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Everything posted by Meow18

  1. I agree with in_the_mirror. In my opinion, friendship right now might not be best because you will continue developing feelings for him most likely. And it will hurt you when you find out that he is seeing other people. I just think you need to give yourself time and if you want to keep a friendship, then keep a limited friendship.. like one where you only talk sometimes and you don't hang out much. This doesn't have to go on forever, just until you are at a place where you feel like you won't be hurt if you see him with another person.
  2. Honestly, I don't see any good in any of this. It's never ok to beat up another guy for being a jerk. Yes, he's a huge jerk, but SHE's ALLOWING it to happen! It would be one thing if she has tried to get him to stop, but she hasn't, so he sees no point in stopping. So the person you should be mad at is her.. Has he really sexually harassed her? By that I mean, has he done something to her where she tried to get him to stop? I mean really, the school might find it hard to believe since she is in fact still friends with him.. She's the one being disrespectful to your relationship. She's the one you are not happy with. She has a right to do what she wants and talk to who she wants. It's obvious by now she's not going to stop talking to this guy. And as much as I think she's being disrespectful, you also can't force her to do something. So, instead of giving her options, give yourself options. A.) Realize she's putting too much on you and not doing anything in return for the relationship. And break up with her. B.) Stay with her and deal with it.
  3. Usually it's completely normal to have some pain during the first few times. But like your doctor suggested, keep trying and use lubrication, and see if that doesn't help at all.
  4. Meow18


    I know you were really wanting this, so Congratulations!
  5. The important thing is to keep things slow. If you click on the first date, there's nothing at all wrong with flirting and showing her that you are interested. But you still have to remember that you don't really know her after the first date. You don't really know if you like her, or if you like what you think she is. So it's just important to find things out about her, ask her about herself.. just get to know her. If all you do is sleep together and make out, how do you get to know her that way? Just think things out and things will move naturally. You'll feel ready for the next step when the time is right!
  6. Gosh, it's so hard to believe how fast 5 years went by. I can still remember exactly how I felt and where I was at the time.. and how horrible I felt for the victims and their families and friends. I'll never forget this either. Thanks for posting this Hubman.
  7. I'm 5'8, so I guess my opinion wouldn't matter.. But I think that as long as you are at a healthy weight then it doesn't matter what size jeans you wear! And you said you went from a 13 down to a 5 or 7? That's awesome and you should be proud of that!
  8. First of all, I could never understand how you are feeling, I've never been at the point in life where I want to die. But I would like to help you in this time of need. I'm sorry you are feeling this way. But you need to know, you don't need this guy. Your boyfriend, ex boyfriend? Whatever he is, you are who you are with or without him. You are going through a break up on top of depression and break ups are hard enough on their own. You need time to get over him, and you will! Life might be hard now, but it gets better. It could only get better. You are at a point in life where it's so hard to see that things can turn around. I strongly suggest going to a therapist. And stick with it. Don't give up because you feel it's not helping because no harm could come from talking to someone openly about the way you are feeling. Feel free to PM me anytime!
  9. It's hard to say. Honestly, this girl sounds very flirty.. with all sorts of guys. It seems to me that she likes attention from guys, and she will go to who ever she can get attention from. Maybe I'm wrong about her, but I have a feeling that she's only using you for attention. That's probably confusing. But it just seems like she's not interested in having a relationship with you she's just hanging around you because she knows you like her.
  10. Like Scout said, this is difficult. And whatever you choose is your choice. But if you think there's any way in the world he's going to tell ANYONE, then that means it's POSSIBLE she could find out somehow. And in that case, she would probably be more hurt by the fact that she didn't find out from you. But that's just my advice and it's up to you at this point.
  11. First of all, welcome to enotalone! I'm sorry that you are feeling horrible for what happened. We all make mistakes though, some bigger than others. I think you need to tell your cousin exactly what happened because chances are, she's going to find out eventually. If you need to, write her a letter. I would say to do it in person, but maybe a letter would give her time alone to think about it and let the initial anger settle and then at some point she will forgive you.. I'm sort of worried though. It's never ok to blame mistakes on drinking. And if that is what really got in the way, then you really need to not drink so much. I mean, hopefully you learned your lesson about it though..
