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Everything posted by Meow18

  1. This all seems way too confusing. Why play games? It seems a little crazy that he would stop paying attention to you just so that you will pay more attention to him. Whether it's working or not, wouldn't it make you feel better to have him pay equal attention to you? I mean, cause you have been questioning what he's thinking. Obviously his little plan isn't all that smart.. Honestly, games are stupid. If you like someone, and it's obvious they like you, what's the point in playing games? It seems a little immature to me.
  2. Meow18

    please help

    I can understand why you feel the way you do. Is this something he has done before? Have you told him how you feel?
  3. I can see why you would be uncomfortable with this, I would be too! Schools have a right to ask you to do something if other students have complained about it. And somebody had to tell you about it. I don't think he went about it the right way. But it's possible that he was just really uncomfortable and felt like complimenting you wouldn't make you feel so bad about what he was going to tell you. But that's still not a good thing to say as a principal. I would say that for now just keep a close eye on him. If he EVER says anything else to you that might come off as harassment, let somebody know.
  4. I think that her flirting with him right in front of you was really wrong and he shouldn't have allowed it. Honestly, if I was you I would have a big talk with him. Don't yell at him or acuse him of anything, just say that it really hurt you to see that and you feel disrespected. If he really cares about you, then he will show it. He will understand how you feel.. and if he doesn't, then he's just a jerk. I'll bet he wouldn't have liked it one bit if he was in your position and "just another guy" was flirting with you like that.
  5. Hello Jess, welcome to enotalone! Seriously, all it takes is one possible pregancy scare to scare someone out of wanting to have sex until they feel responsible enough to actually raise another life. Sex with someone you love is good, I'll admit that. But there are so many ways to express love. I think that you know deep down that your boyfriend is just worried about the consequences. At 16 you are not ready for a baby. And he is strong enough to realize that you both aren't ready and he acted on that. I think you need to work on your own insecurities. You know your boyfriend loves you whether or not you are having sex. You know he loves you whether or not he tells you every day. You just need to trust that and not let all the little things make yourself question your relationship. You said everything else in the relationship was perfect, so chances are he's not "getting it from somewhere else". He is at the age where sex is something new and interesting, but that DOESN'T mean that he needs it or he's going to die. To me, it just seems like he cares a lot about your relationship and doesn't want to put either of you at risk for something you can't handle at this point in life. And it's definitely not wrong of you to miss that kind intimacy.. But it sounds like you have it all straightened out by only having sex once in awhile. But I have a hard time thinking that he could really be 100% comfortable with this. I mean, it only takes one time to get pregnant, so no matter how little you have sex, you still have the same chances.
  6. Words mean nothing if her actions can't prove them. For some people it's normal to not want to see your significant other every second. And for some people, they want to spend every moment either talking or spending time with that person. But if she doesn't want to spend every second with you, then you calling her all the time will only make it worse. I don't think you are abnormal. I think it's sweet that you care so much about her, but you have to understand that you are both obviously way different relationship-wise. And unfortunantly, it probably won't work out in the long run.
  7. Honestly, maybe she doesn't like you calling her so much. Maybe she doesn't want to spend every second with you. But if that's the case, she needs to tell you instead of making fun of you in front of her friends. That's just so disrespectful and unfair! I don't see why you put up with it. I mean, you might love her, but don't you deserve better than a girl who doesn't care about your feelings?
  8. Was she acting flirty towards him or something? I don't understand why he would say not to worry about it because she's always like that? Honestly, it was very disrespectful of him to completely ignore you and talk to this other girl. But was he doing an assignment too? Maybe he just didn't want to bother you while you did your work? Maybe he was bored?
  9. If you want to feel better about your body, maybe change your lifestyle. Try to workout a couple times a week. I don't think you are fat, but just hearing that your not fat won't make you feel completely better about yourself. Sometimes we just need to change a few things about our lifestyles to really feel good about ourselves.
  10. I don't believe I was one who encouraged you to go, but I'm proud of you for getting the courage to do it! It seems like it was a big step for you. Having conversations is hard for a lot of people, so really, you aren't alone there. A lot of times you just have no clue what to say to people. But yeah, talk about school, or work, or music. Ask them what they like to do, what movies they like. Just anything. We all have interests, so that's just one thing you could ask about. What makes a person a loser anyway? You only come off as confident as you feel. Maybe you just didn't come off as approachable at the party? I don't know, but putting yourself in social situations really will make all this easier. So this party was a baby step. Just keep trying to have conversations with people and realize that no one ever knows what exactly to say so it's ok to feel weird about it. The important thing here is to build your confidence. And the more you do it, the easier it will get for you.
  11. Like Rose2Summer said, introduce yourself. If you don't find out by then, ask her which department she works in. Just ask her about herself, like how she enjoys the job so far and what she does outside of work (like school). Then like Rose2Summer also suggested, let her know that if she ever needs anything she can come to you. Just take it from there!
