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Everything posted by Meow18

  1. I'm an early childhood assistant teacher.. it just involves children birth through third grade. I don't know if that counts, but if so I would be happy to help.
  2. Honestly, she sounds immature with that email. But I have already told you how I feel about your girlfriend and your relationship. But you were mad because you were in class and she wouldn't hold your hand? I hate to say it but you go to class to learn.. not to be all over your girlfriend. That would be kind of rude to everyone else.
  3. I hate to say it, but your boyfriend is just plain rude. None of us take good pictures all the time. None of us look our best. But our significant other isn't supposed to tell you that you look bad! They are the ones who should be doing the opposite, even if we don't look at our best! This will eventually, if not already, bring your self esteem way down. Honestly, I wouldn't keep him. You deserve some respect. Seriously, he's being so disrespectful, and you have even tried telling him how you felt and he doesn't care at all. That's not something you should have to deal with.
  4. Your feelings weren't as deep for her then. And also maybe because you are feeling more insecure about something? What has changed since the beginning of your relationship?
  5. Just take your time and make sure that she will communicate with you. You need to know what's painful to her and what isn't. It's not painful for every girl.. I wasn't painful for me my first time. But we are all different. For some it can be painful the first couple of times trying. I wouldn't have wanted my first time to be any different. I trusted the guy and I knew he really cared about me. That was most important to me. So I don't have any regrets.
  6. Honestly, I wouldn't casually date a guy for 2 months. I would hope that by then he would know whether or not he wants to be committed to just me. In my opinion, you should ask her out. If you like her, why waste time? If she's already gone out with you a few times, chances are that she is at least interested. What do you have to lose by asking her now?
  7. Lostinmythoughts brought up a good point. I think you need to think about why you cheated. Although I don't think there's ever a good reason to cheat, I do think that most of the time the cheater has a reason, whether it's because your boyfriend doesn't give you something you want.. or maybe even because you were tempted and gave in, in which case, maybe you aren't ready to be committed to just one person?
  8. I think Scout gave excellent advice. Understand that from his view, things are way worse than you might realize. I would write him a note with what Scout suggested and leave it at that. All you can do is apologize for your mistake and hope that he will give you a chance to prove that you are sorry. That's all you can do.
  9. How much longer would you have to go? In my opinion, it would be ashame to go this far just to quit. Have you thought about what you want to do in the future, career-wise? Would this involve needing this degree? Don't drop out just because of the teachers. Of course, they do determine how much you will enjoy the class. I've transferred schools and it's so rare to find a really great teacher who is truly dedicated to what they do. My friends, some who go to really well known schools say the same. In my opinion, it's better to just stick to it. You will feel so much better when you have accomplished your goal.
  10. Well, if you punch a guy.. he might stop talking to your girlfriend, but he will probably also punch you back. And at the same time, your girlfriend might feel a bit controlled, like she can't have freedom to talk to who she wants because you will put an end to it. I would not want a boyfriend that went around beating other guys up just for showing some interest. It's like she's not allowed to be attractive to anyone but you. That can start being a burden on her life more than anything.
  11. But can you really control what other guys do? Punching them might stop for that moment, but can you go punching EVERY guy for showing interest in your girlfriend? Do you really think it would be worth the time? Your girlfriend wants to be committed to you either way..
  12. I don't think you are a horrible person/ex girlfriend. I think that you are obsessing over your ex, and you miss him, but it's NORMAL to feel the way you do. You are going through a heartbreak and honestly, most of us acted "crazy" when we were dumped. It's important to realize what you are doing and understand that it's not helping you or your situation. And you need to really believe that, or else you won't control your behavior.
  13. Have you been more insecure with yourself, or the meaning of your relationship lately?
  14. You seem too caring about how others will feel if you were to kill yourself. Suicide is a selfish act, and that's not you. Sometimes it's so easy to feel alone. But there are people who do love you, like your mom. Can you talk to her about your feelings? Life is what you make it. Have you tried to turn your life around? Have you joined after school clubs that seem interesting? You can meet so many friends that way.. What about your life depresses you?
