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Everything posted by Cid

  1. Cid


    Well that is when you have the need to be around someone all of the time. yes it is healthy to want attention from someone that you want to be your parnter but like you said That is a problem is that we dont know what are parnter calls too clingy unless (s)he tells us. I know where you are coming from the same thing happens to me and I react the same way. I feel that if you dont think that you are getting the same that your giveing, then you dont put as much into it and see what happens I found out that when I did that my g/f called me more and wanted me to come over more but it back fired on me at the same time becouse we did not talk or see eachouther for a month before she started to call me so that was a risk and it paid off. And yes it make sense.
  2. Cid


    Humm Is there a way to become less clingy when in a relationship? that is a good question. I beleave that we can become less clingy you can work on it if you know that you are clingy and if you know that you are half way now just try not to call or see someone every day or for extend hrs a day. It take time to get over being hurt that is all I can say is it takes time before you can calm the "fear". Well I hope that this helps.
  3. yes, it's possible. And I think that it is a good thing.
  4. I think that he might just want to be your friend. So dont set your self up for him to hurt you. But you never know.
  5. Dont read into it too much, take a deep breath and have fun when you meet her. Dont stress out too much or that will kill the moment.
  6. First welcome to enotalone from everyone. Now to your queston. There is not a pill that you can take (at least that I know of) Now you need to be understanding to your g/f she is ill so she dose not want to do things like that. The only thing that I can think of to make you not want to is to masterbat. Well I hope that this helps.
  7. no it dose not. Well I have to say it is alittle bit of both loving freely is nice but so is self-protection you just need to find a comfertble medum.
  8. Dave, Sounds good. Well this was your guys first date right? I would wate until at least the 3rd date befor you ask her to be your g/f. Ask her out on an anouther date, but wate for 2-3 days befor you ask her out so you dont sound despret. Yea you did not rush it, you had fun, sounds like a grate date. Just keep your cool, and dont become clingy. Like I said keep us up dated. It is nice to here that some of us are have luck with relasionships.
  9. I have to say that you shouuld not do that. I know that you miss being held. You cant make her think diffrent or feel diffrent. Sounds like she is just trying to move on with her life but she might still want to be friends. I would have done the same if I was in your place. You only avice is try to move on see outher people and try to forget her. It will take time and it will be hard.
  10. Go slowly and dont put your hart in it until you know if she is useing you.
  11. I am sorry to here that your going to kill your self. I want you to know by doing this you will hurt alot of people. Just to tell you I have been there I have thought of killing my self and even tryed but I was stoped by my roomate now I think him I wish that I never tryed to do that. But you see life is short and I wish that you can see that. But if you are going to do this I cant stop you. Even thought I wish that I could. I will pray for you and I hope that you find what your looking for in the after life. (shakes head, takes deep breath) God speed
  12. In the state of utah you CAN NOT get custody of your self. But you can get put in a foster home or moved to a famly members home. But I sugest that you do not get moved to a famly members home becouse that probly wont change a thing. No it is not physical abuse it is meantal abuse. I have to agree with it is not normal and I have to say dont run away. If you need to talk to someone you may pm me. remember we are here to help.
  13. I have to say that is the best way to get protien. But eating alot of protien wont help you that much. Just eat well. Lot of time if you eat alot of protien you will not eat the requred carbs, so your body has to turn the protien into carbs and that is hard to do for your body. So eat right and you will get your resalts that you want.
  14. Yes tell them the truth. That is all you can do.
  15. Go slowly, but ramber if she knows and dose not have the same feeling as you then it will change your friendship for ever. Just keep that in mind.
  16. It is hard to lose a love one. You are taking it better then most people do. Just remember that she is not in pain now and that she is in a better place.
  17. Do you know why you feel like this when you have a crush on someone? You better do something that gets him off your mind.
  18. Yes veary good and it explans the saying "just give it time"
  19. Take a deep breath and go for a walk try to clear your mind and calm down. You will get over him some day but give it time. It hurts when your parents yell at you and tell you that you cant do a thing. Well just let it go in one ear and out the outher. I hope you feel better soon.
  20. Stuffed animals is a good way to go if they like them. Just get something small but is from the hart.
  21. You are doing the best thing by notgoing out with him. He will just use you.
  22. I am the king of clingy, and to tell you that being clingy is a bad thing and you dont want to smother someone. I know that you like her but you are going to just going to have to let her go. Maby you might able to get back with her but you just need to give it time.
  23. Well you said Now that is what is probly happing you can tell if she liks you when she is with you. On your next date you can probly tell but keep us updated.
  24. That is good. I am glad that you are ok. Well it is starting to look better 2 good news in a row that must be a record. But I am glad that every thing is working out for you.
  25. Grats!!!! It is nice to see that someone is having luck on relasionships.
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