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Everything posted by Cid

  1. If you love her and you want to be with her for the rest of your life then go for it. Sounds like she want you to.
  2. Cid

    Should I wait?

    veary! My biggest fear is to be alone.
  3. Cid

    Should I wait?

    Your right happy. I think that I am just use to being in an realisionship. It is just me being clingy. Thanks for responding happy. All avice is welcome.
  4. Yes take it slow and try to find out if she likes you then act on it.
  5. Sounds like she is just having fun right before she moves up north. Have fun.
  6. Yea you should try to change the days around so every one is happy.
  7. Ok my g/f or should I say my ex g/f is going to Iraq and so we broke up. She is going to be gone for 2 years and she asked me not to wait for her. I am in love with her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Now here is my problem I want to wait for her but at the same time I want to see outher people too. Now I feel bad about feeling that way. What is every ones opinon about this?
  8. You have done all that you can do. Now it is up to her to deside what she wants to do.
  9. Yes just talk to her and try to find out what is going on.
  10. Cid

    I don't know?

    Welcome back goofy. Well I say go for it. After class make shure that you walk out about the same time and start talking about class then say "hey I would like to get to know you better my I have your phone number?" That should work. I hope that this helps.
  11. I have to say is just be her friend and let her live her life. She has a b/f then DONT go after her or you will kill every thing that you to have.
  12. Take it slow show her that you still love her. remember it will take time.
  13. I would have to say leave him your doing the right thing.
  14. Try to move on see outher people and he might come back or he wont. Just live your life.
  15. Sounds good but go slowly you dont want to go back to where you where before. Good luck on geting him back.
  16. Just give it time and your feelings will die down.
  17. I am sorry that his happened. You are doing the best thing by moving on. I dont know why he did what he did.
  18. I know what you are going through my g/f is in the army reserves too and she has been actaved and like you she will be gone for 2 years. I think that you should tell her and ask her to write to you. I would like to talk to you in more deapth. It feels better that someone ealse is going through the same thing as me.
  19. Sounds like she likes you. I think you should go for it. But be quick or you might lose her after high school.
  20. There is nothing wrong about that. I my self have never dated someone of a diffrant race but hey look where I live I am in the whitest state of the america.
  21. Here is a tip to start to over come your shyness go uo to 20 people that you dont know and start talking to them for about 3-4 mins make shure that you have both sexes about 10 each. Now that will make you shyness alot less. But it will not get rid of it. I am 21 and I am still shy but some day I will be over it. I hope
  22. Yes like hollybells said time will heal all wounds.
  23. I feel bad for you and I know what you are going through in the last year I have just had a good friend die in Iraq he was 25. And to top it off my coz was in a car crash and will probley not make it she is only 17. I know all to well what you are going through. I have lost frineds before them but I have never greaved for them. I wish that you did not have to feel what ypu are feeling right now. Just remember it was there time to go up to god. Dont live in what if???? But remember who they are and what they did when there where alive. (stands up picks up a glass "I would like to say a tost? To all that we have lost I wish the best of time up there and I will see you all sooner or later." take big gulp and sits back down) With that said I would like to tell you if you need someone to talk to that has been through this before pm me.
  24. Yes you need to get out asap.
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