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Everything posted by babycristy456

  1. Confidence is important. You do not have to be super loud, conversational etc. but if she is attracted to you in any way, she will probably accept. The only way to find out is to try. If she refuses, don't be let down. Take it a step back and ask for her number, email, or maybe even ask her to study together one day. Like that she will get to know you and then feel more confortable going on a date with you. I have a story myself. My now boyfriend of 1 1/2 yrs. randomly asked me to be his valentines. I did not know him very well, so I turned him down bc I would rather spent it with my single friends partying. However, he did not give up, he asked me for my number and called me every so often until I got confortable getting to know him and hanging out with him. We started to hang out as friends at his house and then talking about each other etc...Then one thing lead to another and now were are happily together!
  2. it really hard getting over your ex-boyfriend and first love., especially for an emotional person. You are just going to have to trust her. It might turn out for the better. If you really love this girl, prove to her that you are the better guy here. Sometimes relationships turn into a contest, "who can treat me better" "who loves me better" but at the end she will choose who she loves better. Unfortunately she is unsure of that herself so you will just have to let things happen. But you should not continue with her once she starts to hurt you in any way (cheating,lying etc.)
  3. Yea, I know your situation... I think you should just hold your tongue and pride for the reason that he is you brother. You should, however, confront him and make him feel really bad about what he is doing to her. Leave it up to his own judgement to tell her or not. If he does it in his own house, he probably does things behind her back at other times. So, this might just be the unlucky time you caught him.
  4. You do not need to dump her but this girl is obviously still in love with her ex boyfriend. Let her know how you feel and that you want her to be completely over her ex, that was 1 yr ago. If she does not respond to your request, you should reflect if you want to be with someone who cannot get over their past bc she might hurt you later. See how she reacts after the trip, that is the only thing you can do. If she does something with her ex behind your back, then I think that should be the time you dump her. I know you do not want to hear about break ups bc you really like this girl, but something that works alot when the guy/girl is confused about a relationship is to take a break. A break is a little time for each of you to think about how your relationship is going and to go out with friends. Maybe she will realize how much she really loves you and she wants to be with you and will not socialize with her ex anymore if it conflicts with your relationship.
  5. Unless you have had intercourse, there is no way that shes pregnant. Your sperms need to physically reach her egg in order for her get pregnant. She is just late.
  6. Please, you do not need that! Sorry, but you are probably a respectable person, considering that you are in the military (very admirable). YOu are obviously not threatened by this new guy. Honestly, just let it go, go out, have fun, I am sure there are a lot of girls that want a guy like you. And that will not leave you or suck up your money. If I soun harsh, you haven't heard anything yet! lol JK. But seriously, I understand that you really love this girl, but you should take some serious time to reflect what type of person she is and if you want that in your future. And can you really trust her? Considering that you are in the military and will be out and about every so often... Good luck!
  7. I say: Have fun and let things develop and go as quickly as they roll. Its great to be in that puppy love stage of the relationship. Don't be anxious of what will happen in the future. Just wait and see.... Know when to stop You should only stop when things start to feel uncomfortable and he begins to pressure you into things you do not want to do. Remember that guys have hormones, so he might try to make a move you might not be comfortable with in the future. If the conversation ever comes up, tell him straight up what you are comfortable doing now so that he respects it. But unless that comes up, just enjoy the lovey dovey!
  8. This guy sounds like he's still healing from the cheating his ex did. They were together for a long time, and getting over that is tough. To be quite honest, I don't think he needs someone like you (And I don't mean that to offend you in any way bc I do not know you, but I am referring to the mind games and "stupid games"). But just put yourself in his position, would you (him) want your first relationship after your divorce to make you suffer and feel insecure? Probably not. Talk to him about how you are feeling and tell him to be honest about the way he feels. He might still be needing space since he is going through the divorce now. You never know, the only thing that is certain is that guys are not the most expressive people. They don't like to talk about their inner feelings to anyone, including their own girlfriend. So its best that you confront him. If you want a guy that is verbal, maybe you are searching in the wrong place.