  12. My parents have a funny story about my older brother. He's the oldest and they were not prepared at all when they found out that my mom was pregnant. The day they brought him home from the hospital, my parents sat him down in his carrier and just stared at him. And I guess my mom started crying saying that she had no clue what to do with him.. and that she couldn't even keep plants alive. And 26 years later, my brother is very much alive! But the point is, no matter how old you are and no matter how much support you have, no one can ever really prepare for parenthood. But the fact that you are now married! And the fact that you have so much support will only make it easier. And I have a feeling that Ian is going to grow up feeling so lucky and so loved!
  13. Aw.. how romantic! You sound like you have a great guy, and you and your baby deserve that! Congratulations!
  14. I think you are overthinking this dream. I mean, maybe one day there's a posiblity that it might happen, but dreams don't tell the future. Sometimes we dream about things that we worry about.. do you worry about this happening a lot?
  15. Maybe she was just bored and was looking through all of her friends pictures, and came accross that one.. But whatever the case, you haven't been feeling good about your relationship for some time now. I think that the fact that things are now making you uncomfortable just shows that you really need to do something about it, and perhaps that means end the relationship with her?
  16. Like the others have said, try not to think too much about it now, of course it's hard not to! It will only drive you crazy though. There's no way to say why he's not calling, but I'm sure he will have a good excuse when he gets home. Keep us updated with how it goes!
  17. A lot of times, if I worried about something during the day, I'll have dreams about it that night. A lot of times we also dream about our fears. It's always so weird because it seems so real. But in my opinion, it's nothing more than just a dream. Don't let it get to you too much or it will just make you crazy!
  18. You are definitely right BellaDonna. You don't flirt with someone then make it obvious that you are interested if you want people to assume you are married. I guess you can look at it however you want, but he's definitely disrespectful to his wife, and that should not be overlooked. Especially because chances are he would be flirting and lying behind your back too.
  19. Yes. Move on. Two months? That is both selfish and immature. He could at least let you know it's over or something if he doesn't want to talk to you anymore. He cheated on you and now he's trying to play the victim here. Don't even try to contact him anymore. He's not worth it.
  20. It sounds to me like you just aren't sure about what you want right now. The fact that you aren't thrilled about seeing your boyfriend and the fact that you aren't sure what you feel is a sign that something is not right. You are starting a new life off at college, and it's great that you are so far enjoying it. Maybe you just aren't wanting to be tied down while off in a new stage of your life. And that's ok, a lot of people feel that way. But you need to think about what you are going to do about it. It's not fair to your boyfriend that you are having all these feelings and he has no clue that nothing is wrong. I think you need to talk to him and maybe take a break, or something?
  21. The only reason I can think of is because he's a jerk who is looking for something on the side of being married. It's kind of depressing that people would do that. But not everyone does. Perhaps his marriage isn't going well and his needs aren't being met in the marriage, but still that doesn't make it ok..
  22. Honestly, I'm sort of worried about this guy. You seem to have been getting along well lately, but he seems a little suspicious. Has he broken up with his girlfriend yet? And he told you not to analyze his actions towards you. So, to me that is saying that he doesn't want to lead you on because he doesn't want you to expect anything to become of both of you.. And now you haven't heard from him in almost a week?
  23. Well I can understand why you are hurt. But you need to try to stop thinking about what she is thinking. You just don't know what's going through her head and chances are unless she decides to tell you, then you won't know. Maybe she is trying to hurt you. Maybe she just trusts that your sister is emailing her because they were once friends. Whatever the case, you deserve better than that.
  24. I don't think you were wrong in saying that to him. Afterall it was an honest concern that you had. But I also think that there was major miscommunication between the both of you. To him everything seemed to be going well, but you were worried that he was only using you for sex. And like I said before, that wasn't wrong of you, I might have felt the same in your position. Give it a couple days and then try contacting him. After a few days, you will both have time to think things through. And that way you can both clearly talk about it. Just be honest with him. Let him know exactly why you felt the way you did.
  25. You are not being immature. And you are not wasting anyone's time! You are asking for help, and we are choosing to help you. So, please don't think that. That's definitely not what this site is about. You care about her and what's going on in her life. And it's hard to just stop yourself. I can understand that because I've been where you are before. All you can do is try. You need to try to keep no contact. You need to try to not care. And you need to try to focus on other positive things. None of that is easy. Break ups never are, but as long as you try, you will get over her with time! If you ever need anything, you can PM me.
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