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Everything posted by babycristy456

  1. A man who dresses like a woman is not bc he likes lesbians...thats an excuse. he is cross dressing and gets excited over it. Everyone has their own kink and that is okay...but it should not be "sugar coated" by saying that he likes lesbians. He might like lesbians too, but this might also be an confusion of his own sexual desires. Having feelings and loving a person is one thing, but there are many areas that people need to be compatible in, such as sex, religion, values, long term goals, etc... that makes a relationship work. If relationships would simple just work out by "love" then there would not be so many heartbreaks, there has to be compatibility... Ask yourself "Can I live happily with this person and their habits every day of my life?" If you answer is no, then you should analyze the long-term promise that this relationship has.
  2. i dont think its the "friends" that might be causing a problem for you...For example, my boyfriend's friends are all...well...they are not the "player, crazy, bar" type of guys but that doesn't affect the person my boyfriend is....or acts. Self esteem is the main key to getting girls. I wouldn't jeapordize your friends for a "popular" crowd that might be bad friends in the long run... SkyFire is right...these sound like excuses...
  3. i agree with beec. There is no way to "make him" not be with her. He will do what he wants...and you can do one of two things: 1. act jealous and insecure, even get mad about it 2. keep him happy (but at the same time, keep one eye open) Option 1 will probably make him irritated by you option two will probably make him realize the good girl that you are and forget about his lousy ex... Good luck
  4. I don't know why people fuss so much about the "g spot". Clitorial stimulation is so much better...but thats just my opinion
  5. its not so much the type, but the way you use them. I think spermicide is a smart choice bc it kills any potential sperms that can "escape". But just make sure you use them the right way: only one at a time, a new one every time, they fit properly, don't keep them in hot place because they can deteriorate, don't keep one in your wallet for a long time, careful with your own nails because they can tear holes in it.. etc etc...
  6. just go get her number, if she gives it, then you know shes up for fun, if not then just drop it.
  7. That doesn't sound too good teacup...What would he make these stupid assumption? Well, you need to defend yourself here, call him and tell him just like you said it to us. If you don't, his prideful self will just think you are obsessed with him or something. Stop him before his thoughts run him over. Tell him how you feel so that you can correct his wrong assumptions. If he continues, then just ditch this guy bc that IS a lack of respect. You sound like you will be fine without him since you are just beginning to date.
  8. Whenever I engage in oral with someone new, I always think to myself "what if he doesn't like it," or "what if he doesn't like my "private area"? Now that i met my boyfriend, I was like that in the beginning too, but I eventually learned to just pay back and enjoy the ride.
  9. In the beginning my bf did not like to do it that much...so a cherry tasting lube did the trick to get him down there. From now on, he just does it on his own.
  10. If a girl carries viagra pills in her purse but not condoms, that is kinda strange. Its like a guy who carries condoms in his wallet. These are signs that these people sleep around. You should get tested quick bc this girl might have STDs..You don't know the people shes slept with. Also, please don't get so trashed that you make these stupid mistakes...you took a little blue pill from a stranger....um you lucky it was just viagra and not some other drug. You should ask a doctor about the effects of viagra at this age.
  11. I think that if you continue to tell your mother about how important it is to you, she will eventually give in. My mom can be like that too sometimes. I tell her I need to go to a psychiatrist bc I get depressed sometimes and she just tells me that Ill feel better soon. Well, it doesn't get better if you don't take care of your problems. If your mom can't afford it, try to save money up yourself. In the meantime, try some creams that might help. Read online on how to take better care of your skin. As for people's comment, some people think everyone is ugly. I have a friend that calls every girl ugly, when in fact they are attractive. There is also this guy I know that sounds like all the things you describe about yourself. He has major acne. But for some reason he gets so many girls that its a shock! The thing with him is his attitude. He struts himself like an actor and as if he had no acne. He has a hell of a self -esteem. If you work on your self esteem, you will immediately start to feel better and people will start to see you differently.
  12. when children are involved, it can be harder. But sometimes we need to face the facts, although they may not be pleasant. Your husband refuses to work the marriage out and go with the other woman. Kick his assss out and protect yourself and your children. If youve been with him for 20 years, well then let it be. People change and he obviously has.. Its better to move on while you still can, if he is already seeing his lawyers, he is unllikely to change his mind. It will be hard for you but be a strong woman!
  13. babyblue, If both are you are fine with it, then let it be. It does not change the fact that its disrespectful to each other. This is the type of situation that resembles the 3some...."the guy wants the 3 some, so does the girlfriend, and they get the third person involved...Everything is fun and dandy...then things somehow get out of hand when jealousy comes around. If you can deal with it, fine. But like I said, its one of those things that can get messy when you least expect it.
  14. Ill say one thing...and i hope you get my drift: "curiosity killed the cat" Okay ill guess Ill say a little bit more just because you sound like you mean well... I think you should focus on the real person in your life. Thats not to say that this guy on the internet is not "real". But since you have never met him, he has not really made an impact on your life...Has he been there when you needed a shoulder to cry on? Has he hugged you when you needed some love and care? Well, Im not good with example, but you get my point. I think this friend online is just too vague for you to risk something big like your relationship. If your boyfriend found out, he might be very upset, just like you would be too. I would snip it in the bud. Although its been 3 years of friendship, you guys still have not met. That should be enough for you to tell him goodbye, so long!
