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Everything posted by lonelyandblue

  1. Maybe you should disconnect from them. There was obviously a reason your mom did. I had to from my family because, it isn't always the brady bunch. I talk to my immediate family. But I can't see any of my cousins, aunts, etc. because they are so catty and make me feel down. So I feel better not associating. And I don't feel guilty because I am not letting them put me down this way. It may be the same for you??
  2. I do not want it anymore. I am so frusterated right now. My husband and I have nothing in common and I feel like he puts me down and feeds off of my insecurities. And then his son (from previous marriage) moves in with us and most of the time is a total punk (only to me) and does nothing to help around the house even though he is now an adult and does nothing but work or sleep. I have a part-time job and a two year old am expected to have dinner on the table by like six and the house clean. I have no time to myself which kills me. And my husband is not interested in anything I have to say and even interrupts me. I have more, but I just needed to vent.
  3. It is scary because my husband would not be a happy camper if he found out. So I have to be careful. And I had to change my screenname already because someone else found out about my old name.
  4. No relationship is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. It is just a good thing that you know everything will be alright.
  5. Your poem feels sad and so is your avatar. Are you feeling okay? Have some important things on your mind?
  6. Usually if a girl likes you for sure, then she will look at you and then look away. She twirls or brushes her hair with her hands a few times. She will usually throw a smile at you. Also, she usually lean into you a little. And the real way to tell is if she finds some way to touch you, even if it is just a light touch on the arm.
  7. I would definetly talk to him and start feeling independent just in case it takes a turn for the worst. Because any guy should be proud to have you, most men like women to be very clean as you say you are and most men like sex. Especially when you are feeling open about the porn issue. Don't waste a lot of time with him if he is not treating you well, you need to find out what's going on and move on if necessary.
  8. Could it be possible that he cheats on you for his sexual appetite? I have heard that a lot of that goes on in the military. It seems strange that he has no drive, depends on the age though....
  9. AHH! Even thought the emotional out look is complex, the reality is not. He is a class A jerk and probably treats you bad because you are fairly younger than him and he has been your only one. But, you know he has cheated and you do not need that in your life. Get out. You are still young. Try to have some fun. Work on who you are attracted to, so you don't end up this way your whole life. And work on being independent and self-confident. Hope that helps. I need to take some of this advice too.
  10. I need a lot of conversation time and emotional closeness, too. My husband does think that I am demanding. So maybe you are. But that is okay. Just part of your nature. But it is a little unhealthy when you burst into tears when he spends a little time away. It is healthy to be a little independent. So when he is away this weekend, why not call some of your family and catch up/or write them a letter. Watch your favorite shows that maybe your husband doesn't like. Do the things you always want to do, but never find the time to do them.
  11. i agree with Duderanomi about the time thing. And I love that you call it "making love". My husband usually refers to it as wanting to"****". It is a major turnoff.
  12. lonelyandblue


    Hello Sunny, I am a flirt by heart, but can control it. I don't even flirt with anyone since I got married. First, in your husbands defense, I do not think flirtig is necessarily adultery. However, the way he is carrying on about it, it kind of looks different. He is not carrying on in the right manner. Like he actually wants to pick up that real estate agent or something. I think you are right to be suspicious and I feel like if he cared about you enough, he would listen to your concerns and tone it down a LOT! You are right to be on the lookout and good luck!~ I hope everything works out- Let us know please.
  13. Just since you mention a change in your life, makes me think you have things in your life you would like to change. If that is the case, and it is for the better, like losing a no good boyfriend/girlfriend, than go for it!
  14. Maybe if you could get some time to yourself, and say your goodbyes. Don't be suspicious to your husband, just say you are a little down and need some time to yourself.. something like that. Hope that helps.
  15. Oh my goodness, we have a lot in common and in different ways, but....(sigh). Anyways, legally and morally it is cheating. However physically and common sense wise you are physically separate and look like you are going to remain that way, so it doesn't seem so. If you need to blow off some steam, please feel free to im me as I feel we could relate in a lot of ways. It sounds like you deserve some happy time now, so try to find that somehow . Good Luck.
  16. Maybe he has a condition like manic depression?? Maybe you could tell us more, too so we can better understand? HTH
  17. Sounds like he was just using you. You deserve better. Good Luck finding it.
  18. Congratulations!! I'm glad that you are happy about it and now you can get along with your life.
  19. i agree with asking her. She is the only one who knows?? But some of the above ideas are also good. Definetly quality counts
  20. This dudes a jerk and you are young, so make a positive choice in your life and dump this guy. He is choosing to be a looser and don't let him take you down with him.
  21. What kills me is that you have his baby and he does this sort of **** to you. That would tick me off. The way he is behaving, too. Are you sure he is your soul mate?? If I were you, I wouldn't put up with it. He showed no respect for you, could have brought you home something worse than a broken heart.
  22. while I agree about the sick of everything comment, what exactly are your problems right now? Why the generalizations that women hate you, etc?
  23. I am 25 and all I can say that might be going on is that when I turned 25 I feel like my hormones have turned up a notch, and I feel like letting all of my responsibilities go, and I just want to be wild and free. NOw I don't rationally want this(?) but there is this feeling inside that is just huge and wants to be crazy. Maybe she is experiencing some of the same things. Just something to consider.
  24. my opinion would be when she comes back because in general if a guy waits too long to ask girls take this as not interested. And the patio bench sounds pretty romantic. Easier to kiss on, but it sounds a little early for that.
  25. How much do you put up with until enough is enough, time to call it quits??? Too little too late, to find out we have nothing in common, share no common values, he is way to jealous and clean freak, I am not. I feel pressured highly. I no longer have any time to call my own. I am expected to have a spotless house with a two year old and dinner (meat and potatoes type) on the table by five. Otherwise I get to hear a fit about this should have been done in the daytime, on and on. I have had it. Put up with too much and I want a life to call my own. But I hold on for our daughters sake.
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