  9. possible, if there is a way to get a test, do it. Because although it is unprobable, it is possible. I hope you are not, but if you are, discuss it with your boyfriend and see of solutions that will meet both of your needs.
  10. Yea don't worry about getting pregnant with foreplay unless you physically put his semen inside of you before it dies...Foreplay is just as it indicates "to play and have fun, not much worries. However, if you decide on sex....bring out the condoms.
  11. definitely, you should go to an online source for more info on different ways to aquire an STD and ways to prevent it.
  12. Actually, I suggest you go directly to your boss instead of her. It might give you great pleasure to put her in place, BUTTT...this confrontation might get out of hand and she might get an advantage over you, even though you do not instigate anything. The truth is, she is a big girl and she knows her actions are inappropriate, but she continues to say things to you. You don't need to remind her. Harrasment should not be put up with at all! Go and speak to your boss immediately, if it does not stop, go above him.
  13. hi, i actually posted up topics about my panic attacks too. but mines are not during sex or intimacy. They occur alll the time. I am a very nervous and anxious person too. I am also against medications AND i am 19...so we are on the same boat. I wish I can tell you an answer but i don't have one yet. I am going to see a doctor soon but if you need to talk, just PM me.
  14. I suggest you do not try to contact him at all. Don't pity yourself or miss him (although I know its inevitable) Think of all that he has put you through and get back at him....But not in a hateful way... Get yourself beautiful, go out, go to the gym, (but everything with moderation and with a healthy perspective please).Oh yea, and go out with friends, if you don't have any, then make some new friends and go out clubbing, meet new people etc...Don't just sit home and cry your life away. Honestly, crying is a part of healing but you will never heal if you don't get up, face the facts, and face the day with a hope for better things to come your way. Maybe you should look into yoga, its good excercise and disciplines you. One thing I learned from my break with my ex is that I am such a better person now in my current relationship. I even learned that if I can overcome that hard time in my life, I can ovecome anything, and I have. I cried manyyy times, but in return, I thank him because In return my self-esteem slowly re-assembled and I became more confident with the person I really am, I made new friends, and I concentrated on things that really mattered such as school and family. I hope the best for you, and remember that a guy who leaves you like that is not worth it. Keep telling yourself that bc he might even be back to hurt you again. But by that time you will be strong to send him back where he belongs!...!
  15. well, I doubt you might be in love. You are not even in a relationship with her. She just got you hooked on her by the way she acts with you (and everyone else). If you think you really do like her and are thinking about her alot, then maybe you should start taking care of yourself first. Try some healthy ways to lose weight. Healthy diet, exercise, etc. she will probably start to notice the changes. I even think that if you concentrate on bettering yourself, you will automatically feel happy without the girl, bc youll feel accomplished. After you reach your goal with yourself, try to reach her as a goal by maybe inviting her to dinner or something nice like that. Remember girls do not like guys tha pity themelves, they like self confidence and honesty. Well good luck!
  16. I don't think you should seek fake lines from romance novels...It will sound cheesy and as if you are trying too hard. Say real compliments you like about her like "she smells nice," "your hair looks so pretty today" or " I just wanna hold you forever"...Say things you really feel. Girls and compliments go hand in hand. Considering that we try hard to impress sometimes, we like our efforts to be appreciated.
  17. Judging from only 3 months of relationship, you guys might barely know each other to survive 5 years apart... Both you and him. I agree with cinderelly, you need to ask yourself lots of questions before making such a big more and if you decide this is worth it, it might be the only way to keep the relationship. This is a big move, in a place where you might be alone as well. Keep both his and your own interest in mind when deciding.
