commitment for a better future.
  8. I think guys pretty much are set in their ways. So women's ideas of 'fixing them,' are idealistic and not going to happen. I would suggest, if you are already seeing red flags that you end it before it gets worse. I'm not sure but I'm thinking control rises from insecurities and becomes abuse. It's best that you know and take action now, then end up worse off later.
  9. I wish you good luck on your goals and adventures in life. You will be missed on the boards. Don't hesitate to come back in case you have any more problems.
  10. Wah!! This is so sad. And to have to move on and grow different ways, etc. Yuck. This makes life so hard. I hate bittersweet.
  11. It looks to me like your current relationship is over and a new one has begun. Just be kind and let your boyfriend know now so he can move on, too.
  12. Thank you, I will try doing this. Anything to get out of this feeling.
  13. No you are not the only one! Me, too. And it seems that the good ones are repelled! UGH! I would like to know why we are attracted to them too. So we can stop.
  14. I feel stuck in a rut. I was doing well and got motivated and started thinking about new goals and getting organized. But then I start sliding downward and just start to give up and get bored with life. I do not have a lot of friends. And since I started my life on my own I feel I have led myself into a life I did not want. I am not pleased where I am at. But is there somewhere better?
  15. The girl is 11 and lives with her mom, sis and stepdad. We are guessing she thinks of her stepdad as dad and that is one reason my hubby hasn't tried harder to do more/visit, because he doesn't want to interefere with a good thing. But the new guy won't adopt her. My husband offered the chance, but he didn't take it, which I thought was sad. And she still has a different last name.
  16. Just wondering from anyone who has had an experience like this to please share any ideas/ feelings about this topic. My husband has a daughter that he hasn't seen in years, not to his choice. But he pays child support and loves this girl very much and was a part of her early life. Now I have always had the school of thought where reconciling would heal a persons past wounds. Has anyone been in this situation? Could you please share your thoughts?
  17. I put up with 1) alcoholism 2)Yelling in my face 3) He pushes me 4) He grabs my throat 5)He threatens that if I leave he will kill me. 6) My own depression 7)Etc. Too much. For some reason i am still here???
  18. With the idea that you say you could easily fall for her and you spend so much time together, I think you should cut back and you spend more time with your family and her with her boyfriend. You've got a good thing going, don't ruin it. Not enough good family-oriented people around these days.
  19. If you know she is like this, then it is up to you whether you want to accept this as who she is, or not and get some new friends.
  20. Are you female or male? I've heard that if you are female it would be best to live with your mom especially if you are in your teen years, as they are the ones to give you advice, and could relate with you the best. And vice versa. It is up to you. Just don't forget your mom is there and visit as often as possible or call. Empty nest syndrome is common. And this might be what she is feeling like.
  21. I do not recommend it. I have a 17 year age gap, too. And it is hard to manage. Energy levels, health, sex drive, all different and difficult to deal with for me and our relationship. If I did it again, I wouldn't go more than 5 years age difference.
  22. You don't have to terminate your pregnancy. Even if you don't want it because of the timing. There are a lot of people who want to adopt a child. Especially a brand new baby. Can you give this option some thought?
  23. It looks like a hard situation, but you have got to get your kids out of this situation! It is not healthy at all. Something must be done for them. They are being treated poorly and when you don't stand up for them, you are showing them you don't care, regardless if you really do or not. the best advice about the custody is to explain what he and his kids have done to you and their past and hopefully that is all they need to see so they will give you your daughter.
  24. When do you call it a time to end a relationship? What are some of your experiences? I am totally unhappy. My husband comes straight home from work to the computer to the dinner table to the t.v. He doesn't hear/interested in anything I have to say. He has violent outbursts where he throws things.I can not relate to him. I don't like this boring life we lead. I want to go camping, live life, etc. He said if he was rich he would have a big room with one chair in it and a t.v. for himself. This was a major turnoff. How boring. But I have a daughter and I am a Christian so I am afraid that leaving is a bad idea. But I also don't feel like myself anymore and not happy this person I'm with. Any suggestions or ideas appreciated thanks.
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