  15. It's ok to get jealous.. everyone does, we just don't all show it the same way. The point is, she loves you to death. She wants to be with you. Not some random guy that she is talking to for 5 minutes. She will be flattered when others find her attractive, she will talk to guys who are talking to her, she will find others attractive at times. She's only human. The important thing is that she wants to be committed to you. She has made a committment to you because she loves you and thinks more of you than any other guy. Be proud of that.
  16. Whether he's moved on or not, you need to be moving on from him. It would really be in your best interest to let your friends know that you don't want to hang out with him anytime soon. And you don't want to hear about him. If they are real friends, they will understand and make time to see you without him. It's always hard, especially in your situation because you didn't break up with him because you lost feelings for him. You broke up with him because you deserved better than what he did.. and that will take some time to get through. Just hang in there and you know you always have us to talk to!
  17. Your not crazy, you just don't control your feelings and urges. There isn't anything you can do to change what you have done. But you can change how you act in the future. STOP CALLING HIM! It's hard, but you have to learn how to control yourself. You don't want to be this way, so make a point to change it. Chances are, once you stop contacting him, he will wonder where you went. He WILL notice you stopped because how could he not? Will he miss you? I don't know, but there's only one way to find out. Even if he doesn't ever want you back, you need to work on moving on. That way you will already be prepared for it if he never comes back to you.
  18. You need to stop answering her calls. If you don't feel you can control it, then change your number. She doesn't want you back. She just doesn't want you to forget about her. You need to realize that the only way to get over her is to not have anything to do with her calls. You know she is just using you. You know she doesn't want anything more than someone to listen to her problems. The only thing is that you can't handle her problems at the same time as getting over her. It just won't work that way. You need to be selfish for once with her and ignore her.
  19. Seabusqit, I think you know what you need to do. I think you know what you deserve and what you really want for yourself. His parents might still like her. Even after all she did to their son. Parents can get attached to their child's spouse. To them she might still be considered family. If they want her around, who has a right to say it's not ok? And your boyfriend doesn't have control over his ex. He doesnt' have control over what his parents choose. There might be more he could be doing.. but if he really wanted it, he would be doing it. It's not your problem. It probably feels like it is because it is effecting you. This is just what can happen when you date a guy who is so recently separated. I think you need to decide if this is something you can deal with. I don't see anything changing with your boyfriend in the near future.
  20. Well, you both need to realize that arguing will get you no where. Of course you need to discuss issues, but if they go unsolved, then it really will just build up til neither of you can handle it anymore. But really, I think he has his own issues that he needs to deal with before getting involved with someone else. He's confused. There's no way to really set him straight, only he can do that because only he really knows what's going on in his head. He said he didn't want to be in a relationship because he didn't want it turning out like the past. But he never really had time to figure out what exactly went wrong. Different relationships will have different struggles. He needs to get past the past relationship's struggles before he can get into a new one. In my opinion, you should maybe take a break and give him time to sort through his feelings.
  21. I wouldn't worry about the anniversary. I would say it's better to celebrate yearly.. I would say though that if you are having these strong doubts, and only after 2 months, then maybe it would be better to break things off? If someone just isn't exactly what you want then there's no point in wasting time.
  22. He doesn't want the relationship to end up like his past relationships, but honestly, that's where it's headed. In ways, I don't think that he had enough time to himself to really think about what went wrong in his past relationship. And it doesn't sound like he's thinking about how it could be better. So things are likely to repeat. But you have only been together 2 months. Why are you even talking about your future together-marriage and kids? Right now you should be working on building a good solid relationship and see if you can even get through that much of it. I think he needs time to himself. He is confused and it's not fair for him to take you through it.
  23. The first few times of having sex can be painful. There's no way around some pain. Just be glad that you are working together and you are doing all you can to help it not be as painful as it could be. It might take a few more times for her to really get used to it. Just continue with what you are doing and do lots of foreplay.
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