  18. You both have a lot to deal with, you and your girlfriend. You both are only 18 and have a kid together. That can overwhelm and shift anyone's personality and behavior. What I would do is schedule a very serious conversation with your girlfriend. Do not blame her or accuse her of anything, or get angry, so that she takes you seriously. Although, from the sounds of it, this does not sound like a healthy relationship and most of your "love" ha somewhat faded. But since you are in the situation you are in, I would suggest therapy for the sake of the baby. Remember, just like your girlfriend remembers the abuse of her father, your baby will remember all the fights mommy and daddy had, I know I still do... Let her know that her behavior is abusive and out of control and that you will be happy to seek counseling with her. Let her know how you feel as well so that she does not think you are just calling her crazy, but admit to your own loss of sel-control at times. Being serious and mature is the best way to approach this situation. If that does not work out, I would not suggest giving up full costody of your son underany circumstance, because the type of behavior she inflicts on you, can eventually lead her to inflict it on her baby. That will be the worst mistake you ever make. Good Luck with everything and I hope it turns out for the best.
  19. most guys like girls who are not experienced. If you want to reduce the chances of pregnancies, then you need to use contraceptives (there are many types such as condoms, birth control, and much much more). Most guys might pressure girls to having sex, but you should only do what you are comfortable doing with that person. I think foreplay is the best way to discover about sexuality rather than just jumping head first into sex.
  20. okay, I will say this once and for all... And for the records, I am a girl! One day I masterbated at least 20 times in one day. But that just one time I discovered the orgasm and wanted to know how many times in a row it could go on I think its normal, especially if your going through puberty. It will eventually cease as you enter your late teens and early adulthood. Also when you get a girlfriend, you will not do it as much either. Now, about the sperm not coming out at all, you need an orgasm for that obviously. So that is why it probably isn't coming out. If you do orgasm, and you have never cummed, then there might be a problem...
  21. o0o yea! I just had to answer this post. Sex is awesome. Most girls don't say this bc they don't get orgasms, but when you master your orgasms, sex can be whatever you want it to be... I know this is going to sound like preachy and fake but its the best with someone you truly love. If you just sleep around, it feels numb, literally. And for the record, since some of you were talking about chemicals... orgasms are a big stress reliever since it releases endorphins in your brain (A natural happy-high). I think thats why it feels so darn good! Well thats my experience and good luck with the safe sex you will have.
  22. What exactly is bounding you to him? Finance, contracts, no where to go... Do you have any other family member who you can explain this situation to and move in with them until you are on your feet? If you continue to live in that horrible scene of your past, you will never move on emotionally. Unfortunately, all I can offer you is luck and some advice and I hope that you are strong enough to make the right choices for your child and for yourself.
  23. If you think his words could be genuine, then tell him you need him to prove it. Refuse him sex until you are completely convinced that he might take it a step further than just casual. Tell him straight out that you dont want a casual relationship, you really like him, but if what he is saying is true, then to prove it. Anyways, when a guy is really interested in you, they never ask for sex in return until they are officially together. If he does not give you that, then don't give him sex. Unless of course you want to lose your self respect and let him use you as a sex object...
  24. Yea I understand its hard with families that put lots of pressure on their sons to follow their own traditions, which in fact we are living in a different culture all together now. Its not only Italians, but any culture, Im hispanic and I struggle with the same things. "Like don't move in with your boyfriend until you are married," or "you can't go away for college if not you'll become a crazy girl that no guy will want to marry"....Its a bunch of head games and bull cra* but at the end you need to decide for yourself, no matter who likes it or not. Well, good luck with that and i hope the ex-girl just eventually gets a clue.
  25. I had a case when I started getting bad breath and it was from gingivitis. I never have mouth problems so I never thought it was coming from that. You don't even know you have it until it starts to hurt. You might have it if youre gums bleed when you brush your teeth, your gums get swollen, or you get build up on your teeth.(Don't think Im disgusting either, breath is something im very conscious about too lol) They prescribe this bad as* mouth wash that cures bad breath in like 3 days. Another important thing is to floss, floss daily on your molars which accumulate food pieces and if you don't floss, they stay there, and it starts to smell! Tongue brushing is the most important I think. If it still does not go away, it has to be from your stomach, which happens too and you can't help that by brushing. So see a dentist/doctor for that case.
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