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Everything posted by Meow18

  1. In my opinion, there are 2 sides to this. One of them is that he has a hobby and has plans and he is choosing not to give that up to visit you. And I don't blame him because it's obviously kind of a big deal for him. But the other thing is that besides all that, he doesn't sound that interested in you. First he tells you that he doesn't want to see you again? And now he does, but not enough to want to see you within the next month? Something just doesn't sound right about anything you have ever posted about him. But I agree with the others, you should see other people. You aren't committed to him and he's not committed to you. Quite honestly, I don't really see this working out.. but I guess only you really know.
  2. Congratulations on the new baby!! We will be hoping for the best for you Dani.
  3. Welcome to Enotalone! It was a mistake and there's not much you can do about it now that you already sent it. If he responds, you can choose to either ignore it or say sorry it was an accident. But for now it was just a silly mistake and I wouldn't let it get to you! Afterall, you know how you are really feeling.
  4. Welcome to Enotalone! I'm confused. Is this your place? Or did you get it together? If it's both of yours, together, then you will need to talk to her about who will need to go and who gets to stay. Breaking up when you live together kind of makes breaking up a lot harder. I would talk to her and tell her how you feel. If this is what you really want, then let her know that you both need to talk about what belongs to who. Who knows how she will react. She might be perfectly ok with it because maybe she sees that things aren't so great either. Or maybe she won't react well at all. But you need to deal with things one step at a time. If you need to go stay with a friend for a few days while she moves her stuff out, then that might need to be the case. First thing though is that you need to let her know what you are thinking.
  5. Part of doing no contact is realizing that you deserve better than what that person had to offer you. Why do you think that you deserve to be treated this way? This guy might really care about you.. during the 6 months that he shows it, but he doesn't care about you enough. You just have to try hard to be strong. Maybe make his email address spam, so that it doesn't go to your inbox. Block his number. Do whatever you have to do for yourself.
  6. Welcome to Enotalone! I have to say I agree with Relationship Coach. I think there is something more going on with your boyfriend and you need to talk to him about it. It's not ok to run away from problems in a relationship because that will never solve anything. He needs to open up and explain what he's feeling, otherwise the relationship is not going to work.
  7. Like someone else said, it might not be about the lie, it might be more about the trust. He's hurt by this. Whether you think it's a big deal or not, from his point of view it was hurtful to know you lied. Instead of trying to decide who is right and who is wrong, understand that what you did hurt him and he has a right to feel that way. Trying to prove him wrong will only make it worse.
  8. She might just need to get used to the "new" you. If you really are bigger, then it's going to be different. If it's not badly effecting your sex life, then I wouldn't worry too much at this point.
  9. What you are feeling is completely normal in this type of situation. It's never easy to be reminded of an ex in the way you have been. How long it lasts depends on how you handle this. Try to keep yourself busy and try to do things that prevent you from thinking about her. Of course it won't be easy, but in time you will feel better! I also think it helps to talk/write about your feelings, so you know where you can go if you ever want to write about the way you are feeling!
  10. Weclome to Enotalone! If you are having these kinds of doubts, then chances are you would be better off seeing what else is out there. If you don't, you will always wonder. The thing is though, I doubt your girlfriend will want to remain friends. Could you imagine her being ok with you dating other girls, or could you even handle her being with other guys? There's nothing abnormal about a young couple wondering what else is out there, especially when it's your first relationship and you have been together since you were 17 years old. In my opinion, if things were perfect, then why risk it? But on the other hand, you ARE having these doubts and they won't just magically go away.
  11. Well, I hate to say it, but you are about to marry an irresponsible guy. If I was that unforgettable, then I would hope to have someone like you around who cares enough to remember for me. It's tough because what can you do? Remind him and then have to be called a nag? Or don't remind him and see him hurt himself by not taking his antibiotics? Maybe you should talk to him about this?
  12. I agree with you. It's completely disrespectful and rude to joke about that with you. Jokes are supposed to be funny, not insulting. And your supposed to be able to tell when a joke has been made. You need to talk to him about how you feel about his "jokes" because it's definitely not right of him.
  13. Can I ask, how do you know he will forget? I mean, if you keep reminding him, then you aren't giving him a chance to remember to do it on his own. In ways I don't think you are nagging. But if you try to see it from his side, maybe he feels like you just don't give him a chance to remember things for himself. Maybe it bothers him because he really does remember.. He needs to be responsible for himself, and it seems like he is asking for that responsibility. So, if he forgets something, then it's his own fault.
  14. I just went back and read some of your past posts. Honestly, you deserve better. He's lied to you and disrespected you so many times before. Why would you even want to talk to him? If I was you I would want nothing to do with him. You deserve much more respect than that!
  15. You know what you want from him and until you get that, why would you even consider talking to him? Even if he says he won't talk to her, how do you know for sure? In my opinion, he should have only been given one chance. You can't keep making excuses for him because you know that he really doesn't want to end the friendship with his ex.
  16. I agree with Ilse. You need to work on your current relationship before worrying about what to do with this new guy. In my opinion if you know you are flirting and feel that it might be wrong, even a little, then it is. And as for leading this guy on.. that's not really fair. People get attached to their emotions and it could hurt a lot of people to be lead on. Trust me, I would know. It just sounds like you like attention, especially from guys you know are attracted to you. But your current worry should be about your current relationship and figuring out what is going on there.
