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Everything posted by Cid

  1. First welcome to enotalone frome everyone. Well it looks like you are in a pickle. She might have feelings for you but it is hard to say. The one thing that is makeing this hard is that she knows that you will wate for her. Now that is not a bad thing but sounds like she is useing you. I think that you should try not to call her or write her for 2-3 months and see where that leaves you. But keep going out with outher people you might find someone that you would like to date more then her. I hope that this helps.
  2. The only way that you will find out if she likes you more then a friend is to just ask her out.
  3. Well he might just want to be your friend and maby he wants to be more, that is one thing that you are going to have to find out for your self. What are you going to talk about? Talk about what ever comes into your mind. I know that you love him. But dont put all your hopes into this. Take every thing slow and remember why you to broke up in the first place. I Hope that this helps
  4. Cid

    Should I wait?

    Thanks morrigan. You have brought up a good point.
  5. It looks like your going to have to fight for them. And if I was you I would it sounds like they are not in a good household. I wish you the best of luck on getting them. You will be in my prayers. Good Luck. P.S. Welcome to enotalone from everyone.
  6. You can pm me or contact me at email removed
  7. It is hard to let the one go but it sounds like she is trying to do that and you should do the same. Wish that you will find happyness in the near future.
  8. You need to talk to her, yes it will put her on the spot but that will be the only way for you to find out.
  9. Thanks for responding Disillusioned, and Neva_black_n_white. Humm... I thought more people would respond to this one hehe that is what I get for thinking.
  10. The whole secret relasionship thing is a bad thing. I have been there done that. I can tell you that it wount work out unless you guys come out in the open.
  11. I dont know if you can make your self less clingy, but if you find out tell me so I can brake my habbet of beening clingy.
  12. I would say give her one more try and if she douse it agen then dont go after her.
  13. I am 6'1" and 145 lbs. Now I have been told alot of times that I am good looking. I dont know why but hey dont complan right? There is alot of girls out there that like skinney guys and short guys too. You just need to find them.
  14. I have to say one thing and that is go with the flow.
  15. Cid

    Should I wait?

    Thanks sleepers. I feel bad that you are not doing that good with your ex.
  16. It hurts I think we all been there. Now you just need to back off you pushed him and now he is runing. He still might come back but who knows. Just try to move on now. Date outher people and see how you feel after that. I hope that this helps.
  17. Now I have to say dont push him or he will run you need to give him some space. But you do need to sit him down and talk. Just remember he has to make up his mind if he wants to get back to you.
  18. If you guys still love each outher then go for it. It is not incest becouse you guys are only related by marrage so there is nothing wrong with it.
  19. Do what makes you happy I have changed my career 3 time now and I am only 21 you just need to find what you like to do.
  20. Give it a try but go slow becouse he is still healing.
  21. Only time will tell. But if you guys deside to get back to gether you should take it slow.
  22. The only way you will find out is if you ask her.
  23. Yes just what and see what happens now, being clingy is a bad thing and you should avoid it. I know that it is hard becouse I am clingy my self.
  24. Yes let her cool off monday go and talk to her and tell her what is going on.
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