  12. I'm really sorry. My family once had a guinea pig that we named Squeaky. I really enjoyed her. She didn't live much past 3 years I don't think. It was a very sad time. It's never easy to see a pet go downhill with sickness when you know there's nothing at all you can do. It sounds like you have a real connection with those pigs, and they feel it too. All you can do is have the confidence that you gave her a great life. She seemed like a happy pig and that's thanks to you!
  13. That's all completely NORMAL! Just because someone else is no longer in love with you doesn't mean your feelings automatically go away. You need to give yourself time. You are in the process of healing and it takes time. Don't be so hard on yourself for what you are feeling..
  14. She's right, she's moving on and so should you. Where are you hearing all this info about her? Cause it needs to stop. You need to stop either finding this stuff out, or allowing others to tell you. It's just going to make you crazy because after all she is moving on. Stay with no contact. It is none of your business who she's seeing or sleeping with. I understand how you feel and I know I would be hurting too if I was in your place, but you really really have to be looking out for yourself right now. You know she's NOT good for you, keep reminding yourself of that.
  15. First of all, welcome to enotalone! How long have you been together? Like you said, he loves you. He loves you for who you are right now. You not being good enough isn't what will make him leave you, I mean, he obviously thinks you are good enough! You feeling this insecure is what will make him leave you. And most likely it won't be because he wants to, just because he will feel like he's not doing a good enough job making you feel good enough and thinks you deserve someone who can. Honestly, you can't be in a relationship with someone you think is seriously better than you. There will always be doubts about his feelings, and that's not fair when he clearly does love you. In my opinion, you need to work on yourself. How can you let someone else love you when you don't even think positively about yourself. Everything you have said has been about your flaws. Isn't there anything about you worth being loved for? To him there obviously is..
  16. Chances are he won't apologize. He probably doesn't see a point in apologizing to you at this point. It's ashame that he would treat you that way, but at the same time I don't think you really would gain anything from an apology. Would that suddenly make everything better? Honestly, you need to stick to no contact. It's normal to be angry at the way someone treated you, but you never have to put up with anything from him again. He can be some other girl's problem. You deserve better.
  17. Chai gave excellent advice. Since you know where she works, the good news is that you still have other chances! I suggest going to wal mart and going in her lane when checking out. Try to make small conversation, like about work. Maybe ask how long she's been working there, or when she gets off work. And like Chai said, just remember that she's only human. She might be shy too. Don't be intiminated by her, there's no reason to be, you deserve a good girl!
  18. Sometimes you can't control the way a relationship ends. It was all on her and even though she wishes it didn't have to end this way, she knows it for the best. You need to stick to no contact. Now that you got your stuff, you have no reason to contact her, so try to stick with it. I promise in a few weeks you will start to feel better!
  19. That's great that things went well! And she probably appreciates the fact that you are so understanding and not pushing her to do something when she is so busy. Keep us updated!
  20. I think it is normal. It's kind of shallow of your ex to break up with you just for that. The first time is rarely ever a super "special" moment where everything goes perfectly. The more you worry, the greater your chances are of messing up somehow. So, just try to remind yourself that you have a great girlfriend now who is very understanding. She's not going to leave you if the first time isn't perfect. Don't be so hard on yourself. Your ex was a rude person and she probably didn't deserve you anyway.
  21. Does his dad physically abuse him? If so, then that's illegal and should be reported.. Do you mean that his dad won't allow him to see his girlfriend?
  22. It sounds possible that you could be lactose intolerant. They have pills that you can take that will make it so you don't feel sick after eating dairy. But like someone else mentioned, get a second opinion. It's not right for your doctor to just laugh your problems off. That's not a good doctor, and there might really be something wrong. I just found out that I had GERD. I couldn't eat without feeling really sick either.. so that could be a possibility as well. But get yourself to a good doctor!
  23. I can understand why you would be worried. You are a lot younger than he is, and perhaps you are at different levels in life. But the point is, he's happy with YOU. He wants to be with YOu. Who knows what will happen in the spring, who knows what will happen in the next 5 years. But you need to trust the fact that right now he loves you and is with you out of choice. He is choosing to be with you. He could be with anybody else, but you know, so could you. But you love each other and you are committed to each other. There's no point in worrying about what could happen in the future. You never know what could happen. But just take it day by day. I know it's a lot harder than it seems like it should be, but you have a great guy who obviously cares about you, and he won't forget you just because he's away at school.
  24. Sexually transmitted infection.. basically an std, only they changed the name for whatever reason.. Since you haven't known him that long, it's important that you get tested for a disease.
  25. Sometimes I think that it's normal to feel bad for breaking up with someone. I mean, you are telling someone you no longer want to be with them, and that's never an easy thing to do. But if you know you did it for the right reasons, then you should feel strong. The guilty feelings will pass soon enough. You just have to keep reminding yourself that you broke up for a reason and it's for the better.
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