  15. Not a cheater, but cheated in the past with my first boyfriend of 2 year. I was only 15 and I was afraid I would be with this same guy for the rest of my life. I knew I was very young and wanted to know what was out there for me. It was not "sex" cheating, but emotional cheating. I regret breaking his heart, and my own as well (in the long run) but I don't regret it. It was not right, but we learn from our mistakes. I learned to forgive myself for it. I am also glad that I learned early in life about how painful it is to cheat and to get cheated on, it has made me a better person now. I actually hate cheaters so much that even when my own friends cheat, I feel like telling their boyfriends about it (which I don't, but thats how mad I get). I look at it this way, I cheated and I got my good deal of pain from it, I got what I deserved and more. Now every cheater should go through the same thing, let them hurtttttt and let them learn What goes on in the mind of a cheater is "thrill, excitement, danger" and sometimes things like "I can get away with it," or "what if he/she is better" or "I am not happy in my current relationship, but am afraid to let go" and some people are just too drunk to make right decisions, others don't have priorities, and others just don't care about other's feelings. I have not cheated or intend to cheat on my current boyfriend. As for having better sex, I cannot relate to that part. I did not cheat and sleep around. But when you have great sex with one person, its very tempting to compare it with someone who doesn't really "do it for ya".
  16. The truth is that although his cousin has feelings for you, along the line somewhere he is going to say.."this is messed up," and you will not only lose a bf of 4 years but not get a relationship with the cousin...and what would the family think. I think you should just let your poor boyfriend go and let him find a nice girl who will appreciate him and not mess around with family members. You know what, my boyfriend's step brother is HOT...and yes I have a crush on him. I personally think he has one on me too by the way hes very nice to me etc etc....but i have NEVER and never will react on it. I have never talked to him in private or called him or developed feelings for him or told him that I think he cute. Why? because I respect my boyfriend and I will never trade something so good for "a crush". If I ever decide that I am in love with this step brother, I will be too ashamed of myself to stay with my boyfriend and I will never let either of them know. Although they are not blood brothers by birth, they are by heart. and that is thicker than anything...so be smart and don't make stupid mistakes. If you are sure you are in love with this other guy, you need to let your boyfriend go.
  17. Some people can be selfish and use people for comfort, or as they call it "the rebound". I would just move on from him, bc if your a good girl like he says, you will have no trouble finding a better guy that will treat you very good. Just make sure that you don't let yourself be a pillow that he can rest on when he wants and later just toss when he is done. GOod luck and I hope the heartache fades quick
  18. You can spend whichever time together, its up to both of your schedules and lifestyles. I don't think it matters so much which time of day, but the fact that you spend time together. But if someone never sees you at night for example, I would ask why...If its because they work evening shifts, then its harmless, but if its "just because" then there might be something fishy going on.
  19. Honestly, there is no 100% guarantee that cheating will not happen in a relationship. I was cheated on by my ex, a guy I trusted 100%. I was extremely hurt but realized something, there is NO WAY to be sure of anything. I came to realize that everyone is human and has a tendency to "want something else," even myself. If someone is not happy with me and decides to play me, then I move on to the next guy. There is no need to dwell on thinking if every guy is going to do the same thing...Why? because we dont know! The best thing is for you to prepare yourself for the worst. i personally have been with my boyfriend who I trust 99% but inside I tell myself "He might have cheated before, I just have never caught him." And I am not out to get him either. If I find out, then he's gone. Very simple. I just learned from the past to never be a controlling girlfriend, never be the cheater, and always act like you trust him 100%. If something happens to "pop up" then I will investigate. Until then, I just live my life and enjoy the relationship. I know its a hard thing to go through for you, I thought that all guys cheat as well. My boyfriend is convincing me otherwise. But to answer your question, I think there ARE men (and women) who are capable of being faithful. But faithfulness also comes from happiness and communication. Its just important for you, as a woman, to be strong and not allow yourself to be sucked in to the lies, even if youve been with them for a long time. If a man sees that you are strong and independent, then he will probably hesitate to cheat because if he does, he knows he is gone gone gone.
  20. I have felt that way before too with "crap" guys. I have only orgasmed with boyfriends, never with random guys that I hook up with. I think its because there is not enough comfort to "let go" completely and enjoy yourself to the fullest with random hookups. Enjoying yourself, like experimenting different things, showing your partner different techniques, telling him/her what drives you crazy, itimacy of touching and caressing, and romantic talk etc... is not common unless you are emotionally involved with the other person.. This might sound like preaching, but I actually learned from experience. The romance and comfort is important in having great sex. I am not saying to go find a girlfriend, but try to find that comfort level while you are intimate with a girl. If closing your eyes and pretending you are in the comfort of your own home and your *hand* then let it be...
  21. yea it happens to me sometimes too. Doesn't mean your psychic. I just think it means that have a good sense for thing that are going to happen. For example, Im not psychic, but since I study people's behaviors alot (when they lie, when they are telling stories, their ways of expressions, etc etc.) I sometimes can predict what they are going to do next. It can feel that its dejavu. You might study people's behaviors without realizing it, and that can make your have a good sense of what "they are going to do next."
  22. This girl sounds like she has more things hidden that it seems. Move on from her and meet new girls. As for your question, If my boyfriend would tell me that he does not want me to be with him on his own birthday despite any conflicts between friends, I would feel very very upset. How rude is that?!
  23. I think she might have feelings for you too Just ask her about why she has been acting strange lately, thats the only way to know for sure
  24. Dreams can be funny at times. Ive had many recurring dreams that I know are not real. Chances are, if you do not remember this event hapenning, then it probably did not happen. But I am sure they can be disturbing, so talking to your parents about it, or a psychologist might help.
  25. I say you go, unless you are positive that it will hurt you. It could be last conversation with the family, so why not give it a try. To make it better on yourself, you can accept one offer, and decline the other. Tell them you can make it for dinner but cannot stay for the movie because you are overwhelmed with homework (or something like that). Dinner is a little more formal for conversation, while a movie is more laid back and comfortable. I would keep away from have that comfort zone of "hanging out" again with their family. they need to keep in mind that you and their daughter are not together anymore.
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