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Everything posted by Cid

  1. It sucks when you see someone that you care about hurt them selfs over and over. But remember it is her live and she needs to deside what she is going to with it. She might be over you but it is hard to say.
  2. Just give her time that is what she needs, or maby she has changed some times we just change and this is how she is now. Lest hope that it is the first thing.
  3. Cid


    Ok let me get this right. Your friend has a g/f but there is a girl that likes him that is not he g/f right? Well if that is the case then I sugest that he keeps seeing his g/f and tell the outher girl that he has a g/f. I hope that this helps.
  4. Trust him and help him through this if he loves you he wont do it. It is hard to go through this. But trust is the key for this one. Just trust him and you will get far.
  5. Follow you ahrt on this one but if you love him then let everyone know about it. Who cares about what everyone thinks? It is your life and you should be proud of what your doing. I say tell everyone and live it up.
  6. well no matter what it will be awkward unless she feels the same about you. So give it a try and tell her how you feel. What do you have to lose?
  7. Just keep going and try not to think about her. remember there is nothing that you can do it is all up to her now.
  8. Yes leave asap. Get out of there and find some help there is alot of people out there that will help you. but lissen to Jaimeluv and find a battered womans shelter. I wish you the best of luck and please keep us up dated. remember that we are here for you.
  9. Ok it will take time for her to get over the deaths, you just need to be there for her. Keep her close talk to her lissen to her. That will help her the best. We all take death diffrently I my self I have had 6 close friends die in the last two years and I have never cryed for them, the only one that has hurt was the last one but still I havent broke down. There will all ways be death in are life I hate to say that but it is true. I hope that your g/f will start to get over there deaths soon.
  10. Sounds like to me that she is living her life and haveing fun, even if it hurts her rep. Well maby she will grow out of this stage but I say dont whate for her. You should be out there haveing fun too. So get out there and have fun!!
  11. Cid


    It is all up to you if you want to date him. But if you do becarefull becouse of his past, and if you think that he is useing you then just walk out of the realsionship.
  12. First I have to say happy bday to you. Yes instant messaging is braking the no contact rule. Well if she wants to here from you she will have to brake the rule then and that is the point of the rule. If you want to here from her then contact her and brake the rule. Dont be sad have a happy bday and have fun.
  13. Yea there is alot to talk about and if you cant think of something then do some small talk. That will get things going but talk about things you both like and if you dont know what she lake ask her. Good luck.
  14. I would have to say tell her to get out and find her own place and then find someone ealse and try to get over her.
  15. Cool it is nice to see people get back to gether. Becouse most of the time it wont happen. But like I said Grats!!!!
  16. Cid


    It is a hard lesson but I gess we all need to learn it some day.
  17. Harsh I feel for you. Now I think that he dose not under stand there is nothing called safe sex. Well I sugest that when you talk to him that you act what every you are feeling. I sugets you do the test one more time just for him, and if he is still not beleving you then tell him that he will not have a thing to do with his child. Well I hope that every thing goes good for you. And good luck.
  18. Well I think that you should let your famly see her. His parants will get over it they need to under stand that she has outher grandparants and they need to see her too. Your boy friend will under stand it too, he might be depressed becouse he wants to see his parants but he needs to think how you feel. I hope that this helps.
  19. Cid


    been there done that. It sucks. Most of the time we dont want to see what is going on. When you get in to your next relasionship when you feel that or something like it lissen to your head and back down. That might save it if that is a problem.
  20. Well ont thing all of us guys need to know is that most of the time the girl will not have an orgasm, I think it is about a 3% of the time they will have one. But dont let get you down just give it time and you will stumble on the "spot" and she will have one. Well I hope that this helps.
  21. Cid


    It is hard to sense it and most of the time you will miss the signs becouse you dont want to to see them. I go with my heart more often then my head but I try to lissen to both though. And dont say that you will meet some great guy it just might take some time. But like I said it is hard to see if you are clingy unless someone tells you so, then you will look back at you past and see for your self. One thing I have found out about my self is that I am clingy in all things I meen I am clingy with my friends and in relasionships too. That is the main reasion that I am trying to change.
  22. Cid


    Well I did not know I was clingy until I was told my first time that my ex told me. But now I can some times see it coming but most of the time not until I have became a pain to the person that I am seeing. But when I see it coming I try to put the brakes on, but as you know that is hard to do. And when I am told I try to change my habbets so I am no longer a pain. One thing that I have found out is when I am told that I am a pain becouse I am clingy, I feel that I am a burden for the person, and feel that they dont like me to be around them. I know that most of the time it is not true but that runs through my head every time I am told that. When I find out that I am being clingy by my self I dont think that but I do try with all my might to back down.
  23. QTPie, You need to get a pregnancy test, I know that it is weard but you just need to get one. Dont care what outher people think and get one. But if you are too afrade to get one your self then get a friend to get you one. (I have had to get pregnancy test for my friends before) But that is the first thing that you must do. I have to agree with morrigan with what to do with your ex. Well I hope that this helps.
  24. Cid


    I wish I could tell you but it is hard for me to tell you when I cant do it ether. I have been hurt more times then I would like to say, but all I found is when you feel that you are somthering someone it is time to fight your need to get closer and back off a bit. It is hard becouse we are woried that if we back off they will leave us but that is not true most of the time.
  25. Well I lost my dog that has been with me sense I was 3 until I was 20. It was hard when she died but I known that it was for the best becouse she was suffering and we had to put her a sleep. I never cryed for her I dont even cry when humans die.
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