  17. Does she share information about what the two of you have done together? If so, then I think you have every right to bring it up and say that it makes you uncomfortable that she would share that to the whole online world. If she is sharing other past things, I'm not so sure that you have a place to tell her not to do it. I mean, you can tell her that it makes you uncomfortable. And I would hope that she would respect your feelings and stop. But what it might come down to is you just ignoring those quizzes and not reading hers. Do you think she could be doing it to try to make you jealous? Oh, and I don't think you are overreacting. I know that I would not like it one bit if my boyfriend were doing that. And I doubt she would like it if you did that.
  18. I definitely don't think you are over reacting. This guy sounds like bad news! Just the way their friendship came about doesn't seem right. He would hardly talk to her and made fun of her, and all the sudden they are just best friends? When somebody outside of the relationship tries to make a person cheat, that is so disrespectful and not right at all! But the one to blame is your girlfriend. She is disrespecting you even more because she's continuing to be friends with this guy and pretending like it's ok when obviously it's not ok, not for you. I can understand her not being rude to this guy because his family is her family's friend, but there's a difference between being nice. And really, if she's going to throw fits about you talking to your ex, why would she even think that it would be ok for her? Honestly, she sounds insecure to me. And because of that she likes any kind of attention from guys. She might not have feelings for this guy, but she sure likes his attention. Unfortunantely, it seems like she likes his attention more than she cares to make you happy. You tried to tell her how you felt. She's obviously not going to change the situation, not any time soon. You need to stick up for youself here. And by that, you just need to not give in and only take what you deserve. What she's doing is not ok.. you are feeling disrespected and for a good reason.
  19. I think it's important to start talking about sex before you actually have sex. It's important to tell the other person what you are and aren't comfortable with. And doing this before sex will just lower the confusion of what the other person is thinking.
  20. Honestly, I think you are completely normal. I have heard that sometimes after sex, girls can get really emotional for no reason at all. Rose2summer found a great link for you. Here's another that I found: link removed
  21. I think you should date if you feel like it's what you want. You deserve to find love and be loved. Of course you care what your daughter's opinion is, but I know she wants you to be happy in the end. Being 8 years old she probably just doesn't understand the whole idea. After seeing you go through a break up just a little while ago, I'm sure your daughter is partly scared of it happening to you again. I think it's normal for children to feel this way about their parents dating. I think you should talk to her about how she's feeling because there could be a number of reasons why she isn't happy about the idea of you dating. And just by talking to her about the way she's feeling could help a whole lot. The other important thing in my opinion is that she doesn't need all these men coming in and going out of her life. If she's going to learn about loving others, she needs an example from a secure relationship. So, I would say not to introduce her to the men you date until something serious does come from it.
  22. Well, I'm glad that things went well on the date. The fact that you talked for hours is a good sign. Normally, if he was only into one thing then he wouldn't have cared to talk.. so I have a feeling you will be hearing from him again. The only advice I have is to just take things slow. Right now you are still getting to know each other, and this is the time where you need to build a good relationship that includes good communication and just getting to know who the other person really is.. and that can take months. But I'm happy for you. It sounds like you had a great time and I'm sure you will hear back from him!
  23. It sounds like guy #1 is just a friend. You aren't sexually attracted to him and honestly, that will cause problems if you decide to date him and something serious comes out of it.. but at the same time he also sounds like a great guy who seems to care about you. And guy #2 is just bad news all together. He doesn't care about you, he just cares about the sex. You need to stop contact with him because it's just going to cause you to develop more feelings for him which will only hurt you more in the end.. because he DOESN'T want a relationship with you. So, like Batya said, you shouldn't be with either one. If guy #1 can handle a friendship, then that's great. He sounds like a great friend, but you need to let him know that you aren't looking to date him. You just can't force yourself to have feelings that aren't there, and you should let him know this so that you don't lead him on.
  24. There are so many red flags in this post. First of all, he's only visited you once in 6 months?? That's as close to nothing as you can get. Also, you don't feel welcome at his house. I would say that this is his fault more than it is his grandmothers. After you drive down 2 hours to see him every single time, he can't even make you feel welcome? And then there's the fact that he doesn't stand up for you or the relationship. There just isn't an excuse for that. You need to talk to your boyfriend about how you are feeling. He should be understanding because it doesn't take a genius to see that he's not putting as much into the relationship as you are. In my opinion, from your other posts, it sounds like you think you deserve better but you don't think you could actually find better. You really do deserve better than this. It's just not right and the whole thing obviously doesn't make you feel so good. I think you really need to question your relationship. You shouldn't be afraid of letting go of this guy if you really feel like it's not working the way you feel it should be. Because you know, you have so much to offer to a person, you are obviously not a selfish person and anybody would be lucky to be with you. But you are missing out on someone who can give you all that you give them.. And you will find someone who deserves your love if you give it the chance.
  25. I would give it a couple of weeks and then try calling her or something. I'm sure that right now she's just hurt and upset right now.. And maybe you don't need to verbally bring this whole thing up. Maybe you can just show her by your actions that you care so much about her and you won't lose respect for her just because you don't think she is making the smartest decisions.. But you know, sometimes I think that we get our point accross easier when we don't nag. When we can tell someone how we really feel and whether they take our advice or not is their choice. When you keep repeating yourself and really pushing it, it make the other person back off and resent you just because you were pushing your opinion on them.
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